
qínɡ bào rén yuán
  • intelligence;intelligence agent;intelligence personnel
  1. 在第二次世界大战之前,女性不能当情报人员。

    Before World War II , women were not recruited as intelligence officers

  2. 他们怀疑这是开罗情报人员玩的空城计。

    They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence .

  3. 情报人员报告说,敌军正在策划发动新攻势。

    Intelligence has ( have ) reported that enemy is planning a new attack .

  4. 他们派遣情报人员煽动当地的民众。

    They sent agents to agitate the local people .

  5. 1952年,她与英国的情报人员梁康柏(LeonComber)结婚,并成为英国公民。

    In 1952 , she married British intelligence officer Leon Comber and became a British citizen .

  6. 虽说fbi8年前就确立了新的工作重点,它的情报人员指出,变化管理仍是一项亟须学习的重要技能。

    Even though the FBI identified its new priorities eight years ago , agents say change management is still an important skill to study .

  7. 当爱德华斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)本月早些时候泄露有关美国政府监视活动的文件时,这名29岁的前情报人员表示,他希望开启一场有关在科技新时代保护美国人隐私的辩论。

    When Edward Snowden leaked documents about US surveillance activities earlier this month , the 29-year-old former intelligence official said he wanted to start a debate about privacy protection for Americans in a new technological era .

  8. 当美国陆军于2006年发表其最新情报人员操作手册时,情报处副参谋长约翰金蒙斯将军(GeneralJohnKimmons,)矢口否认酷刑有效:严刑逼供得不到任何有用的情报。

    When the US army published its latest manual for intelligence staff in 2006 , General John Kimmons , the deputy chief of staff for intelligence , flatly denied torture worked : No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices .

  9. 此外,他说,这名前情报人员也没有意识到,政府对他帮助训练并提供装备的九月山游击队(Kuwolregiment),以及那些被朝鲜认为是卖国贼的人,怀有“发自心底的仇恨”。

    Further , the former intelligence officer was not aware , he says , of the " visceral hatred " the government felt for the Kuwol regiment guerrillas he had helped train and equip , and who are considered as traitors in North Korea .

  10. 另一位情报人员迈克尔认为007纯粹是虚构的。

    Another officer , Michael , thought 007 was pure fantasy .

  11. 网络环境下科技情报人员的继续教育问题

    Continuing education questions of technology intelligence personnel under the network environment

  12. 图书情报人员现代创新意识教育之思考

    Consideration about Modern Innovation Consciousness Education to Librarians and Information Personnel

  13. 他表面上是领事馆雇员,实为情报人员。

    Ostensibly a consular employee , he is actually a spy .

  14. 你当时知道这两个人是伊朗情报人员么?

    Were you aware these two men were Iranian intelligence officers ?

  15. 信息时代图书情报人员应具备的信息素养

    The Information Literacy of Librarian and Intelligence Personnel in the Information Era

  16. 21世纪图书情报人员的继续教育

    The Continuous Education of Library and Information Professionals in the 21st Century

  17. 我在南斯拉夫与一个情报人员见面。

    I had a meeting with an informant in yugoslavia .

  18. 情报人员显然地帮助了他们的科学家发展小型核弹头。

    The intelligence apparently helped their scientists build a miniaturized nuclear warhead .

  19. 图书情报人员则是美的使者。

    Librarians , therefore , are the messengers of beauty .

  20. 它的目标由三大评级机构的情报人员挑选。

    Its targets were selected by the intelligence of three rating agencies .

  21. 提高中等专业学校图书情报人员素质的几点思考

    Thinking on Promotion of Secondary Professional School Librarian 's Quality

  22. 企业培养竞争情报人员迫在眉睫

    It is extremely urgent for Chinese corporations to train competitive intelligence personnel

  23. 求解模型,便可实现对各类科技情报人员的定量考核。企业竞争情报人员体系结构研究

    Research on the System Structure of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Professionals

  24. 那个人说的和我们的情报人员告诉我们的一致。

    What the man said consisted with what our spy told us .

  25. 克林顿的情报人员们最终怕了那东西,终止了计划。

    The Clinton watchdogs finally freaked out about it , closed down .

  26. 他表示,美国已经增加在伊拉克的情报人员和监视活动。

    He says the US has increased intelligence and surveillance in Iraq .

  27. 论图书情报人员素质与远程教育

    A Discussion on the Stuff of Library and Information Professionals & Distance Education

  28. 21世纪高校图书情报人员的现代意识

    Modern consciousness of University Librarians in the 21st century

  29. 你们的一切军事行动都瞒不过我们在那里的情报人员。

    None of your military movements could be concealed from our agents there .

  30. 俄罗斯称逮捕了一名试图招募反情报人员的美国外交官员。

    Moscow claims it caught a U.S. diplomat trying to recruit a counter-intelligence officer .