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  • 网络Mahavihara;Helioplis;Tissamaharama;Mahaavihaara
  1. 论佛寺园林空间构成&以普陀山普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺为例

    Analysis on Space Construction at Gardens of Temples

  2. 楼用青砖青瓦和本村大寺拆下的木料建成。

    House with brick gray tiles and the village built of wood removed Odera .

  3. 传统建筑形式与宗教内涵的结合&析宁夏同心清真大寺建筑

    A Combination of Traditional Architectural Form and Religion Analysis to Tongxin Mosque Architecture in Ningxia

  4. 我继续走去,来到一扇通往大寺正殿的拱门前面。

    I pursued my walk to an arched door opening to the interior of the abbey .

  5. 大寺深孔闸、船闸场地地下水运移特征探讨

    Characteristics of groundwater transport near the fields of the Dasi deep well gate and the lock gate

  6. 水果中昌黎葡萄、南大寺水蜜桃及野生猕猴桃在国内外久负盛名;

    Grapes in Changli , honey peaches in Nandashi and wild kiwi fruits enjoy high fame in the world .

  7. 形成决议后,需要地方政府和三大寺共同加盖印章方能生效。

    Resolutions adopted at the meetings became effective only when they bore the stamps of the local government and the three major monasteries .

  8. 后在临洮大寺旧址上建立的以宝塔寺为首的五座小寺,延续了临洮大寺的盛况。

    Then , five small temples headed by Pagoda Temple are built on the former site of Lintao temple , continue the boom of it .

  9. 而这样子表现在建筑上,可看到很多宗教建筑与一般世俗建筑并没有太大的区别。如下图的西安化觉巷清真大寺。

    However , in this way , it can be seen that there is have not too much difference between many religious buildings and general secular buildings on architecture styles .

  10. 同心清真大寺是宁夏境内迄今为止保存最为完整、规模最大的传统风格的清真寺建筑,通过对其建筑艺术及建筑文化的探究、解读,以及分析,力求能对宗教建筑研究和保护有所帮助。

    Tongxin Mosque is so far the most whole conserved and largest-scale traditional mosque architecture in Ningxia . Through exploration , explanation and analysis to the architecture arts and culture , the author aims to help research and protection of religion architecture .