
  • 网络Shakira;She Wolf
  1. 歌手平克和夏奇拉穿著同样的巴尔曼牌衣服出席纽约的MTV音乐大奖颁奖典礼。

    Singers Pink and Shakira arrived at the MTV Music Awards wearing the same Balmain , in New York City .

  2. 去年夏天,巴塞罗纳足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona,简称:巴萨)球员杰拉德.皮克(GerardPiqué)和其流行歌手女友夏奇拉(Shakira)在旧金山组织了一次宴会。

    Last summer , FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqu é and his pop star partner Shakira organised a dinner in San Francisco .

  3. 2002年冬天,来自美国,当时在我大学所在的城市的一家孤儿院当义工的Ellen给我推荐了夏奇拉。

    In the winter of2002 , my friend Ellen from the states , who was working at an Orphanage in the city where my university is , introduced Shakira to me .

  4. 甚至美丽的夏奇拉在演唱《疯狂的》的副歌部分时教会了大家“Loca”(疯狂的)这个形容词。

    Even the beautiful Shakira teaches us the adjective " Loca " when she sings the refrain of her song with the same name 。

  5. 据夏奇拉的官网显示,米兰·皮克·梅巴拉克(MilanPiquéMebarak)重6磅6盎司(约6斤),母子平安。

    Milan Piqu é Mebarak was born at 6lbs , 6 oz. and - according to the Colombian singer 's website - mommy and baby are both in excellent health .

  6. 到周二,夏奇拉(Shakira)演唱的那首世界杯主题歌《非洲时刻》(WakaWaka)的彩铃下载听上去就会像上世纪80年代的摇滚乐一样遥远,而且我确信也会一样烦人。

    By Tuesday , the caller tune download of Shakira 's Waka Waka will sound as distant as a rock anthem from the 1980s , and as annoying I 'm sure .

  7. 夏奇拉同南非当红乐队“鲜磨乐团”一起录制了这首歌曲。

    She recorded it with the popular South African band Freshlyground .

  8. 大学时我没有机会表演一首夏奇拉的西语歌。

    I never got to perform Shakira 's songs in college .

  9. 夏奇拉和黑眼豆豆合唱团将成为开幕式的亮点。

    Sharia and the Black Eyed Peas were the highlights .

  10. 她当时是想让我通过听夏奇拉的歌学好西班牙语。

    She meant for me to learn Spanish through Shakira 's songs .

  11. 不管是夏奇拉或碧昂丝,我认为这是确定。

    Whether it 's Shakira or Beyonce , I think it 's OK .

  12. 你的全名就是夏奇拉?

    Is your full name Shakira ? '

  13. 这婚一结,你也算是夏奇拉的远房表弟了。

    So , because of this marriage , you 're basically third cousins with Shakira .

  14. 拉丁小天后、多项格莱美奖获得者夏奇拉于上周六抵达印度孟买,并首次在此举办了她的“抖胯”演唱会。

    Latin American multiple Grammy award singer Shakira arrived in Mumbai Saturday for her first hip-shaking Indian performance .

  15. 与此同时,红毯上出现了一个不幸的窘境,粉红佳人和夏奇拉穿著相同的巴尔曼礼服现身。

    Meanwhile , in an unfortunate red carpet faux pas , Pink and Shakira both showed up in the same Balmain dress .

  16. 今年落榜的明星搜罗杰西卡·辛普森、帕梅拉·安德森、夏奇拉和嘻哈巨匠克里斯·布朗。

    Off the list ? Jessica Simpson dropped off , as did Pamela Anderson , Shakira and hip hop 's Chris Brown .

  17. 在夏奇拉抵达印度前夕,当地报纸刊载了很多详细介绍如何学她跳舞动作的文章。

    In the run-up to shakira 's arrival , local newspapers have carried many articles detailing how to learn the singer 's dance moves .

