
qíng jié
  • circumstances;plot;story;action;details of a case;moral integrity
情节 [qíng jié]
  • (1) [moral integrity]∶节操

  • 情节之重,虽古烈士无以过。--《资治通鉴》

  • (2) [circumstances]∶事情的变化和经过

  • 有些情节他还弄不清

  • (3) [plot]∶文学作品(如小说、剧本、短篇故事或诗)的事件或主要故事的策划或设计,包括由按照因果关系联系起来的一系列有动因的事件的逐步展开;叙述结构

  • 情节紧凑

情节[qíng jié]
  1. 这部小说的情节几乎到了令人无法相信的地步。

    The plot of the novel stretches credulity to the limit .

  2. 作者娴熟地把情节的各种线索串联在一起。

    The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot .

  3. 这本书里的许多情节都非常滑稽可笑。

    Many of the scenes in the book are richly comic .

  4. 她使一部情节简单的小说充满了复杂的主题和情感。

    She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions .

  5. 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。

    In his latest movie , the action is fast and furious .

  6. 这本书开始时情节展开得很慢,但渐渐地就把你给完全吸引住了。

    The book starts slowly , but it gradually draws you in .

  7. 在电影的最后半个小时里,故事情节迅速了结。

    In the last half-hour of the movie the plot rapidly self-destructs .

  8. 故事情节逐渐展开,小女孩都入迷地听着。

    The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded .

  9. 这部电影被不实际的牵强情节给毁了。

    The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot .

  10. 她的小说基本情节都一样。

    Her novels always have the same basic story .

  11. 这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。

    It 's a well-constructed crime story , told with speed and punch .

  12. 那本书他目前只写了一个情节梗概。

    He has written only a skeletal plot for the book so far .

  13. 故事情节几乎叫人不明所以。

    The plot is almost impossible to follow .

  14. 故事情节几乎叫人看不懂。

    The plot is almost impossible to follow .

  15. 因有可减轻罪行的情节被告未被判刑。

    There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence .

  16. 作者在最后一章把不同的情节线索归拢到了一起。

    The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter .

  17. 这部影片不光有血淋淋的暴力场面,还有扣人心弦的情节。

    The movie is not just blood and gore ; it has a thrilling story .

  18. 通过一系列倒叙展现出了导致谋杀的各个情节。

    The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks .

  19. 法官认为她这个案子存在可以减轻罪责的情节。

    The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances

  20. 我们让故事情节与人们息息相关。

    We had the people immediately concerned in the plot .

  21. 情节中有些地方没有交代清楚,甚为讨厌。

    There are some annoying loose ends in the plot .

  22. 心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。

    Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line .

  23. 剧情从喜剧逐渐发展为情节剧,最后又演变为悲剧。

    The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy .

  24. 他的短篇小说往往情节牵强。

    His short stories tend to be weak on plot .

  25. 遗憾的是,过于简单的情节使得这部电影差强人意。

    Sadly , the film is let down by an excessively simple plot .

  26. 有关这部不同寻常电影的情节的报道常常令人生厌。

    Reports of the plot of this unusual film tend to excite revulsion .

  27. 一段灰暗而感伤的情节慢慢展开,最后是一个不可避免的幼稚可笑的结局。

    A sordid , sentimental plot unwinds , with an inevitable mawkish ending .

  28. 对白逗趣但是情节薄弱。

    The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak

  29. 《姊妹花》的故事情节引人入胜。

    ' Two Sisters ' is an absorbing read

  30. 主要情节是围绕一位名叫查斯的伦敦黑帮小混混如何走向毁灭的过程展开的。

    The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas , a minor London gangster .