
táo gāng
  • Pottery;pithos
陶缸 [táo gāng]
  • [pithos] 古希腊用的大型陶器,口圆而大,用以贮存大量食物(如粮食)或液体(如酒、油),有时用于安葬死者

陶缸[táo gāng]
  1. Bruta是伦敦异军突起的时尚品牌,其休闲衬衣系列在Liberty百货销售。Bruta的设计师阿瑟•叶芝(ArthurYates)配合其时装系列推出了手绘陶缸。

    Arthur Yates of Bruta , the emerging London line whose casual shirting is sold at Liberty , creates hand-painted ceramic urns in conjunction with his collections .

  2. 浸米用陶缸、塑料盆、红砖水池作浸米设备。

    Second , Baptist meters with Taogang , Suliao Pen , red brick Baptist-meter pool for the equipment .

  3. 我们谈起了在门旁一到春天便怒放的连翘,谈起了埋在后院的泡菜陶缸。

    We talked of the forsythias blooming by the gates in the spring and the clay jars of kimchi buried in the backyard .

  4. 新酒贮存若增大总酸含量,贮存容器以不锈钢罐最好;贮存过程若要增加总酯含量,贮存容器以陶缸最好;

    Stainless steel pot is the best choice for the storage of newly-produced liquor to increase the content of total acids and pottery pot is the best choice for liquor storage to increase the content of total esters .