- 网络Pelodiscus sinensis;Trionyx sinensis;Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann

Genetic Structure and Molecular Genetic Markers of Four Populations from Pelodiscus Sinensis
Pelodiscus sinensis , which is one of Chinese special economic aquatic products , has important nutritional value and medicinal value .
The effects of herbal immunoenhancer on SOD , and CAT activities in soft-shelled turtle Trionyx sinensis
Analysis of genetic variations of five populations in Trionyx sinensis by RAPD
Immune Response of Crude Lipopolysaccharide of Aeromonas hydrophila to Soft-shelled Turtle , Pelodiscus sinensis
Observation of surface microstructure and investigation of SRBC receptor ( CD_2 ) on lymphocyte of Ctenopharyngodon idellus and Trionyx sinensis
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of the combination of vitamin C and E on non-specific immune function in juvenile soft-shelled turtle .
Acute toxic effects of four heavy metals on Trionyx sinensis juveniles
MtDNA polymorphism analysis of local populations of soft-shelled turtle from East China
Immune response of soft-shelled turtle ( trionyx sinensis ) to bacterin T3
Studies on the pathogen and control of white point disease of larval Trionyx sinensis
Effect of ration level on energy budget in juvenile soft-shelled turtle , trionyx sinensis
The conservative region sequence analysis of four Sox genes in the Trionyx sinensis
The RTPCR Expression Analysis on Sox Gene of Different Tissues from the Trionyx Sinensis
Effects of the combination of vitamin C and E on growth , liver vitamin C and E , and levels of serum cortisol in stressed and non-stressed juvenile soft-shelled turtles Pelodiscus sinensis
Cloning and sequencing analysis of the gene encoding MHC class I molecule alpha 2 domain in populations of Trionyx sinensis
There was no significant difference observed in Specific growth rate ( SGR ), but SGR went up with the increasing in olaquindox levels at the range of 25 to 200mg / kg .
A 105 day growth trial was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary vitamin C supplementation on growth , body composition , tissue Vc concentration in juvenile soft shell turtle Trionyx sinensis .
Analysis on Status and Perspective of Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle , Trionyx sinensis ( Wiegmann ) Farmimg
Some hurts were observed in stomach wall , and the rate of harmed turtles became higher at the 200mg / kg olaquindox level .
The effect of the dietary ruling polysaccharide on non-specific immune function in soft-shelled turtle ( Pelodiscus sinensis ) was studied .
It was demonstrated that soft-shelled turtle , Trionyx sinensis , with bacterin T3 had anamnestic response that was situated between the fish and mammal .
Trionyx sinensis virus ( TSV ) was isolated from the lethal disease Chinese soft-shelled turtle .
Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the protein of IgM , IgD and IgY were expressed in almost all organs examined in adult turtles .
Prussian carp were infected with strain T3 and 40142G more easily than turtle , mouse and frog .
Levels of liver vitamin C and E in non-stressed turtles increased with increase of dietary vitamin C and E , and experiment ⅱ - ⅳ groups were significantly higher than those of the control group and experiment group ⅰ .
Based on the antigen-antibody reaction , diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) in the muscle of Trionyx sinensis is bound by the sheep antibodies that are directed against rabbit IgG ( anti DES antibody ) in the reagent box .
However the EIA methods are the first choice to rapidly detect DES in samples in large scales with a MDL of 0.02 μ g / kg which are more accurate , sensitive , specific and precise .
By using c-Kit immuocytochemistry and transmission electron microscopy , this paper investigated the distribution and ultrastructure of interstitial cells of Cajal ( ICCs ) in the intestinal tract of Pelodiscus sinensis .
By using electron microscope as well as localization of Cl - and ACP enzyme activities , it was confirmed that parietal cells of Trionyx sinensis have double functions of secreting hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen ;