
guāng diàn qì jiàn
  • photoelectric device;photodevice;photoconducting device
光电器件[guāng diàn qì jiàn]
  1. 所述的光电器件可以是CCD光电器件或CMOS影像传感器,它们被虚拟分块形成不同方向或位置。

    The photoelectric device can be a CCD photoelectric device or a CMOS image sensor , which are virtually divided into different directions or positions .

  2. ZnO薄膜是一种直接宽带隙半导体材料,具有多种用途,可广泛的应用于太阳能电池、压电薄膜、光电器件、气敏器件和紫外探测器等方面。

    ZnO film , a semiconductor with wide direct band gap , has been actively studied because of its potential applications . It can be used in solar cell , piezoelectric device , photoelectric device , gas sensor and UV detector and the characteristics can be modulated by appropriate doping .

  3. C(60)半导体光电器件

    C_ ( 60 ) semiconductor optoelectronics devices

  4. C(60)是一种良好的电子受体,能形成D-A型分子体系,从而用于光电器件设计;

    C60 is a good electron acceptor , can make D-A molecular which is applied to photovoltaic devices designing ;

  5. Si光电器件表面减反膜设计的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Designing Antireflective Coating on the Surface of Si Optoelectric Devices

  6. 用于纳米光电器件的Ti纳米氧化线的AFM加工

    AFM Oxidation of Ti Oxide Lines for Nano Photoelectric Devices

  7. GaN基材料生长及其在光电器件领域的应用

    Growth Methods and Its Applications in Optoelectronic Devices of GaN-Based Semiconductor Materials

  8. 探测功率10~(-10)W的光电器件的计算与设计

    Calculation and Design of Photodiode with Noise Equivalent Power of 10 ~ ( - 10 ) W

  9. GaN基材料的特性及光电器件应用

    Growth Methods of GaN - Based Materials and Their Applications in Optoelectronic Fields

  10. 使用它们可以制造出许多高性能的光电器件,如高亮度发光二极管(LED)等。

    Using these materials , many high performances photonic devices such as high brightness light emitting diode ( LED ) can be manufactured .

  11. 该逻辑门有望应用于多功能光电器件的构建,在纳米生物传感和DNA分子计算机方面有广阔的应用前景。

    This logic gate provided great promising for the construction of multifunctional optoelectronic devices , which had broad prospects in biological sensing and DNA computer .

  12. 光电器件用铟锡氧化物ITO薄膜的制备及特性研究

    Preparation and Investigation of Indium 、 Tin Oxide Films Used on Photoelectronic Device

  13. 结果发现,ZnO的加入可以明显提高光电器件的光电转换效率。

    The results showed that the join of ZnO can significantly improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the devices .

  14. 线阵CCD光电器件MTF测量

    Measurement Device MTF of CCD Liner Photo-Electric

  15. ZnO是一种在蓝光及紫外光电器件领域极有应用前途的直接带隙宽禁带半导体材料。

    Zinc oxide is a direct and wide bandgap semiconductor material with many promising properties for blue / UV optoelectronics .

  16. 着眼于设计器件的要求,从CAD技术的开发环境入手,采用全定制的设计方法和分层设计的概念,较方便地达到了光电器件版图设计的基本要求。

    The paper describes pattern design for optoelectronic devices by CAD technique . Full-custom design approach is used and concept of hierarchy design is introduced .

  17. 一维PSD位置敏感光电器件的应用研究

    Applied Study of One Dimension PSD

  18. 基于GPIB的光电器件自动测控系统的设计

    Design of automatic measurement system for optical devices on GPIB

  19. 本文对InP微波光电器件的物理特性进行了研究。

    This paper presents a study on the physical characteristics of InP microwave photoelectric device .

  20. 磷化铟(InP)已成为光电器件和微电子器件不可或缺的重要半导体材料。

    Indium Phosphide ( InP ) has been indispensable to both optical and electronic devices .

  21. ZnO纳米薄膜材料由于其优异的光学、电学特性,近些年成为纳米光电器件领域的研究热点。

    ZnO nanostructure films have been attracting considerable attentions owing to their excellent optical and electrical properties as well as promising applications in optoelectronic devices .

  22. 随着半导体光电器件CCD的快速发展,CCD技术被广泛地应用在测量领域,尤其是在微小位移方面的测量。

    With the rapid development of semiconductor optoelectronic devices CCD , CCD technology is widely used in measurement , especially in terms of small displacement measurements .

  23. 六方纤锌矿结构的ZnO材料由于其具有独特的电学和光学性能,在压电、气体传感器、光电器件等领域有广泛的应用。

    ZnO material with hexagonal wurtzite structure has been widely used in piezoelectric , optoelectronic devices and sensors due to its unique electrical and optical properties .

  24. 介绍了先进光电器件用金属基复合材料(MMC)的研究现状,重点讨论了结构级、精密级、光学级和电子级MMC的工艺特性和设计特点。

    This paper introduces the current situation of research on metal matrix composites applied to optics and electronic devices .

  25. 由于具有这些特点,一维ZnO纳米结构成为构筑纳米光电器件的结构单元,显示出广阔的应用前景。

    Because of these merits , one-dimensional ( 1D ) ZnO nanostructures have served as the building blocks for potential applications in optoelectronic devices and show good prospects .

  26. 为了能让ZnO广泛应用于各类光电器件,有必要对ZnO进行掺杂来改善其物理和化学性能。

    In order that ZnO can be applied in various optoelectronics devices , it is necessary that we should improve physical and chemical properties of ZnO by doping .

  27. 近年来,它在紫外光电器件和GaN衬底材料等方面的应用前景而使其成为新的研究热点。

    Now the prospect of its wide applications in uv optoelectronic devices and substrate for the epitaxial growth of GaN have drawn a great attraction .

  28. 因此,ZnO被视为制备紫外探测器、紫外激光器等紫外波段光电器件最具有潜力的半导体材料之一。

    Therefore , ZnO has been regarded as one of the most potential materials for manufacturing the ultraviolet ( UV ) optoelectronic devices such as UV detectors and UV lasers .

  29. 另外,PPV光电器件的性能可通过与无机纳米粒子复合来改进。

    Additionally , the performance of photovoltaic devices based on PPV can be enhanced by incorporating of inorganic nanoparticles .

  30. 介绍了一种新型功率集成光激MOS控制多路开关,它由双向晶闸管、MOS器件、光电器件组成。

    A new power integrated light activated MOS controlled multiway switch is described , which consists of bi directional thyristors , MOS and photoelectric devices .