
  • 网络Affective Model;emotional model;emotional mode
  1. 让我们使这样的情感模式更完美一些。

    Let 's make this scenario even more perfect .

  2. 透过鲁迅小说的情感模式,可以发现叙述者充满了孤独与绝望的精神体验。

    The essence of spirit of the season 's narrating is loneliness and desperation .

  3. 城乡对立&前新时期1城市小说情感模式研究

    Cities Vs Countryside-A Study of the Sentiment Pattern in City Novel Writing at the Pre-Neo Period

  4. 从灶戏的文化模式中,我们可以看到它所具有的民俗性、情感模式及宗教情结。

    The cultural pattern of Zao opera reflects the folk customs , the emotion and the relative religion .

  5. 它创造和控制我们的遗传情感模式和对某一个情感状况容易得病的体质。

    It creates and controls our genetic emotional profile as well as our predisposition to certain emotional conditions .

  6. 魏晋南北朝文学表现家族观念的情感模式

    The emotion models showing the clan sense in the literature of Wei , Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties

  7. 从诗歌鉴赏的角度来看,诗歌意境是一种中介性的社会情感模式。

    From the view-point of poetical appreciation , the artistic conception of poetry is an intermediary model of social emotion .

  8. 并提出宅间环境设计的几种模式:园林模式、主题模式和情感模式。

    Propose several kinds of modes of environment design among the residences : Mode of the garden , theme mode and emotion mode .

  9. 灯烛意象在李义山诗中多次出现,它正体现了诗人特定的心态、特定的情感模式和审美模式。

    Lamp and candle images appear many times in LI Yi-shan 's poems , reflecting the poet 's specific psychology , emotions and aesthetic mode .

  10. 后新时期城市小说的一个重要情感模式是反抗城市。

    From the perspective of ' emotional mode ' , the thesis makes a concrete explanation and analysis of urban novel in the post-new era .

  11. 斯通博士说,人们的情感模式有可能是和人们生活中的改变,甚至是脑化学的改变有关。

    Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world , or maybe even changes in brain chemistry .

  12. 大多数丧偶的人所经历的伤痛一般遵循一种可以预测的,甚至是经典的模式。对这种情感模式的了解是有所裨益的。

    Grief is a process that in most bereaved people follows a predictable , almost classic pattern , and a fore-knowledge of that pattern can help .

  13. 它们分别是:概念模式、体验模式、情境模式、情感模式、技能模式、表演模式、创作模式、探索模式、合作模式等。

    They are definition model , experience model , situation model , emotion model , skill model , performance model , creation model , corporation model and investigating model .

  14. 真诚也是女人想要的。女人究竟想要什么女人心难懂,其一是她们的思维和情感模式与男人不同。

    One reason why understanding a woman isn 't such an easy thing is because the way women process thoughts and emotions is drastically different than their male counterparts .

  15. 其次,根据散文审美规律和学生审美实践特征,提出了四种教学模式以供参考,即情感模式、感悟模式、探究模式和创造模式。

    Then the thesis set forth four basic teaching patterns : emotion pattern , comprehension pattern , inquiry pattern and creation pattern , which can be referred to in teaching .

  16. 汉末魏晋辞赋人神相恋题材的情感模式及文体特征

    On the Theme of the Emotional Pattern and Stylistic Characteristics of the Human-Goddess Love Described in the Prose Poems from the Late Han Dynasty to Three Kingdoms and the Jin Dynasty

  17. 从传统文化的角度来分析,安土重迁的文化传统为文人们铸就了故土难离的恋乡情感模式。

    Analyzing it from traditional culture standpoint , the cultural tradition of being attached to one 's native land builds up this homesick mode and make people unwilling to leave their hometown .

  18. 调查还发现,男人和女人进入老年后的情感模式形似。

    The survey also found that men and women have similar as they grow older . However , women at all ages reported more sadness , stress and worry than men did .

  19. 研究团队在按照这种方法将1700多本书逐本分析、并画出每本书的动态曲线图之后,他们发现所有的故事最后基本上都会归结到几种情感模式中的一种。

    Doing this for over 1700 books and charting the dynamics of each text , the team discovered that all stories basically boil down to one of a set number of emotional patterns .

  20. 研究也表明随着年龄增长,男性和女性拥有相似的情感模式。然而,据报道所有年龄段的女性比男性更加伤感、紧张和忧虑。

    The study also showed that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older . However , women at all ages reported more sadness , stress and worry than men .

  21. 这些在思想解放背景下的反思文学的优秀文本,普遍呈现出对一系列整体概念的“母与子”式的情感模式和与传统文化难以剥离的文化原型。

    These contexts , which are reflections on the Revolution Culture under the trend of emancipation of ideas , commonly show a series of sensibility patterns of Mother and Son and the cultural archetype which is reluctant to separate from the traditional culture .

  22. 公共领域与私人领域分离带来的直接后果就是认为男性与女性分别形成了不同的情感模式和思维,这两种不同的道德品质分别被刻画为正义伦理与关怀伦理。

    The direct consequence carried on the separation between public and private areas is that men and women are respectively nurtured different patterns of emotion and thinking , and that their different kinds of moral quality are described as justice ethics and caring ethics .

  23. 其次具体分析了研究性学习模式、探究发现模式、认知情感模式及强力策略和知识策略结合模式等主要创造教学模式,在此基础上提出了城市地理创造教学的规律;

    Second analyze in a specific way research-study mode , investigate-find mode perception emotion mode and strong strategy combined with knowledge strategy , which are main creating teaching modes and in the foundation of this , it puts forward the regulation in city geography creating teaching .

  24. 这些最终构筑了中国文人的恋乡情感心理模式。

    All of these create the nostalgia psychological mode of Chinese literator .

  25. 科学教育活动的认知与情感结合模式研究

    On the Model of Combining Cognition with Emotion in the Scientifically Educational Activities

  26. 论高校教师情感管理模式

    Of the emotional management of college teachers

  27. 建立情感激励模式。

    And form emotional incentive mode .

  28. 论情感教学模式

    On the Affective Model of Teaching

  29. 对体育情感教育模式的指导思想、教育过程和特点进行了探讨。

    It has a exploration for guiding thinking , basic education process and feature of physical emotion model .

  30. 大学生思想政治理论课课堂教学中情感互动模式的构建

    The Construction of " emotional interaction " mode in Classroom Teaching of ideological and political theory courses for College Students