
  • 网络tentacles;tentacular arm;Feeding Tentacles
  1. 研究认为,触腕平均断裂强度低是造成高脱钩率的主要原因之一。

    The results also indicate that the low broken strength of tentacles is one of the main causes leading to high jigging off rate .

  2. 结果表明,鸢乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当于体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;

    The results show that the bearable strength of tentacle is as 0.7 times only as that of its body weight and the jigging-off rate caused by tentacle broken is nearly 100 % .