
guāng huán
  • halo;glory;aureole;corona;nimbus;a ring of light
光环 [guāng huán]
  • [a ring of light] 环绕在某些行星(如土星、木星、天王星)周围的明亮的环状物,主要由铁和水等组成

光环[guāng huán]
  1. 你或许是一颗行星,带着神秘的光环;

    Perhaps you are a planet , is having the mystical corona ;

  2. 云雾体整体作用形成宝光光环。

    It is believed that the whole fog body can form the glory corona .

  3. 从身体上能够看见光环,或从心理上感觉到它,或者二者都可以

    Auras can be seen physically , or sensed psychically , or both .

  4. 该片的故事背景设定在一个女性全体灭绝的荒原星球上,所有男性的想法都可以在他们头部周围闪烁的光环中看到和听到。

    The film is set on a wilderness10 planet where all the women have died , and all the men 's thoughts can be seen and heard in auras that shimmer11 around their heads .

  5. 图中更新后的ValidateRequestactivity周围出现一个黄色光环。

    The diagram updates with a yellow halo around the Validate Request activity .

  6. 作为首次公开发行(IPO)场所,伦敦已经失去了光环吗?

    Has London lost its aura as a venue for initial public offerings ?

  7. 即使是碧昂丝也不得不写了数百首歌曲,才有了今天Halo这首歌获得的光环。

    Even Beyonce had to make hundreds of songs to get Halo .

  8. 基于光纤光栅和光环形器的DWDM环网性能分析

    Performance Analysis of DWDM Ring Based on Fiber Grating and Optical Circulators

  9. 与此同时,在Facebook光环的照射下,那些更难将用户转化为收入的网站看上去也相当耀眼。

    Meanwhile , the Facebook aura is reflecting on networks that will have an even tougher challenge turning users into revenues .

  10. 活动分子有效利用Facebook组织埃及革命,也给这家公司戴上了一个尴尬的光环。

    Also , its effective use by activists to help organise the revolt in Egypt has left an inconvenient halo around the company .

  11. 在TCL,先锋的光环迅速转变为巨大的失败。

    For TCL , pioneering glory quickly led to a dramatic fall from grace .

  12. 说到这里让我FT一下,游侠的宠物大全有错误,暗黑水仙的光环是200%回兰。

    Here let me FT about pet Ranger Guinness a mistake , Dark halo Narcissus is200 % back to Portland .

  13. 单双向OADM节点混合时的光环形网的保护

    Protection of optical ring networks with mixed unidirectional and bidirectional OADM node

  14. 雷克萨斯LFA堪称所谓“光环车型”(或曰“旗舰车型”)的活标本。

    The LFA is the living definition of the halo car .

  15. 微软表示,它正在和导演斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)开发一个基于其广受欢迎的《光环》(Halo)系列太空战游戏制作的电视节目。

    The company said it is developing a television show based on its popular Halo space-war game series with director Steven Spielberg .

  16. 它们的光环开始发出红光,像火灾警报一样的警笛声在房子里回响,我的iPhone也收到Nest应用发来的报警。

    Their light rings lit up bright red , a familiar fire alarm sound echoed throughout the house , and my iPhone received alerts from the Nest app .

  17. 因此,瑞银集团成功地将自己笼罩在光环之下由于定价部分上由监管机构决定而没有使自己面对将IPO价格定得过低的指责。

    As a result , UBS gets to cover itself in glory without – since pricing is partly dictated by regulators – opening itself to accusations of leaving too much on the table .

  18. 别克君越(LaCrosse),富于灵感创意的设计,加之其在中国所获成功的光环效应,令市场为之一振。

    Inspired new designs lacrosse , Regal combined with the halo effect of success in China have supercharged results .

  19. SA8000原本是美国一个民间机构制定的劳工保护认证体系,却在人们的热捧中被冠以无数光环,几乎成了社会责任标准的代名词。

    SA8000 is a system of labor protection certification established by an agency in America , but with people 's greetings it almost replaces social responsibility standards .

  20. 令布宜诺斯艾利斯人翘首期待已久的LaMar,终于在今年4月份盛大开业,这全要归因于这间餐厅的明星主厨加斯顿·阿克瑞奥(GastónAcurio)头顶的光环。

    Porte were waiting with bated breath for La Mar to open , which it did in April 2015 , thanks to the reputation of its celebrity chef Gast ó n Acurio .

  21. BBC新闻–中国的银幕光环已经褪去了不少,票房持续低迷,雪上加霜的是,电影院上座率7月份下降了15%。

    BBC News - Some of the shine has come off the silver screen in China as a 15 % fall in cinema attendance in July added to an ongoing box office downturn .

  22. RBD往往是城市的标志性地段和光环效应区,是外地人了解一个城市的窗口。

    RBD is often a symbol of urban lots and a halo effect area , is a window for the outsiders to understand the city .

  23. 59D坦克二代光点火控系统瞄准光环的使用

    A New Usage of Light Ring of 59D Tank Light Spot Injecting Fire Control System

  24. 工作在三波长状态下的SLA作为非线性元件,在光环形镜中实现OTDM信号的解复用。

    We presents a semiconductor laser amplifier ( SLA ) with a three wavelength configuration , which works as a nonlinear element and realizes the OTDM demultiplexing function in an optical loop mirror .

  25. R-C系统外遮光罩挡光环的程序化设计及锥状内遮光罩的改进

    The lens hood is used to cover up the lens . Program design of outer baffle vanes and improvement of conical inner baffle in R-C system

  26. 在2005年出版的讲述这一时期故事的《迪士尼战争》(DisneyWar)一书中,詹姆斯•斯图尔特(JamesStewart)将迪士尼形容为一个“深深地植根于幻想文化”的地方,这里的高管“都戴着世袭王室的光环”。

    In his 2005 book about the period , ' DisneyWar , " James Stewart described the company as a place " deeply rooted in a culture of fantasy " where executives " take on the aura of hereditary royalty . "

  27. 通过正反传输方向两个光环进行组网的,双环互为保护和备份,这种组网方式使得RPR具有很强的健壮性。

    Through the positive and negative transfer direction of two thoroughfare in networking , double-ring topology can make one as the backup of the other . As a result , RPR technology owns strong robustness .

  28. 延续满足消费者对三星数位相机的期待,2010年推出光环机EX-1。

    In order to meet customers'expectations , Samsung launched a digital compact camera EX-1 in2010 .

  29. 局部环形网络(LRN)可以分为今牌通过环、时隙环、缓冲器插入环、竞争环、回路转接环和光环六种介质存取控制协议(MAC)。

    Local ring networks ( LRN ) may be classified into six types of media access control protocols ( MAC ): token-passing ring , slotted ring , buffer-insertion ring , contention ring , circuit-switched ring , and photonic ring .

  30. 这座小镇举办了2011年《蓝精灵》(TheSmurfs)的首映式。如今,成千上万的游客蜂拥至此体验这些笼罩在蓝色光环中的蘑菇形房子。

    the town hosted the 2011 premiere of ' The Smurfs . ' Today , tens of thousands of visitors flock here to experience these Moorish houses in their azure glory .