
  • 网络Arlington;Arrington;Michael Arrington;Arlington, TX
  1. 中投拥有总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的电力集团爱依斯(aes)15%的股份。

    CIC owns 15 per cent of AES , the power group based in Arlington , Virginia .

  2. NPR新闻,克雷格·温德姆弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市报道。

    Craig Windham , NPR News , Arlington , Virginia .

  3. 据NPR新闻的安德鲁·帕森斯报道,上百人在阿灵顿国家公墓出席了今天的纪念仪式。

    NPR 's Andrew Parsons reports hundreds attended commemorations today at Arlington National Cemetery .

  4. 阿灵顿还记得当她发现平均一件LillyPulitzer衣服的价格时她的反应是什么。

    Arrington remembers her reaction when she discovered what an average Lilly Pulitzer piece might cost .

  5. 迈尔斯凯西(MilesCasey)今年24岁,来自阿灵顿,是一名科学教师。他说:白天,我们看上去就像是一帮失业的嬉皮士。

    During the day , we just look like a bunch of out-of-work hippies , said Miles Casey , 24 , a science teacher from Arlington .

  6. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的海军陆战队战争纪念碑(MarineCorpsWarMemorial)的灵感也来自这张照片。在纪念碑上的雕像中,六个32英尺(约合10米)高的人物的姿势,与罗森塔尔捕捉到的姿势一致。

    The photograph was also the inspiration for the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington , Va. , a statue in which six 32-foot-tall figures are depicted in the positions captured by Mr. Rosenthal .

  7. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington)的查德・布拉德福德(ChadBradford)和卡佳・布拉德福德(KatyaBradford)为他们的蜜月预订了JumbyBay的“共度套餐”。

    Chad and Katya Bradford of Arlington , Va. , booked Jumby Bay 's Together Package for their honeymoon .

  8. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,美国著名科技博客TechCrunch创始人兼联合主编迈克尔•阿灵顿正在募集一只风险投资基金,主要投资于初创科技公司。

    Michael Arrington , founder and co-editor of techcrunch , is raising a venture capital fund to invest in early-stage technology companies , fortune has learned .

  9. 阿灵顿曾是硅谷的一名律师,2005年创办TechCrunch之前,也曾是一名天使投资人。

    Arrington , a onetime Silicon Valley attorney , was an occasional angel investor before founding techcrunch in 2005 .

  10. 根据弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington)职场研究与咨询公司CorporateExecutiveBoard最近进行的一项调查,公司管理层希望明年的员工业绩比当前水平提高20%。

    Executives are looking for a 20 % improvement in employee performance next year from current levels , according to a recent survey by the Corporate Executive Board , an Arlington , Va. , business research and advisory firm 。

  11. 埃尔萨巴在缅怀儿子时说:“他总是希望尽自己的一切力量做出奉献。”今晚,他与其他成千上万的英烈一起长眠于阿灵顿国家公墓(ArlingtonNationalCemetery)。

    In describing her son , Elsheba said , " He always wanted to help any way that he could . " Tonight , he 's buried alongside thousands of heroes in Arlington National Cemetery .

  12. 阿灵顿JalontaFreeman,在德州的一个加油站被一个陌生人接近,出售他自称800美元买的全新的iPad,仅卖200美元。

    Jalonta Freeman of Arlington , Texas was approached by a stranger at a gas station , selling what he claimed to be a brand new $ 800 iPad , for just $ 200 .

  13. 去年,RubyDCamp在弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿的一个酒店里举行,吸引了大约70人,多数人对这个会议都报以赞扬的态度。

    Last year , Ruby DCamp was held in a hotel in Arlington , VA , attracted about seventy people , and was lauded by most of its attendees .

  14. TechCrunch流量飞速上升,一些人物杂志也开始探讨像迈克尔•阿灵顿这样喜怒无常的人是否能成为道德的楷模?

    Traffic soon jumped , which brought the magazine profiles wondering whether someone as unpredictably temperamental as Michael Arrington could be a force for good .

  15. 阿灵顿,弗吉尼亚州-今天的SUV和皮卡构成前几代的风险远远小于人们在汽车和小型货车,从公路安全说明保险研究所的一个新的研究。

    ARLINGTON , VA-Today 's SUVs and pickups pose far less risk to people in cars and minivans than previous generations , a new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows .

  16. 在阿灵顿的带领下,TechCrunch蒸蒸日上,业务兴旺发达,几乎没有任何独立站点能与之匹敌。

    Arrington willed techcrunch into a thriving site and business , sucking up so much oxygen that few other independent sites were able to challenge him .

  17. 45岁的杰姬•格雷(JackieGray)是伊利诺伊州阿灵顿高地一家咨询公司的部门主管。她保留了前夫送她的、一位崭露头角的画家的画,尽管她讨厌这幅画。

    And Jackie Gray , 45 , who runs a department for a consulting firm in Arlington Heights , Ill . , has been hanging on to a painting by an up-and-coming artist that her ex-husband gave her , despite hating it . '

  18. 今年年初,阿灵顿宣布,他将重操旧业,继续进行投资活动&并为初创公司纳普斯特(Napster)的创始人肖恩•范宁与掘客网(Digg)创始人凯文•罗斯提供了资助。

    Then , earlier this year , Arrington announced that he was back in the investing game & backing new start-ups from Napster founder Shawn fanning and Digg creator Kevin rose .

  19. HallieWilfert是SRA国际组织的高级信息架构师,SRA国际组织是一个技术和战略顾问公司,在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿,她在那里工作主要负责政府客户。

    Hallie Wilfert is a Senior Information Architect at SRA International , a technology and strategic consulting firm in Arlington , VA , where she works mainly with government clients .

  20. Freeman说她觉得自己很愚蠢,但是上了宝贵的一课,而且给出了她的建议:“不要大街上的任何人那买东西。”阿灵顿的一个警察发言人说这种犯罪通常在圣诞节前比较猖狂。

    Freeman said she felt stupid , but learned a valuable lesson , and offered this advice , " Don 't buy anything on the streets from nobody . " An Arlington police spokesperson said that crimes of this kind always increase leading up to Christmas .

  21. 只有两位美国总统葬于阿灵顿国家公墓。

    Only two American presidents are buried at Arlington National Cemetery .

  22. 谢谢你们来听阿灵顿国家公园的演讲。

    Thank you for coming to hear about Arlington Park .

  23. 阿灵顿国家公墓这个时候很漂亮,不是吗?

    Arlington is beautiful at this time of year , is it not ?

  24. 这边显示您订购的是阿灵顿桌和四把米兰椅。

    It says here you purchased the Arlington table and four Milano chairs .

  25. 业界急需一个英雄人物,于是他们找到了阿灵顿。

    Startups needed a champion , and they found one in the blunt Arrington .

  26. 您也可以步行到这里从林肯纪念堂横跨阿灵顿大桥。

    You can also walk here from the Lincoln Memorial across the Arlington Bridge .

  27. 我现在与弗吉利亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。

    I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington , Virginia .

  28. 她又再婚了,目前住在阿灵顿市。

    She 's remarried and living in arlington .

  29. 阿灵顿公园设备齐全,经理们在这里过得很愉快。

    Arlington Park is very well equipped , and managers always enjoy their stay .

  30. 葬礼之后,总统的骨灰葬在阿灵顿国家公墓。

    After the funeral , the President 's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery .