- Cloud base height;height of cloud base

The super-cooled water content in the cloud has a negative correlation with the height of cloud base , and has a positive correlation with the thickness of super-cooled layer .
The variation of the cloud-base height and cloud thickness in different weather is researched .
Altitude of cloud layer also changes with territories apparently , besides obvious seasonal variation .
A Preliminary Study of Cloud Base Heights Retrieved for Water Clouds with EOS / MODIS Data
A feasibility study of cloud base height remote sensing by simulating ground-based thermal infrared brightness temperature measurements
Cloud base height as an important cloud macro physical parameter , plays an important role in energy exchanges between the cloud-layer and the surface .
Supposing that the level of free convection is equal to the cloud bottom level , we considered the pulling effects of simulated sub-grid scale precipitation , which is under clouds .
Portable lidar ceilometer for cloud-base height measurement
Measurements by the SF 1 2 channel radiometer on the ground was made . Cloud base temperatures and cloud heights have been calculated by using the measurements of the 10 micron channel of the scanning radiometer combined with the measurements of radiosonde .