
  • 网络tactile stimulation;tactile display
  1. 婴儿和父母睡在一块儿比单独睡在婴儿床中能得到更多的触觉刺激。

    Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot

  2. 这是时间开始的触觉刺激。

    This is the time to begin tactile stimulation .

  3. 目的:探讨震动触觉刺激fMRI对评价4岁以下不同年龄段先天性极重度感音神经聋婴幼儿的听觉及语言相关脑区研究的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate feasibility of vibra-tactile fMRI for auditory and language-related cortex in infants with profoundly congenital sensorineural hearing loss .

  4. 手掌触觉刺激诱发皮层感觉功能成像研究

    FMRI of somatosensory cortex induced by tactile stimulation to palm and fingers

  5. 采用组块式方法分别给予右小腿近踝部震动触觉刺激。

    All the subjects were given the vibrotactile stimulation on the right leg adjoin with the ankle .

  6. 震动触觉刺激下,实验组与对照组激活语言相关脑区包括额中回、额下回、颞上回、颞中回、角回。

    Language-related cortex included angular gyrus , middle frontal gyrus , inferior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus .

  7. 2块同面积的医用胶布分别贴在两前肢腕部腹侧面作为触觉刺激,记录大鼠揭除胶布的潜伏期。

    Two medical tapes of same volume were pasted to the ventral side of arm in forelimb respectively and taken as the tactile stimulation to record the latent period of exposing tapes .

  8. 结论:加强忽略侧的视、听、触觉刺激和肢体运动,运用口头回忆法进行日常生活能力训练是单侧空间忽略的有效康复干预。

    Conclusion : Strengthening the stimulation of vision , hearing , touching , body and limber motion , daily life training ability by ora-remembering is content rehabilita - tion way of unilateral neglect of stroke .

  9. 在旷场实验测试中,与新出生隔离雄性鼠相比,新出生接受触觉刺激的雄性鼠表现出显著低的焦虑样行为,但是在正常组和新生儿触觉刺激组之间无显著性差异。

    In the open-field test , compared with NI males , neonatal isolated males subjected to NTS showed significantly lower anxiety-like behavior , but there has no significant differences between controls and NTS males . 3 .

  10. 上述信号进一步处理后将提供触觉再现刺激电流并选通相应触点。

    That is , the output of the sound card can provide both tactile stimulating current and point-selection signal once been processed .

  11. 智能的发展过程是在视觉、听觉、触觉等刺激下循序渐进的快速发展的。

    The process of brain growth can be speeded through the increase of visual , auditory and tactile stimulation in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain grows .

  12. 触觉和听觉的刺激可诱使病牛惊厥和角弓反张。

    Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos .

  13. 实验表明,基于微循环方法测得的触觉感知度与刺激电流之间呈现较好的一致性。

    Experiments show the uniformity between the tactile sensation volume obtained by microcirculation measurement and the stimulation current .

  14. 考虑到触觉反馈的虚拟刺激必须包含织物的特有材质特征,而其取决于织物的结构参数及材料属性,则找到与结构及材料属性相关的虚拟刺激才能再现织物的基本触觉特征。

    Considering the virtual feedback stimulus of tactile feedback device must contain unique properties of fabric , which depend on structure parameters and materials , the reproduction of fabric tactile sensation needs to find virtual stimulus which can characterize structure parameters and materials .