
huà jià
  • easel;rack for painting
画架 [huà jià]
  • [easel;rack for painting] 用木头、金属或塑料做的支架,画家作画时可根据需要将架上的油画布直立或斜置

画架[huà jià]
  1. 昨天,美术课上Parker要求我们给Mulberry太太一个画架,我们答应了。但今天他又要求一张桌子,但不幸的是,我们没有多余的桌子。

    Well , um , yesterday Parker demanded that Mrs. Mulberry get her own easel during art , which was fine . But today it was a desk , and unfortunately we didn 't have an extra desk .

  2. 就在画架边上开枪前就一直沉浸在自己最爱的绘画里

    by his easel doing what he loved painting to the end .

  3. 过去五年一直在安纳波利斯小学(AnnapolisElementarySchool)教幼儿园的特拉奇·伯恩斯(TraciBurns)说,她盼望着拿回以前被收走的画架。

    Traci Burns , who has taught kindergarten for the last five years at Annapolis Elementary School , said she was looking forward to retrieving previously banished easels .

  4. 学一学绘画,然后到工程学院外面支个画架。

    Learn to paint . Set up easel out-side engineering school .

  5. 没有枪没有画笔也没有画架

    not the gun nor his painting stuff , nor his paintings .

  6. 我的画不是来自画架。

    My painting does not come from the easel .

  7. 这个画架设计得很好,可以迅速而整齐地折叠起来。

    This is a well designed easel which folds up quickly and neatly .

  8. 在良好的天气总是一个艺术家与他的画架。

    In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel .

  9. 有时,他也会架起画架画几笔。

    At other times , he would set up his easel and paint .

  10. 在地毯上跳舞;堆积木并在画架上作画。

    Dancing on the rug , building with blocks and painting on easels .

  11. 他一个画架一个画架来回转悠。

    He went round from easel to easel .

  12. 我把画从画架上取下来,把它举到窗户前。

    I took it from the easel and held it up to the windows .

  13. 他擅长挂画架和修门把手;

    he 's a genius at things like hanging pictures and mending door handles ;

  14. “有人在烧什么东西。”小狐狸一边想一边支起画架,“呀!

    " Somebody 's burning something ," Fox thought as he set up his easel .

  15. 他(德隆)在离你很远的地方在一个画架上神情自若地、慢慢地画著一幅画。

    He 's slowly painting a picture on an easel that 's facing away from you .

  16. 她的教室里没有沙盘和玩具厨房,也没有画架。

    She does not have a sand table , play kitchen or easel in the room .

  17. 一是画架前的状态,二是生活中的状态。

    One is the state before easel ; the other is the one in quotidian life .

  18. 我决定重走一遍文森特开枪那天带着画架走过的路

    I 've decided to retrace the path that Vincent took with his easel that day .

  19. 壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。

    On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily 's father .

  20. 遵循皇室传统,这一消息现已公布在白金汉宫前院的画架展板上。

    The news has been displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with tradition .

  21. 我俩步入其工作室,它位于房子对面,由谷仓改建而来,里面堆满了画作以及镶有外壳的画架。

    We walk into his studio , a converted barn opposite the house , full of paintings and encrusted easels .

  22. 所有信息都将记录在白金汉宫官方纸笺上,放到皇宫前院的画架上公之于众。

    The announcement will be signed on official Buckingham Palace notepaper and placed on an easel in the palace forecourt .

  23. 在这里他用粗木条做了一个画架,并在上面铺了一大张灰色的纸,且画了一幅画。

    Here he made an easel of rough wood and put a great piece of gray paper on it and drew a picture .

  24. 没啊,我就是有心情就画。一张画布,一堆油彩,一个小画架就开工啦。

    No , I do proper painting . I took a bunch of canvases , some paints and a little portable easel in to work .

  25. 一幅空白的画布绷在个画架上,摆在屋角里,等待那幅杰作已经25年了,可是连一根线条还没等着。

    In one corner was a blank canvas on an easel that had been waiting there for twenty-five years to receive the first line of the masterpiece .

  26. 该学区正在为没有配备相关用品的教室购买沙盘或水盘、积木、玩具厨房、画架和美术用品。

    The district is buying sand or water tables , blocks , play kitchens , easels and art supplies for every classroom that does not have them .

  27. 但他也会描绘人物,如画面中对着墙在画架上作画的著名威尼斯画家加纳莱托。

    But he also depicts of man , painting at his easel , staring at this wall , and this is Canaletto , the most celebrated painter of Venice .

  28. 小王子的出生告示被装帧起来,放置在白金汉宫前院的仪式画架上告知天下。出生告示将张贴到周一晚8点。

    A framed notice of birth has been placed on display on a ceremonial easel on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace , where it will remain until 20:00 on Monday .

  29. 看见女儿漂亮的形体,母亲心里感到骄傲,往后退了几步,就像一个画家从画架前面走开,从整体上仔细打量自己的杰作。

    Her mother 's pride in the girl 's appearance led her to step back , like a painter from his easel , and survey her work as a whole .

  30. 或许他会放下手中的画笔和调色板,站在他的画架旁,而画架上画的透视肯定是无可挑剔的。

    Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette and stand by his easel with the picture he was painting & the perspective , of course , would be beyond criticism .