
bǔ yá
  • Dental filling;fill a tooth;have a tooth stopped
补牙 [bǔ yá]
  • [fill a tooth] 把龋坏的组织去净、制成一定洞形,再以金属或其他材料把牙齿的缺损部分填充起来

补牙[bǔ yá]
  1. 孩子越晚需要补牙就越好。

    The longer your child can go without needing a filling , the better .

  2. 补牙可能对我有好处。

    I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed

  3. 几乎不可能找到一位愿意接受国民医疗保健来补牙的医师。

    It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health .

  4. 我补牙了。

    I have a filling in the tooth .

  5. 本文报告了羟基磷灰石(HA)能够用作为补牙材料。

    It is reported that Hydroxyapatite ( Abbr. HA ) can play a role in " filling a tooth " .

  6. 方法应用逐步回归分析法对14个指标与根龋的龋补牙数(DFT)和龋补牙面数(DFS)进行多因素逐步回归分析。

    Methods By stepwise multiple regression analysis , a total of 14 factors associated root caries were adopted to analysis .

  7. Tonya需要补牙。

    Well , Tonya had to get a filling .

  8. 方法:通过CAT试验,检测了259名3~4岁幼儿的龋病活跃性,并将测试结果(CAT值)与龋蚀罹患状态(龋失补牙数,dmft)进行相关分析。

    Methods : The caries activity of 259 children of 3 ~ 4 years old were measured with Cariostat test . The correlation between the CAT values and the caries status ( dmft ) was analyzed .

  9. 我妻子朱曼尼(jumani)也在大约3年前开始为病人补牙和钻牙,并在我需要协助时过来帮忙。

    My wife , Jumani , began filling and drilling about three years ago , too , and helps me out when I need assistance .

  10. 你为什么不补牙的工作交给技工呢?

    Why don 't you give the inlays to the mechanic ?

  11. 如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢?

    If a beaver needed dental work , where would it go ?

  12. 牙医寄来了给我补牙的帐单。

    The dentist presented his bill for filling my teeth .

  13. 我似乎吞下补牙的东西。

    Say something . I think I swallowed a filling .

  14. 补牙焦虑畏惧调查表的编制

    The revision of dental anxiety and dental fear scale

  15. 牙医用汞合金给我补牙。

    The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth .

  16. 你不用帮人补牙

    Well , you won 't be drilling teeth .

  17. 她明天要去看牙医,以为她要补牙。

    She is going to the dentist tomorrow because she is having a tooth filled .

  18. 其中包括每年用于补牙的5000磅的汞

    And this includes 5000 pounds of mercury from our dental fillings alone every year .

  19. 目的编制出适合于我国牙科临床的补牙焦虑畏惧调查表,为改善补牙患者心理健康服务。

    Objective To develop a scale for the dental patients in assessment of anxiety and fear .

  20. 我从事补牙、拔牙、牙齿矫正、抛光,还制作假牙套。

    I do fillings , extractions , braces , polishing and make sets of false teeth .

  21. 我的补牙掉了。

    My tooth filling is lost .

  22. 我宁愿用黏固粉补牙,也不去拔掉它。

    I 'd rather have my tooth crowned with some kind of cement than pull it out .

  23. 因为没有补牙的材料及定期的牙齿检查,当时许多有烂牙的人都十分难受。

    With no such thing as fillings or regular check-ups , bad teeth ruined many people 's lives .

  24. 使我们最为不满的是他们需要去补牙,有时会拔牙。

    " What we 're extremely uncomfortable with is that they need to drill teeth and sometimes extract teeth ," said Dr.

  25. 目的:建立双黄补牙周缓释药条的质量控制标准,并测定其体外释放度。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a quality standard for Shuanghuangbu sustained release periodontal medicinal strip and investigate its in vitro drug release .

  26. 你嘛,就不用亲自去了。补牙可能对我有好处。

    As for you , I don 't think you have to go in person I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed .

  27. 牙科医生常常给患者补牙.这就是科学通常和常理相一致的证据。

    A dentist often has to fill teeth . This is the proof that science always meets reason , provided it is well put .

  28. 所以说补牙需到正规的口腔医院进行,选择较为适用的补牙材料才能有效避免癌变的出现。

    So need to go to a regular dental dental hospital , select a more appropriate dental materials in order to avoid the appearance of cancer .

  29. 定量唾液和直接浸润刃天青纸片法变色程度均与龋失补牙数呈正相关;

    Result : Both quantificational saliva and direct soakage RD TEST show positve relationship with the quantity of bacteria in saliva and dental plaque and dmft .

  30. 两个伙计和学徒就乱哄哄地拿过脸盆,毛巾,牙刷,牙粉来装配成一组。(补牙用的)粘固粉。

    The salesmen and the apprentices noisily collected the wash-basins , wash-cloths , tooth brushes and boxes of tooth powder , and arranged them into sets .