
  • Sign elements;typochemical element
  1. NBA乐园里的10大标志性元素包括:

    NBA Playzone features 10 signature elements :

  2. 梦龙的音乐融入了摇滚乐的经典元素,除了吉他与鼓的重金属合音、励志歌词等摇滚乐标志性元素外,他们还成功将独立乐队时的民谣元素植根于现下的大众音乐作品中。

    Besides typical elements of rock music , such as the heavy sound of guitar and drums and self-empowering lyrics , Imagine Dragons have successfully incorporated their folk influences from their indie music roots into their mainstream songs .

  3. 面具和骷髅是他艺术作品中标志性的元素。

    Masks and skeletons are the symbol elements in his works .

  4. 因为标志的视觉元素和海报是完全一样的。

    because the visual information of the logo and the actual poster is exactly the same .

  5. 这个标志表明该元素与图不在同一个工程里。

    This decorator indicates that this element does not belong to the same Project as the diagram .

  6. 另外应用元素地球化学理论可以探讨成煤作用,一些微量元素可以用作煤层对比标志,微量元素对煤炭开采、加工、利用等方面都将产生影响。

    Moreover the geochemistry of trace elements in coal could be used to explain the coalification , and some elements as special marker could be used to compare the coal beds .

  7. 它的伟大工程为标志和其他设计元素。

    It works great for logos and other design elements .

  8. 《白卫军》中的记忆时空定格在乌克兰内战时期,作者在描述这场战争时留下了许多具有标志性的记忆元素,这些元素成为一个个鲜明的记忆符号将读者带入那段特殊时期的记忆之中。

    The author describes the war marked with a lot of iconic memory elements , which become lots of vivid memory symbol that will bring readers into a memory of that special period .

  9. 本文概述了对水系物质迁移过程示踪的各种方法,包括人工示踪剂方法、生物标志法、微量元素及同位素示踪方法等,指出了它们的环境应用价值。

    This paper has discussed the methods of tracing the characteristics of pollutants existing in the different water environment , including the method of using artificial tracer , the biomarker signal method , the microelement tracer method and the isotopes tracer method , and connect them with the environmental research .

  10. 汉字标志设计应该从标志设计中走出来,将一切可用于汉字标志设计的元素利用和调动起来;

    Chinese logo design logo design should be coming out of all Chinese characters can be used in logo design and the use of mobilized elements ;