
  • 网络supply ship;tender;depot ship;USNS Richard E. Byrd
  1. 千岛湖补给舰停靠亚丁湾。

    Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden .

  2. 两艘中国军舰护卫舰“马鞍山”号和补给舰“千岛湖”号首次访问阿联酋,在阿布扎比港口进行了短暂停靠。

    For the first time , two Chinese naval ships , the frigate MAANSHAN and the supply ship Qiandaohu , visited the UAE , with a brief port call in Abu Dhabi .

  3. 他们也没有海军的“补给舰”来救他们。

    They had none of what the Navy call a " mother ship " to retreat to .

  4. 一艘驱逐舰、一艘扫雷舰及一艘补给舰将向以美国为首对阿富汗的攻击行动提供非战斗性援助。

    A destroyer , mine hunter and supply vessel will provide non-combat support to the American-led attacks on Afghanistan .

  5. 本周,印度海军在亚丁湾击沉了一艘海盗的武装补给舰。

    This week the Indian Navy destroyed a heavily armed " mother ship " in the Gulf of Aden .

  6. 中国2艘驱逐舰以及一艘补给舰将于周五启航&这是中国历史上首次将其军舰部署在领海之外,执行可能的战斗行动。

    Two Chinese destroyers and a supply ship set sail on Friday & the first time in recent history that the nation has deployed ships on a potential combat mission well beyond its territorial waters .