
  • 网络Make-up water;makeup water;Add water
  1. NO2~&N浓度变化受水中溶解氧浓度和补充水浓度的影响较大。

    Concentration of NO_2 ~ & N in cooling water was mainly controlled by concentration of dissolved oxygen and makeup water .

  2. 它们的目标是清理主系统的水,提供分离的停止,冷却的功能,水化学,装料及容量控制,补充水。

    They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system , providing separate shutdown cooling functions , water chemistry , charging and volume control , makeup water .

  3. 从分析水中pH与碳酸盐碱度的关系入手,在总结大量实践经验的基础上,提出了三种类型补充水的循环冷却水的总碱度与pH值之间的关系式。

    The relational expressions between the total alkalinity and pH value of three kinds of make_up recirculating cooling water are raised by analyzing the relationship between pH and carbonate alkalinity of the water and summarizing plenty of practical experiences .

  4. 大型火电厂中,作为循环冷却水补充水的石灰软化水出水pH值范围较宽,一些机组凝汽器铜管因此产生腐蚀、结垢问题。

    The copper tubes in the condensers of some generating sets in large thermal power plants have the problems of corrosion and scaling because of the wide ranges of pH values of the lime-softened outlet water , which is the makeup water of circulating cooling water .

  5. 氨氮去除率大于60%,COD去除率大于70%,处理后的回用水水质符合工艺要求,用作熄焦及洗煤补充水。

    The rate of denitrifying and deammoniation is more than 60 % , and the rate of reduction of COD is more than 70 % . The water after treatment can be used for extinction of coke and coal washing .

  6. 对阳光发电厂循环水补充水采用DG-18A稳定剂处理试验的研究

    A Research on DG-18A Stabilizer Utilized in Recycling and Added Water at Sunshine Electric Power Plant

  7. 对NX-383缓蚀阻垢剂在以中水为补充水的焦化冷却水系统中的缓蚀和阻垢性能进行了评价,并进行了现场应用试验。

    The performances of NX-383 , corrosion and scale inhibitor , being used in regenerated water as make-up water in cooling water system of coking plants are evaluated .

  8. AEC方案在高硬度、高碱度、高含盐量的水质条件下具有优良的缓蚀阻垢效果,对用黄河水作为补充水的冷却水系统,可在很高的浓缩倍数下安全经济地运行。

    AEC program has excellent efficiency in corrosion and scale inhibition under the water conditions of high hardness , high alkalinity and high conductivity . When the cooling systems uses the Yellow River water as make up water , it runs safely and economically at high cycles of concentration .

  9. 中水用于电厂循环冷却水补充水的可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis of using intermediate water as cooling water of power plant

  10. 142MW汽轮机组补充水系统的技术完善

    Technical Development of Water Supply for 142 MW Turbine Units

  11. 以蒸汽锅炉水作为热水系统的补充水

    Steam Boiler Drain as Make-Up Water for Hot Water System

  12. 用中水做电厂补充水的冷却塔吹脱氨氮实验

    Air stripping experiment of denitrogenation from make-up water using cooling tower in power plants

  13. 冲灰废水作为循环冷却水系统补充水时凝汽器铜管的结垢与腐蚀

    Study on use of ash conveying water as make-up water of circulating cooling system

  14. 火电厂锅炉补充水软化系统的改进研究

    Research on the improvement of softening system of supplementary water in boiler in heat power plant

  15. 电厂污水回用于循环冷却水系统补充水的研究

    Researches and experiments of the application of purified effluent in the power plant to circulating supplementary water

  16. 腐蚀在线监测技术在中水为补充水的循环冷却水系统中的应用

    The application of on-line corrosion monitoring for circulating cooling-water system using reclaimed water as make up water

  17. 结论:新配方口服补液盐溶液治疗儿童呕吐和腹泻所致轻、中度脱水的疗效确切,可迅速补充水和电解质,不良反应少。

    Conclusion : ORS is really effective in treatment of dehydration in children caused by vomiting or diarrhea .

  18. 口服补液盐溶液在小肠内吸收,从而补充水和电解质的丢失。

    The ORS solution is absorbed in the small intestine , thus replacing the water and electrolytes lost .

  19. 电厂化学补充水改为补入凝汽器的技术分析乳液型脱泡剂在造纸生产中的应用

    Analysis on the Technology of Filling Chemical Water to Condenser instead of Deaerator Application of Emulsion Deaerator in Papermaking

  20. 对炼油污水作为循环冷却水的补充水回用于循环冷却水系统进行了研究。

    The return sewage of oil refining using in system of circulating cooling water as supplying water was studied .

  21. 弱酸处理补充水时的循环水高浓缩倍率试验研究

    Experimental Research of High Concentration Ratio Treatment Technology of Circulating Water By Supply - Water Weak Acid Handling System

  22. 志愿者被随机分配到任何补充水溶性肉桂提取物或安慰剂12周。

    Volunteers were randomly assigned to supplement their diets with either water-soluble cinnamon extracts or a placebo for12 weeks .

  23. 我们还有一个注水系统,那可以补充水,就在顺便的早期。

    We also have a water injection system that would allow one to make up water early in the transient .

  24. 运用主成分分析法和因子分析法,对20种不同水质的补充水进行了成功的聚类分析。

    Twenty kinds of supplementary water with different quality are successfully cluster classified by using principal component analysis and factor analysis .

  25. 弱酸阳离子交换处理补充水的火电厂循环冷却水系统运行方式的改进

    Improvement of operational way for cyclic cooling water system with make up water by weakly acidic cation exchanger in thermal power plant

  26. 研究结果表明:处理后的废水完全可作为循环水系统补充水用。

    The result of research shows the waste water after treatment can be completely used as replenish water for water circle system .

  27. 这对进一步提高浊循环水回用率和扩大浊循环水的补充水的来源有着积极意义。

    It helps to improve the reuse rate of turbid circulating water and extend the source of make-up water for the circulating water .

  28. 配合本课题组开发的电催化法杀菌装置,出水可用作循环冷却水补充水。

    Combined with electro-catalytic disinfection equipment developed by our groups , the effluent could be used as the supplement water for recirculating cooling .

  29. 你大概每两周需要开一次在植物上面的水培灯,并且补充水和肥料片剂。

    About once every two weeks you raise the hydroponic lamp that sits above the plants and add more water and a fertilizer tablet .

  30. 从调节循环冷却水的水化学工况入手,防止以弱酸床处理水作为循环冷却水补充水系统的结垢与腐蚀。

    The chemical condition of cooling water in operation has been adjusted in weak acid ion exchange treatment fed to prevent the cooling water system from scaling .