
chù shǒu
  • tentacle;lophophore
触手 [chù shǒu]
  • [lophophore] 围绕棘皮动物及肠腔动物口腔的手指状感觉或捕食器官

  • 伸向现代社会的触手时有所见

触手[chù shǒu]
  1. 每一个触手大约两毫米长。

    Each tentacle is about two millimeters long .

  2. 外套触手内有较多近圆形细胞和大量波浪形神经纤维呈NOS强阳性;

    In the mantle tentacle , many round cells and wavelike nerve fibers presented strongly NOS-positivity .

  3. 网络游戏、QQ聊天、网上购物、娱乐新闻等等在互联网上应有尽有,触手可得。

    Cyber games , QQ chatting , shopping online , and entertainment news are available to everyone on the Internet .

  4. 触手总RNA中分离出多个神经毒素新基因。

    Several new neurotoxin genes were identified .

  5. 结果表明,鳃、外套膜、上足触手3种组织注射PHA后,细胞分裂指数比没有注射PHA的对照组均有显著提高,其中以PHA2次注射为最高。

    The results indicated that the cell mitotic index increased after injection of PHA .

  6. 同志偶像LadyGaga滑稽夸张又昂首阔步的风格是成功消化乌苏拉触手装扮的必要条件。

    Gay icon Lady Gaga has got the campy swagger that 's necessary to successfully step into Ursula 's tentacles .

  7. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  8. 当神话触手可得,谁会在乎这些?

    Who cares about those when fairy tales are at hand ?

  9. 墨鱼把虾牢牢的握在触手。

    And the cuttlefish has the shrimp firmly in its tentacles .

  10. 我认为它是天生就只有六只触手。

    ` I thought it had been born with six tentacles .

  11. 它用触手从沉积物里抓取细小食物

    It uses its tentacles to grab food from the sediment .

  12. 我们喜欢把触靶练习扩展成触手口令。

    We like to expand the targeting into a hand touch command .

  13. 在触手训练中我们会因为它看着手而奖励它。

    We reward for looking at a hand in a hand touch .

  14. 它也用海葵的黏性触手收集路过的浮游生物

    he uses their sticky tentacles to gather passing plankton .

  15. 固定一臭虫,其你能选择主神的死了触手的。

    Fixed a bug where you could select Baal 's dead tentacles .

  16. 金融界将触手伸到相关的学术领域。

    Finance wrapped its tentacles around relevant parts of the academic world .

  17. 你等着,我的触手迟早会抓到你的。

    Just wait till I get my tentacles on you .

  18. 好莱坞,犹如一只章鱼,正在将其触手伸至全球各地。

    Hollywood is like an octopus with tentacles extending across the globe .

  19. 赛斯用他多只地下触手来抓住目标。

    Zazz grasps a target with its multiple subterraneantentacles .

  20. 帝王蟹立刻扯下它的一根触手

    and within seconds , the crab rips off one of its arms .

  21. 通常,最触手可得的食物就是它们身边的另一只寄居蟹了。

    Often , the most readily available food is the next hermit crab .

  22. 在3种组织中,鳃组织的细胞分裂指数最高,其次是外套膜、上足触手。

    The normal metaphase was observed in cells from three kinds of tissue .

  23. 每根触手都布满超敏感的管足

    Each arm is covered by super-sensitive tube feet ,

  24. 属于、关于或象触手一样。

    Of or relating to or resembling tentacles .

  25. 与非洲不同,中国是一个还没有得到官方控制的触手可得的市场。

    China , unlike tropical Africa , was a securable market without formal control .

  26. 乌贼是软体动物,那表示着它们的触手连在它的头上。

    Squid are cephalopods , which means they have tentacles attached to their heads .

  27. 它有刺的触手也为蟹提供保护。

    And give the crab in return a certain protection with their stinging tentacles .

  28. 章鱼有八个长触手。

    An octopus has eight long tentacles .

  29. 一些潜水者称这些乌贼用触手揭开它们的氧气面罩,并拉扯相机和潜水用具。

    Some divers report tentacles enveloping their masks and yanking at their cameras and gear .

  30. 他们邪恶的触手已经伸的够远了,已经影响了差不多你们生活的每个面向。

    Their evil tentacles have stretched far , and have influenced almost every aspect of your lives .