
  • Yao;Ming Yao;NBA
  1. 人们呆呆地看着那个叫姚明的高个子篮球队员。

    People were gaping at the tall basketball player , Yao Ming .

  2. 他们也是更好的篮球后卫。问问姚明就知道了。

    They are also better basketball guards.Just ask Yao Ming .

  3. 姚明,全国政协委员、退役篮球明星

    Yao Ming , member of the CPPCC National Committee and former basketball star

  4. 姚明与奥尼尔在NBA比赛效率的比较研究

    Comparison Research on Playing Efficiency between Yao Ming and O'neal in NBA

  5. 加入NBA标志着姚明辉煌事业的开端。

    Joining NBA marked the beginning of Yao Ming 's successful career .

  6. (前篮球巨星及全民英雄姚明(YaoMing)是他邻居)。

    ( Yao Ming , the former basketball star and national hero , is a neighbour ) .

  7. 姚明进军私募股权业的消息此前路透社(Reuters)曾报道过。

    News of Mr. Yao 's move was previously reported by Reuters .

  8. 那除了你的同胞姚明以外,谁是您喜爱的nba球员?

    So besides your countryman Yao Ming , who is your favorite NBA player ?

  9. 对于nba来说,姚明的到来简直再及时不过了。

    Yao 's arrival couldn 't have come at a better time for the nba .

  10. 姚明退役之后,中国球员也没在NBA掀起什么波澜。

    Since Yao 's retirement , Chinese players are hardly taking the N.B.A. by storm .

  11. 姚明的不断进步的球技来自于他在NBA比赛中的出色表现。

    Yao Ming 's steady progress in skills results from his wonderful performance in the NBA matches .

  12. 离开NBA后,将时间和钱财投入新生的姚明是明智的。

    He has become a wise man who has devoted time and money into life after the NBA .

  13. 易建联是继姚明、王治郅和巴特尔之后第四个加入NBA的中国人。

    Yi will be the fourth Chinese to play in NBA following Yao , Wang Zhizhi and Menke Bateer .

  14. 根据联盟的消息,休斯敦火箭队主力姚明已决定结束他在NBA九年的职业生涯。

    According to league 's sources , Houston Rockets'center Yao Ming has decided to retire after nine seasons in the NBA .

  15. 姚明效应也影响着CBA,CBA事实上和NBA并没有什么职业挂钩。

    The Yao Ming Effect is also influencing the CBA , which actually has no professional connection with the NBA .

  16. 2009年,姚明收购了自己年少时效力的CBA俱乐部上海大鲨鱼队。

    In 2009 , Yao bought the Shanghai Sharks , the CBA club where he played as a teenager .

  17. 其实,姚明的车唯一“特别定制”的地方就是车后方的“YY”(YaoMingYeLi)标志。

    In fact , the only customized feature of Yao 's car is a " Y & Y " logo-for Yao and his wife Ye Li-on the rear .

  18. 在NBA历史上,任何一位新手,哪怕是迈克尔·乔丹,也不如姚明这样风光。

    No other rookie in the history of the NBA , not even Michael Jordan , has received more fanfare than Yao Ming .

  19. 中国NBA球星姚明将带着火炬点燃仪式主火炬,随后是在颐和园的庆祝活动。

    Chinese NBA star Yao Ming will carry the torch to ignite a ceremonial cauldron before a celebration at the palace , organizers said .

  20. 2009年,姚明投资了他之前效力的球队,上海大鲨鱼队,一支来自他家乡的CBA球队。

    In2009 , Yao Ming invested in his former team , the Shanghai Sharks , the CBA team from his hometown .

  21. 第一次在UnitedStates展出的姚明蜡像大受欢迎(welcome),在蜡像的揭幕仪式上,中国(china)杂技艺术团特地表演了反重力扣篮以示欢迎(welcome)。

    Yao was welcomed-in wax-for the first time in the United States and welcomed by a troupe of Chinese acrobats performing a gravity-defying gymnastic slam dunk at the unveiling ceremony .

  22. 本周一消息,来自中国的NBA全明星中锋姚明与十几岁时相识的女友经历了八年的爱情长跑后,将于今年8月完婚。

    China 's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart in August , after an eight-year courtship , it was reported Monday .

  23. 2002年的夏天,当姚明刚刚加盟休斯敦火箭队时,就有人质疑他在NBA究竟能打多好。

    When Yao Ming came to the Houston Rockets in the summer of2002 there were questions about just how good he might be in the NBA .

  24. 好像姚明,尽管他是一名NBA职业球员,但国家的召唤对他来说是最重要的。

    Like Yao , even though he is an NBA pro , but whenever his country needs him to go back , is certainly the most important .

  25. 通过对美国职业篮球联赛的技术指标进行比较分析,研究了姚明与奥尼尔在NBA中防守效率、投篮效率、进攻效率等比赛效率方面的实际状况。

    Through research of the technology index of NBA , this paper compares the defence efficiency , shot efficiency and offence efficiency between Yao ming and O ' neal .

  26. 姚明带着他的热情投入了葡萄酒行业,成立了以酿酒师汤姆•辛德(TomHinde)为首的酿酒团队,创办了姚家族葡萄酒公司(YaoFamilyWines)。

    Ming took his passion and ran with it , setting up a winemaking team , led by winemaker Tom Hinde , in Napa and starting Yao Family Wines .

  27. 姚明是第一个闯入NBA成为主力的中国篮球球星,据NBA联盟消息称,在休斯顿火箭队度过了九个霉运缠身的赛季后,姚明已经决定退役。

    Yao Ming , the first major Chinese star to break into the NBA , has decided to retire after nine star-crossed seasons with the Rockets , according to league sources .

  28. 刚到NBA时也曾被针对的姚明说,用肤色来解释这一问题是不对的。

    Yao , who was a target himself when he first got to the NBA , said he thought it was wrong to think about it in terms of skin color .

  29. JVG坚持说姚明的暑假作业并没有限制他的成长。

    Jeff Van Gundy has insisted that Yao 's summer workload has not limited his growth .

  30. 但这一次,东道主挤满蓝球馆&为了一睹姚明。这位中国本土出产的明星,在美国NBA休斯敦火箭队(HoustonRockets)专业打球。

    But this time , the hosts will also cram into the basketball arena to see Yao Ming , their homegrown star who plays professionally for the NBA 's Houston Rockets .