
dà wō niú
  • Big Snail;Helix
大蜗牛[dà wō niú]
  1. 在欧洲多作为食物的海生大蜗牛。

    Large marine snail much used as food in Europe .

  2. 那天在镇上演讲现场快结束时,卫老师不知从哪里弄来只好大的蜗牛,足足有两个大母指那样大!

    In his speech that day at the end of the town , Teachers do not know where Wei had obtained large snails , Fully two big home means as big !

  3. 我和小斌都说很少见过这么大个的蜗牛,就各自用手机和相机拍了下来!

    And I have seen very little park that so much of the snail , To use their mobile phones and cameras shoot down !

  4. 在古时候,许多大人物把这些白色的大蜗牛做成“碎肉”;当他们吃着的时候,就说:“哼,味道真好!”因为他们认为蜗牛的味道很美。这些蜗牛都靠牛蒡叶子活着;因此人们才种植牛蒡。

    The great white snails which persons of quality in former times made fricassees of , ate , and said , " Hem , hem ! how delicious ! " for they thought it tasted so delicate -- lived on dock-leaves , and therefore burdock seeds were sown .