
  • Charlotte;NC;Charlotte Church;CLT
  1. 夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。

    Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay .

  2. 夏洛特好像生活在现实之外。

    Charlotte seemed to be living at one remove from reality .

  3. 一到坦普尔站,夏洛特立即冲进了女厕所。

    At Temple station , Charlotte rushed into the Ladies .

  4. 夏洛特为彻夜狂欢精心打扮了一番。

    Charlotte was dressed for a night on the tiles

  5. “我很热,”夏洛特那带有甜美法国口音的话语仍在我的脑际盘旋。

    ' I was hot , ' I could still hear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent .

  6. 每年在爱丁堡市中心的夏洛特广场花园举行。

    It is held every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh .

  7. 女郎夏洛特(2)-LordAlfredTenyson

    The Lady Of Shalott ( 2 ) - Lord Alfred Tenyson

  8. 女郎夏洛特(3)-LordAlfredTenyson

    The Lady Of Shalott ( 3 ) - Lord Alfred Tenyson

  9. 以上就是夏洛特J。帕特森在最近的迎新致辞中的开场白。

    In this way Charlotte J.Patterson recently began her welcoming speech to arriving freshmen .

  10. 科比充满荣誉的高中生涯使他在1996年的NBA选秀中被夏洛特黄蜂队选中。

    Kobe 's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft .

  11. 这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:我为什么选择夏洛特•比尔斯?

    The WPP boss explains bluntly : Why did I pick Charlotte Beers ?

  12. 来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市(Charlotte)的尼古拉·克洛斯(NicoleGross)挣扎着要站起来,她的衬衫破烂不堪,腿受重伤,身旁一滩鲜血。

    Nicole Gross from Charlotte , North Carolina , struggled to get up , her shirt in tatters , her leg severely injured .

  13. 去年,在皮帕·米德尔顿和金融家JamesMatthews的婚礼上,所有的目光都盯着乔治小王子和夏洛特公主。

    All eyes were on Prince George and Princess Charlotte at their aunt Pippa 's wedding to financier James Matthews last year .

  14. 集中探讨了世纪之交的美国女性小说家,如夏洛特·P·吉尔曼、凯特·肖邦、伊迪丝·华顿和维拉·凯瑟等人的作品中所表现出来的女性主体意识和生存状态。

    This chapter concentrates on the subjective awareness and existential status of women displayed in the works of women writers such as Charlotte P. Gilman , Kate Chopin , Edith Wharton and Willa Cather , at the turn into the twentieth century .

  15. 夏洛特(Charlotte)、艾米丽(Emily)和安妮(Anne)用柯勒(Currer)、埃利斯(Ellis)和阿克顿·贝尔(ActonBell)为笔名发表了维多利亚文学中的杰作。

    Charlotte , Emily and Anne produced their masterworks of Victorian literature under the pseudonyms Currer , Ellis and Acton Bell .

  16. 乔丹在上世纪90年代曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得6次NBA冠军,现为NBA夏洛特黄蜂队老板的他去年收入高达1.1亿美元。

    Jordan , a six-time NBA champion in the 1990s with the Chicago Bulls who now owns the league 's Charlotte Hornets , made $ 110m last year .

  17. 每当吉姆•罗杰斯(JimRogers)缺乏灵感的时候,这位杜克能源(DukeEnergy)的首席执行官就会转身面对自己办公桌后面的巨幅油画。他的办公室就在位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的公司总部。

    Whenever Jim Rogers is lacking inspiration , the chief executive of Duke Energy can turn to the large painting behind his office desk in the company 's headquarters in Charlotte , North Carolina .

  18. 新单《Here'sToNeverGrowingUp》由马丁约翰逊制作,他也是流行朋克乐队BoysLikeGirls的主唱,同时他也为泰勒斯威夫特、麦莉塞勒斯和狂野夏洛特制作过专辑。

    ' Here 's to Never Growing Up ' was produced by Martin Johnson , who is best known as the frontman of pop-punk band Boys Like Girls , and has previously produced tracks for Taylor Swift , Miley Cyrus and Good Charlotte .

  19. ESPN证实,联盟和NBA球员协会已经同意电视转播这两位全明星队长,为他们选择2019年夏洛特全明星赛的阵容。

    ESPN confirmed that the NBA and NBA Players Association have agreed to televise the two All-Star captains selecting their squads for the 2019 All-Star Game in Charlotte .

  20. 乔治和夏洛特分别由小演员PrestonKarwat和BriellaWeintraub扮演。

    George and Charlotte will be played by young actors Preston Karwat and Briella Weintraub , respectively .

  21. 后来,我发现丁尼生(Tennyson)的〈夏洛特〉(“LadyofShalott”),因为有节焰感,对于心智失衡者具有一种安抚作用。

    Later , I found that Tennyson " s ' Lady of Shalott " had a soothing , because rhythmic , effect on the mentally disturbed .

  22. 在一场皇家礼仪聚会间歇期,凯特王妃(KateMiddleton)亲自给夏洛特公主拍下第一组官方照片——并通过推特(Twitter)肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)账号发布。

    In a break from Royal protocol , the Duchess of Cambridge has taken Princess Charlotte 's first official portraits herself - and released them on Twitter via the Kensington Palace account .

  23. 新剧被HBOMax称为该90年代和00年代热播剧的“新篇章”,这部10集的连续剧将跟随演绎嘉莉、米兰达和夏洛特在50多岁时的女人生活轨迹,并计划于春季在纽约开拍。

    Described by HBO Max as a " new chapter " of the hit ' 90s and ' 00s show , the 10-episode series will follow Carrie , Miranda and Charlotte as they navigate their life in their 50s , and is scheduled to begin production in New York in spring .

  24. 范妮Ardant,苏菲玛索,艾格尼丝Jaoui,夏洛特Gainsbourg,迪塔冯Teese,卡罗尔花束或者ClaireChazal和奥黛丽Pulvar作出自己的裙子之一。

    Fanny Ardant , Sophie Marceau , Agnes Jaoui , Charlotte Gainsbourg , Dita von Teese , Carol bouquet or Claire Chazal and Audrey Pulvar one to make their own dress .

  25. 抵达皮克顿(Picton)后,我们下车乘船穿过夏洛特女王峡湾前往千洞湾度假村,这儿既是旅程的起点又是终点。

    At Picton you leave your car and take a boat through Queen Charlotte Sound to the Bay of Many Coves , where this story began and ends .

  26. (Nymphomaniac)因展示大量活春宫图片而被誉为艺术影片,其演员阵容超豪华——夏洛特•甘斯布(CharlotteGainsbourg)、希安•拉博夫(ShiaLaBeouf)以及乌玛•瑟曼(UmaThurman)等明星云集。

    Lars von Trier 's latest film , Nymphomaniac , is touted as an art house film with graphic unsimulated sex scenes , and boasts an all-star cast including Charlotte Gainsbourg , Shia LaBeouf , and Uma Thurman .

  27. 因为在最初的陈述中夏洛特告知警方

    Because in an initial statement Charlotte made to the police ,

  28. -玛尔戈你俩是-夏洛特撮合我们的

    Margaux ... are you two -- Charlotte set us up .

  29. 简:这是个好主意,夏洛特。

    JANE : That ` s a good idea , Charlotte .

  30. 夏洛特经常因为他大发脾气而泪流满面。

    Charlotte was often reduced to tears by his angry outbursts .