
bǔ jǐ
  • supply;replenishment;provision;recruit;fitting out
补给 [bǔ jǐ]
  • (1) [supply]∶补充供给供应品或设备

  • 一项向铁路部门补给燃料的合同

  • (2) [recruit]∶提供所需要的东西(如新的补给品、材料、力量)以防止衰竭

补给[bǔ jǐ]
  1. 阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给。

    The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town .

  2. 这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。

    The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France .

  3. 在新的补给到达之前,我们的口粮定量不足。

    We 're on short rations until fresh supplies arrive .

  4. 我们的补给快用完了。

    Our supplies were running out .

  5. 飞机用降落伞空投补给。

    Planes dropped supplies by parachute .

  6. 这些补给要卸下来装上直升机。

    The supplies need to be offloaded and put on helicopters

  7. 昨晚一船补给用品送达了古巴哈瓦那。

    A shipload of supplies arrived in Havana , Cuba , last night .

  8. 各种补给都不稳定,食品也短缺。

    Supplies of everything are unreliable , food is short

  9. 该岛是很多观光游艇南行途中的一个补给站。

    The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south .

  10. 军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。

    The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission .

  11. 补给物资被空投到山区。

    Supplies were parachuted into the mountains .

  12. 食物和补给的不足造成士兵的不满。

    Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers .

  13. 然而,最近的补给是在1000英里以外的安克雷奇。

    However , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away , in Anchorage .

  14. 烧伤、创伤后维生素A、E、C代谢变化及补给适宜剂量的研究

    The metaboli changes of vitamin a , e , c and adequate supplementation after burn

  15. 目的:探讨手术后病人血清维生素C含量的变化并为补给适宜剂量的维生素C提供依据。

    Objectives : To study the change in plasma level of vitamin C and its excretion in urine in postoperative patients .

  16. 动力锅炉补给水pH值过低和硬度过高问题的分析

    The Analysis of the Question about Much Lower pH and Much Higher hand of the Supply Water of Power boiler

  17. NF和低压RO工艺处理锅炉补给水的研究

    Nanofiltration and Low-pressure RO Technology in the Treatment of Boiler Feed Water

  18. 福清级是北约对PLA海军第一艘再补给油船的代号。

    Fuqing class is the name given by NATO to the the PLA Navy 's first replenishment oilers .

  19. 补给船用于PLA南海舰队在广州的“黄埔”(Huangpu)造船厂建造。

    The ship is built by Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou for the PLA South Sea fleet .

  20. 基于FSA的横向液货补给仿真训练过程模型设计

    Design of Process Model Framework for Simulation Training System of Along-side Liquid Cargo Replenishment Based on FSA

  21. 本文主要介绍了导致动力锅炉补给水pH值过低和硬度过高的原理及其分析思路。

    In this thesis , we mainly introduce the reason of leading the supply water of power boiler much lower pH and much higher hard and the way of mind of it 's analysis .

  22. 长安黄土岩溶泉是通过缓慢、均匀的入渗补给的,这决定了它比碳酸岩岩溶泉的pH低,电导率大。

    The karst springs in the village are recharged by slow and uniform permeation , so the pH values of the karst springs in loess are lower but the conductivities are higher than that in limestone .

  23. 在200m以下的深层地下水为晚更新世补给的古封存水,表现为还原环境。

    The deep groundwater beneath 200 m is the paleo-sealed water recharged in late Pleistocene Epoch under the reduction environment .

  24. 结论:集训部队官兵维生素B2营养状况不理想,应进一步调整膳食结构,适当增加富含维生素B2的食物或采用其它补给方法。

    Conclusion : The status of Vitamin B_2 was not very good and food that rich of Vitamin B_2 should be increased .

  25. 新的供应链协作倡议包括了合作计划,预测与补给(CPFR)。

    A younger supply chain initiative is Collaboration Planning , Forecasting and Replenishment ( CPFR ) .

  26. 察尔汗盐湖察尔汗二级补给系统S3盐层晶间卤水中KCl的分异特征、富集规律及其成因

    Differentiation Characteristics , Concentration Rules And The formation Mechanism f KCl In Intercrystalline Brine in Salt Group S_3 of Qarhan Second Supply System of Qarhan Salt Lake

  27. 在摩托车催化转化器前引入机后二次空气补给可以达到提供O2、提高催化转化器转化效率和使之快速起燃的目的,从而有效降低摩托车的排放。

    If the secondary air is induced into motorcycle catalystic converter treated after exhaust gas dischages from cylinder , the conversion efficiency will be greatly improved with O2 provided and lighting-up quickened .

  28. 黄土层在水分集中补给条件下,渗流过程表现为明显的湿润峰值带的移动,宽度约2.4m。

    Under concentrate water supply , the seepage process has prominent motivation of high soil moisture content , and its width is about 2.4m .

  29. 本文将数据库技术、地理信息系统二次开发技术、常规数据分析方法、OpenGL三维图形输出技术进行了整合以对水文地质专业模块提供支持,研究设计了地下水补给评价模块。

    By integrating the database technique , second development technique of GIS , general data analysis method and 3-D graphic output technique realized by OpenGL to support the professional hydrological module , we designed the evaluation module of groundwater recharge .

  30. 实验表明,O3-BAC工艺在锅炉补给水处理中的应用可行。

    The result shows that the process of O3 - BAC is feasible in the application of make-up water treatment of boilers .