
  • 网络Chinese Merganser;Scaly-sided Merganser;Mergus squamatus
  1. 中华秋沙鸭(Mergussquamatus)主要分布在西伯利亚东南部、朝鲜和我国。是一种分布区域狭窄、数量稀少的珍稀濒危鸟类。

    The Chinese merganser ( Mergus squamatus ) is a rare species , it has a limited distribution area and in the International Red Data Book as a threatened species .

  2. 中华秋沙鸭繁殖地生境选择及保护对策

    Reproductive Habitat Selection of Chinese Merganser ( Mergus squamatus ) and its Protection Strategy

  3. 中华秋沙鸭(Mergussquamatus)以往在我国广有越冬记录,但分布点零散,且多为小群或零星个体,很少在同一地点见到10只以上的个体记录。

    Records of the wintering Scaly-sided Merganser ( Mergus squamatus ) so far had been reported widely scattered in China , and the bird usually found in small flock or in individuals with quite rare of a case of more than 10 birds gathered at one locality .

  4. 见到中华秋沙鸭使用巢穴,最令人兴奋。

    It 's exciting to see the Scaly-side Merganser used the artificial nest !

  5. 黑龙江碧水中华秋沙鸭自然保护区管理局的「中华秋沙鸭野外巢穴的修复」(人民币10000);

    Providing artificial nests for Scaly-sided Merganser by the Administration Bureau of mergus squamatus Natural Reserve Bishui of Heilongjiang Province ( RMB10,000 );

  6. 20世纪90年代以来在个别地点虽发现有中华秋沙鸭的越冬群体,但缺少持续性观察结果。

    During the 1990s , though results of surveys revealed a few wintering flocks of the bird but no longer reported being stable .

  7. 江西省弋阳县中华秋沙鸭保护协会的「在弋阳县主要中小学校、幼稚园普及保护中华秋沙鸭的科普知识及宣传教育」(人民币8804.4)

    Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens , primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society ( RMB8,804.4 )