
  • 网络pictorialism;pictorial photography
  1. 许多原本沉溺于艺术摄影或者画意摄影中的摄影家愤然转变到为民族为国家而摄影而艺术的道路上来。

    Many photographers once indulged in art photography , or pictorial photography angrily turn to the state and nation .

  2. 亚当斯从画意摄影到纯粹摄影的这个转变,是其摄影艺术观的质的飞跃,也是其成为一个摄影艺术家的标志。

    Adams ' transformation from pictorial photography to pure photography was a qualitative leap of his artistic outlook in photography , as well as a symbol of becoming a photographic artist .

  3. 以亚当斯为代表的画意摄影的叛逆现象,象征了摄影艺术由缺少个性的杂烩技艺状态向本体语言的纯粹性、专业性与艺术性的觉悟。

    The phenomenon of treason in pictorial photography represented by Adams symbolized the transformation from the state of motley workmanship with less personality to the consciousness of purity , profession and artistic quality of noumenal language .