
  1. 很多组织为发布标签标准化命名规则。

    Many organizations standardize on a nomenclature for release labels .

  2. 国内外食品营养标签标准与法规比较研究

    Comparative study on regulations and standars on nutrition labeling at home and broad

  3. 有关欧盟食品标签标准

    Relative Food Label Criterions in EEC

  4. 特别是在无源射频识别标签标准中,数字基带的设计对功耗是及其敏感的。

    The digital baseband design is very sensitive to the power dissipation , especially in RFID passive tag design .

  5. 未来的捐助者也可与世卫组织联系,获得技术咨询。世卫组织要求捐助者购买有可靠质量控制来源的药物,它们应符合国际包装和标签标准以及其它重要的质量要求。

    WHO requests that donors purchase medicines from sources with reliable quality control that comply with international standards for packaging , labelling and other key quality requirements .

  6. 此项报告用标签标准的红色、琥珀色、绿色编码,来表示每100克食品中盐、糖、脂肪和饱和脂肪的水平是否过高、中等还是过低。

    The report used the red , amber and green colour coding from the labelling criteria to show whether levels of salt , sugar , fat and saturated fat per100g are high , medium or low .

  7. 以技术标准、环保标准、包装和标签标准、检验检疫标准、劳工和社会责任标准为主要内容的标准壁垒日益突出,影响和作用越来越大。

    The standard barrier which refer to technique standard , the environmental protection standard , packing and label standard , examination quarantine standard , labor and the social responsibility standard is increasingly outstanding , and its influence is more and more widespread .

  8. 进而结合国际贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的背景,指出在欧盟等国家复杂详尽的食品标签标准背后是这些国家的标准对本国消费者的更好保护和对中国出口食品产业的技术优势。

    Based on the knowledge of Technical Barrier to Trade in international trade , the paper points out that behind the advanced food labelling standards of some countries like the EU , there is better protection of the national consumers and higher technical competence over Chinese food export industry .

  9. 对象的标签具有标准UML格式“name:ClassName”,其中的“name”是可选的。

    Objects have labels in the standard UML format " name : ClassName ," where " name " is optional .

  10. 第二,对CAC食品标签相关标准和WTO食品标签通报进行了较为系统的研究。

    Second , it comprehensively studied related CAC food labeling standards and WTO food labeling notifications .

  11. 再读最新食品标签国家标准

    Unscramble up to date nation standard for the labeling of foods

  12. 国家食品标签通用标准的几点说明

    Some Explanations of the State Standards Commonly Used in the Food Labels

  13. 墨西哥发布玩具标签官方标准草案

    Mexican issue official standard draft on toy labels

  14. GB7718-1994食品标签通用标准

    General standard for the labelling of foods

  15. 中国卫生部发布了包装食品营养信息标签的标准化指南。

    China 's Ministry of Health has announced standardized guidelines for nutritional information labels on packaged food .

  16. 欧盟前不久修订了纺织品及床垫环保标签颁发标准,在原有规定上进行了较大幅度的修改。

    The EU recently revised the ecological criteria for the award of the Community Ecolabel for textile products and bed mattresses .

  17. 营养标签不仅标准不一致,往往还不使用英文&大多数太平洋岛屿国家的通用语言。

    Nutrition labels are not only inconsistent but often not in English , the common language spoken in most Pacific island countries .

  18. 该插件的标签比标准的实现快4到5倍,缺点是无法重写。

    The tags in this plugin are4 to5 times faster than the standard ones , with the drawback that they cannot be overwritten .

  19. 该文针对流媒体课件制作中存在的问题,通过给流媒体课件添加标签来标准化流媒体课件,并且根据这种标准化思想给出了具体实现。

    To network courseware . It adds stamps to streaming courseware , standardizes streaming courseware , and presents a realization according to this standardization thought .

  20. (考附上的绿色标签/国标准协会商标方案)组织对MCA是可信的。

    ( see attached green label / kitemark scheme ) Such organization will be credible to MCA .

  21. 会减缓与掌上部件通信的标签不是WML标准的一部分。

    Tags that would slow down the communication with handheld devices are not a part of the WML standard .

  22. 随着EPC的UHF电子标签的核心标准被确认为正式的国际标准,欧美日等发达国家迈入了RFID的普及阶段。

    As the UHF RFID core standards of EPC are recognized as the formal international standards , in European , the United States , Japan and other developed countries , RFID comes into popularization .

  23. 本文还论述了电子标签的技术标准问题。

    Also , it discusses technical standard questions in IC tag .

  24. 食品营养标签分析的标准物质研究

    Study on Food Nutrition Labeling Analysis of Certified Reference Materials

  25. 电冰箱国际认证能耗标签和性能标准测试要求简介

    Brief Introduction of Test Requirements for International Certification of Energy Labels and Performance of Household Refrigerators

  26. 这些标签可由标准化的SQL/XML发布函数定义,来重构原始文档或新的不同文档。

    The tagging can be defined by the standardized SQL / XML publishing functions , to reconstruct the original or new and different documents .

  27. 除了TFE阀瓣和填料,以及标签牌以外,标准配置阀门中的所有部件都是相同的。

    Except for TFE disc and packing , and identification tag , all parts are identical to standard valves .

  28. 仿真和验证结果表明该标签芯片能实现标准ISO18000-6C协议功能和安全性增强的ISO18000-6C协议功能,达到了预期目标。

    According to the simulation and verification results , the tag chip can work in both the standard ISO 18000-6C mode and the security enhanced ISO 18000-6C mode .

  29. 泛在网络中基于标签的应用和标准化

    Tag Based Application and Standardization in Ubiquitous Network

  30. 标准元件盒上盖标签纸,与标准元件盒完全吻合。

    The label paper is true fit to the top cap of the box .