  18. 夏奇拉还在声明中解释了名字的含义。“在斯拉夫语里,米兰的意思是亲爱的,可爱的,亲切的。在古罗马语里,米兰的意思是热切的,勤劳的。在梵语里,米兰的意思是统一,结合。”

    In the online post , Shakira explained that the name Milan , ( pronounced MEE-lahn ) , means dear , loving and gracious in Slavic ;

  19. 也许你是个43岁的会计,喜欢夏奇拉早期作品,但车厢里其他大部分乘客绝非如此。

    You may be a 43-year-old accountant with a penchant for Shakira 's early oeuvre , the rest of your carriage almost definitely isn 't. 5 .

  20. 就像当时对迈克尔·杰克逊的喜爱促使我努力学习英语一样,我对夏奇拉的偏执狂热激发了我学好西语的热情。

    Just like how my obsession for MJ reinforced my motivation to learn English well back then , my obsession with Shakira inspired me to learn Spanish well .

  21. 据报导,以性感的肚皮舞和颇具传染力的声音而闻名的夏奇拉在孟买的一家五星级旅店的总统套房下榻。

    Best known for sensual belly dancing and her powerful voice , Shakira stayed in the presidential suite at a five-star hotel in Mumbai , media reports said .

  22. 这位《好声音》评委将不再参加即将于下周播出的第六季,由夏奇拉再次坐上那张亮红色的椅子。

    The Voice coach will be taking off Season 6 of the show , which begins airing next week , with Shakira once again sitting in that bright red seat .

  23. 哥伦比亚美女夏奇拉集歌手、作词人、舞蹈演员、唱片制作人、舞蹈编剧以及模特于一身,她在2015全球美女榜中位列第十位。

    The Colombian singer , songwriter , dancer , record producer , choreographer , and model - Shakira stands 10th on the world 's most beautiful women of 2015 list .

  24. 对于夏奇拉而言,她公开表明对非洲音乐的热爱:非洲音乐极具感召力,在全球流行文化舞台上始终保持着举足轻重的地位。

    For her part , Shakira professes her love for African music , saying , African music is so inspiring and is poised to take its place on the global pop culture stage .

  25. 哥伦比亚流行巨星夏奇拉用非洲语言芳语唱道:“你为何而来,因为这是非洲。”

    " Tsamina mina , zangalewa ," sings Colombian pop superstar Shakira ," because this is Africa . " She sings in an African language called Fang , asking ," Who asked you to come ?"

  26. 但是,当我揪拽衣服的一角,想到起舞时,就象夏奇拉的热门歌曲“屁股不说谎”,我就决定在唐人街的夜晚里,碰碰运气。

    But when I imagined dancing to Shakira 's pop hit " Hips Don 't Lie " while holding up one side of my dress , I decided to take my chances with the Chinatown night .

  27. 正在进行专辑《魅惑约定2》世界巡演的夏奇拉在上周日的演唱会上演唱了《屁股不说谎》、《别打扰》和《非法》等她的几首著名单曲。

    Shakira , who is on a world tour for her " Oral Fixation Vol.2 " album , performed some of her biggest hits including " Hips don t lie "," Don t bother " and " Illegal " at the concert Sunday night .

  28. 最受男人欢迎的容貌是夏奇拉瀑布般的金发、米兰达·可儿翘翘的钮扣形鼻子、詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的额头、剑桥公爵夫人凯特王妃的浓眉和安吉丽娜·朱莉的颧骨以及她丰满的嘴唇。

    The most popular features for men were Shakira 's cascading blonde hair , Miranda Kerr 's button nose , the forehead of Jennifer Aniston , the Duchess of Cambridge 's pronounced eyebrows and Angelina Jolie 's cheekbones - as well as her famously full lips .

  29. 就在孩子降生的几个小时前,35岁的夏奇拉在推特上呼唤粉丝为她祈福。她推到:“在这个我生命中最重要的时刻里,希望你们的祈祷可以陪伴着我。夏奇拉。”

    Just hours before her little prince 's arrival , 35-year-old Shakira requested assistance from her fans while entering into labor , at which time she tweeted , " I 'd like to ask you all to accompany me in your prayers on this very important day of my life . Shak . "