
huà méi niǎo
  • thrush
  1. 那只画眉鸟的喉部有三千根羽毛。

    There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush 's throat .

  2. 某种猛禽而不是画眉鸟钻进了他的喉咙①。

    Some bird of prey got into his throat instead of the thrush ;

  3. 始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼。(欧阳修《画眉鸟》)

    Now I know in a cage of gold , she never sang so sweet | as when she roamed freely in the woods .

  4. 画眉鸟在树林边鸣唱。

    The blackbirds were whistling on the edge of the woods .

  5. 美洲画眉鸟;鸫科鸣鸟;隐士夜鸫;威尔逊鸫。

    American thrushes : wood thrush ; hermit thrush ; veery .

  6. 那是聪慧的画眉鸟,正把每一支歌都唱上两遍,

    That 's the wise thrush ; he sings each song twice over ,

  7. 在异常的寂静中,一只画眉鸟啼叫着。

    In the utter silence a blackbird shouted .

  8. 画眉鸟在夜晚歌唱

    Blackbird singing in the dead of night !

  9. 那只画眉鸟的脖子上长着三万三千三百三十三根羽毛。

    There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that thrush 's throat .

  10. 这些天来,动物园里从龙蜥蜴、洲野狗到白头画眉鸟都在争相享用知了大餐。

    These days , a host of animals from bearded dragon lizards to African wild dogs to white-crested thrush birds are enjoying cicadas .

  11. 当画眉鸟敲打的时候站在灰色的岩石旁边,落日藉着都灵之日的余晖将会照耀在钥匙孔上。

    Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin 's Day will shine upon the keyhole .

  12. 比如,有一只画眉鸟,不管怎样,当画眉处于攻击或者逃避的矛盾当中,

    For example , there 's a bird , the ' wood thrush ' , anyway , when the ' wood thrush ' is in an attack-escape conflict , that is ,

  13. 类似画眉美洲歌鸟,能模仿其它鸟的叫声。

    Thrush-like American songbird able to mimic other birdsongs .

  14. 各种观赏鸟类,如画眉、相思鸟、太阳鸟、鹩哥等在个别地区被大量地捕捉。

    Lots of ornamental birds are caught in some places , such as babblers , red-billed leiothrix , sunbirds , hill mynas .