  • basin;pot;bowl;tub
  • 盛放东西或洗涤的用具:~景。~花。~栽。脸~。澡~。

  • 中央凹入像盆状的东西:~地。骨~。


(盛东西或洗东西用的器具) basin; tub; pot:

  • 花盆


  • 脸盆


  • 澡盆



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 盆谧

    Pen Mi

  1. 舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。

    Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin .

  2. 洗脸盆边上已经有一圈黑头发和肥皂沫。

    There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin .

  3. 阳台上有一盆盆的花。

    There were tubs of flowers on the balcony .

  4. 这三个小孩用同一盆水洗澡。

    The three children all bath in the same bath water .

  5. 她把脸扎进一盆凉水里。

    She plunged her face into a bowl of cold water

  6. 我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。

    I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost .

  7. 它在票房上赚得盆满砵满。

    It has cleaned up at the box office .

  8. 服务员们匆匆忙忙穿过走道,把一盆盆汤重重地放在桌上。

    Waiters went scurrying down the aisles , thumping down tureens of soup .

  9. 在一只盆里放上水,轻轻地用蘸湿的海绵擦拭你的面部及身体。

    Fill a bowl with water and gently sponge your face and body .

  10. 该公司凭借其新开发的“中央公园”度假村而赚了个盆满钵满。

    The company has struck gold with its new holiday development , Center Parcs .

  11. 卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。

    The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets , 2 showers , and 2 sinks .

  12. 根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。

    Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers .

  13. 把插条分别栽入盆中。

    Pot the cuttings individually .

  14. 先把锅从炉子上拿开,然后把锅底浸入一盆冷水中。

    Remove from the heat and plunge the base of the pan into a bowl of very cold water .

  15. 他走到门口劈头泼来一盆脏水。

    As he reached the door , he was showered straight on the head with a basin of slops .

  16. 黏土可用以制造盆和瓦等。

    Clay is used to make things like pots and tiles .

  17. 这笔生意他赚了个盆满钵满。

    This business deal brought him an enormous fortune .

  18. 盆里几乎没水了。

    There is hardly any water in the basin .

  19. 他头脑是一盆糨子。

    He is a muddlehead .

  20. 对于老年人来说,电动洗脚盆是最好的发明。

    As for old people , an electric foot basinis the best invention .

  21. 有些食物可以在盆里长得很好,比如生菜、西红柿、土豆和胡萝卜。

    Some food can grow well in pots , including lettuce , tomatoes , potatoes and carrots .

  22. 盆里的水与盆边平齐了。

    The water was even with the rim of the basin .

  23. 我在一年前就金盆洗手了。

    I gave up the old business a year ago .

  24. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌

    The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel .

  25. 他在盆里洗了手。

    He washed his hands in a basin .

  26. 老板听了我的项目预算提案后,给我泼了一盆冷水。

    The boss poured cold water on my idea when he heard the proposed1 budget for the project .

  27. 如果空间和预算都够的话,双盆卫生间是个不错的主意。

    His and her bathroom is a great idea if it can fit in both your space and budget .

  28. 例句萝贝塔想为她的英雄建造一座土雕像,但詹金斯给这个想法泼了盆冷水。

    Roberta wanted to build a statue of her hero out of clay , but Jenkins threw cold water on the idea .

  29. 她儿子李廷圭已经31岁了,依然和父母一起住在首尔市郊盆唐区他从小长大的家里。

    His son , Lee Jeong-kyu , is 31 and still lives with his parents in the home in which he grew up in Bundang , a suburb of Seoul .

  30. 过了两个月,他到达师子国,看到一条河,就到水中寻找那只丢失的银盆。

    After two months ' travel during which he visited Ceylon and many other countries . On seeing a river , he jumped into the water looking for the bowl he had lost before .