
  • 网络Cheyenne
  1. 她们在夏延(Cheyenne)庆祝这件喜事,那里距离马修·谢巴德(MatthewShepard)16年前惨死的地方不过数英里之遥。

    They celebrated their union in Cheyenne , just miles away from where Matthew Shepard was left to die only 16 years ago .

  2. 夏延城市面积小也有帮助;路上来往的车辆更少,机动车是PM2.5的主要来源。

    Cheyenne 's small size may help ; fewer cars travel the roads , and vehicles are a key source of PM2.5 ( and ozone ) .

  3. 他强调,大城市和农村地区可以有不同的枪支法案,认为“在芝加哥适用的不一定在夏延【Cheyenne,美国怀俄明州的首府】适用”。

    He stresses that big cities and rural areas can have different gun laws , saying that " what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne " .

  4. 在这一点上,原来的夏延改名为夏延二。

    At this point , the original Cheyenne was renamed the Cheyenne II .

  5. 那么,亲爱的就这样吧,如果抓紧时间我还来得及赶到夏延。

    But it 's alright baby , if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne .