
  • 网络Jaap de Hoop Scheffer;Jakob Gijsbert "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer
  1. 然而有一个问题可能会破坏北约组织:选择北约秘书长夏侯雅伯(JaapdeHoopScheffer)的继承人问题。

    One issue could yet spoil the party : the choice of a secretary-general to succeed Jaap de Hoop Scheffer .

  2. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯宣布了这一决定。

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer announced the decision .

  3. 他将于8月接替夏侯雅伯掌管北约。

    He takes over the reins of the alliance from Scheffer in August .

  4. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯星期三说,俄罗斯的措施破坏了格鲁吉亚的主权,并敦促莫斯科收回有关的措施。

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said Wednesday the Russian steps undermine Georgian sovereignty and urged Moscow to reverse them .

  5. 布什总统在和北约秘书长夏侯雅伯私下会晤后,和其他北约领导人共进了工作晚餐。

    Mr. Bush conferred privately with NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer before joining other alliance leaders for an official working dinner .

  6. 夏侯雅伯先生说早先被北大西洋公约组织国家元首作出的关于格鲁吉亚州和乌克兰的所有仍然站着决定。

    Mr De Hoop Scheffer said that all previous decisions made by Nato heads of state regarding Georgia and Ukraine still stood .

  7. 布什和夏侯雅伯都预计,这次峰会将在阿富汗问题上产生积极成果。双方还计划在欧洲建立一个导弹防御系统。

    Both the president and the secretary-general predicted positive summit outcomes on Afghanistan and plans to put a missile defense system in Europe .

  8. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯将同俄驻北约大使德米特里·罗戈津举行“机密会谈”。

    The lunchtime talks took place between NATO 's secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Russia 's ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin .

  9. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯上星期访问喀布尔期间不失时机地敦促两国进行合作。

    During a visit to Kabul last week , NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer took time to urge both countries to cooperate .

  10. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯和布什总统将讨论阿富汗战争和北约组织27个成员国的进一步扩展的问题。

    Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and president will talk about the war in Afghanistan and further expansion of the27 member NATO aliens .

  11. 北约组织秘书长夏侯雅伯在会议开始的时候,要求这次高峰会议的与会者肃静,向在战斗中丧生的北约组织军人致意:

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer called the summit to order , with a tribute to alliance troops killed in the line of duty .

  12. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯在布鲁塞尔举行的一次记者会上说,护送船只的第一次任务进行得很好。

    At a press conference in Brussels , NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the first operation escorting a boat on had gone well .

  13. 北约外长周二决定重新参与与俄罗斯在“有条件毕业”的方式,北约秘书长夏侯雅伯说。

    NATO foreign ministers decided on Tuesday to re-engage with Russia in a " conditional and graduated " manner , NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said .

  14. 对夏侯雅伯来说,4月3-4日的会议将是最后一次北约峰会,他的秘书长任期将于七月份结束。

    The gathering on April 3 and 4 will be the last NATO summit for Jaap de Hoop Scheffer . His term as secretary-general runs out in July .

  15. 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯称,北约将向阿富汗增派多达4000人的部队,以加强8月份阿富汗总统选举期间的安保。

    The secretary-general of NATO , Jaap de Hoop Scheffer , said the alliance would send up to4,000 additional troops to Afghanistan to improve security during the presidential election in August .