
zhōng guó yuán lín
  • classical Chinese garden;garden in the Chinese style
中国园林[zhōng guó yuán lín]
  1. 论文学、绘画对中国园林艺术发展的影响

    Effects of literature and painting of the development of Chinese landscape art

  2. 中国园林的标题风景&园林楹联类析

    Superscription Scenery of ChineseGarden ── Analyse Couplet of Land-scape Architecture

  3. 中国园林具有悠久的历史和光辉灿烂的艺术成就。

    Chinese gardening has a long history with glorious achievements .

  4. 佛寺园林是中国园林史上的一朵奇葩。

    Temple garden is a theme in the history of Chinese garden .

  5. 从中你是否能看出中国园林的影子呢?

    Can you see the trace of the Chinese gardens ?

  6. 中国园林是典型的集科学和艺术于一身的综合学科。

    Chinese landscape is a typical comprehensive discipline combining science and art .

  7. 中国园林基本上是图像艺术的一个分支。

    Chinese garden-design is primarily a branch of pictorial art .

  8. 水边台榭是中国园林的常见特点之一。

    A common feature of Chinese gardens is the water side pavilion .

  9. 中国园林文化与旅游发展的辩证关系

    The Dialectic Relationship between China Landscape Culture and Tourism Development

  10. 试论中国园林设计的创新意识

    Discussion on the New Consciousness of Modern Garden Design

  11. 中国园林是时间的艺术。

    Chinese gardens was really the art of time .

  12. 中国园林艺术探源

    The Source of the Art of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  13. 走廊是中国园林的另一大特色。

    Corridors form another feature of the Chinese garden .

  14. 中国园林亦是欧洲浪漫主义的起源之一。

    Romanticism in Europe also derived from Chinese gardens .

  15. 正确认识西风渐进对中国园林设计观的影响

    To Correctly Understand the Influence of Western Culture on Landscape Design Concept in China

  16. 浅议中国园林假山喷泉的配置艺术

    Discuss the Art of Disposing Garden Rockery Fountain

  17. 浅析中国园林环境蕴涵的天人合一思想

    Analysis on the Idea of Unity between Nature and Human in Chinese Garden Environment

  18. 开放式草坪在中国园林中的应用

    Utilization of Open Lawn in Chinese Landscape Architecture

  19. 中国园林的景题艺术

    The art of view names in Chinese gardens

  20. 中国园林学的基础和领域

    The Basis and Domain of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  21. 英国引种中国园林植物种质资源史实及应用概况

    The history of introduction of Chinese plant germplasm resources and use in English Garden

  22. 中国园林的发展趋向

    The Developing Trend of the Chinese Landscape Garden

  23. 这是典型的中国园林。

    This is a typical Chinese garden .

  24. 英国引种家威尔逊引种中国园林植物种质资源及其影响

    Introduction of Landscape Plant Genetic Resources from China by Ernest Henry Wilson and the Effect

  25. 中国园林蓟马天敌的初步研究

    Natural enemies of garden thrips in China

  26. 中国园林的发展与问题

    The Development and Problems of Chinese Gardens

  27. 中国园林建筑的美学价值

    Aesthetics value of Chinese gardens architecture

  28. 植物是造园要素之一,在中国园林中占据重要地位。

    As an important factor in gardening , plants play a key role in Chinese gardens .

  29. 天人合一哲学思想在中国园林中的体现

    The Embodiment of " the Unity of Heaven and Man " Philosophic Ideology in Chinese Gardens

  30. 美国的中国园林完工。

    Chinese garden completed in the U.S.