
nǎo wěi suō
  • Cerebral atrophy;encephalatrophy;encephalanalosis
脑萎缩[nǎo wěi suō]
  1. 对各种类型脑萎缩的临床及CT表现作了探讨并提出诊断的可能性。

    Clinical and CT manifestations of various encephalatrophy were discussed and possibility of diagnosis was also suggested .

  2. 结果94例中67例头颅CT阳性,CT异常率71.28%,其中脑萎缩最常见(32.98%)。

    Results In 94 patients , the skull CT in 67 of them were positive , the abnormal rate of CT was 71.28 % , and the most common one was encephalatrophy ( 32.98 % ) .

  3. 开始吃地中海饮食永远都不会太晚。研究显示,地中海饮食可以阻止70多岁的老人脑萎缩。

    It is never too late to start eating a Mediterranean1 diet , as a study shows it could stop the brains of people in their seventies from shrinking .

  4. 颅脑CT检查的自动化脑萎缩定量诊断算法

    Algorithm for Automatic Quantification of Brain Atrophy with Computed Tomography

  5. 脑萎缩是脑性瘫痪最常见的CT表现。

    Cerebral atrophy is the commonest CT finding .

  6. 头部CT检查可见到脑叶的低密度改变以及中至重度的脑萎缩。

    Lower density in the brain lobi and encephalatrophy were seen by CT scanning .

  7. MRI线性测量局部脑萎缩对早期阿尔兹海默病的诊断意义

    MRI linear measures of brain regional atrophy in mild Alzheimer disease

  8. 8例患者头部MRI及CT扫描均显示脑萎缩。

    MRI or CT scans showed global brain atrophy in all 8 patients .

  9. 头颅MRI发现10例脑萎缩。

    10 cases were found cerebral atrophy on brain MRI .

  10. 慢性酒精中毒所致的脑萎缩(附9例临床与CT报告)

    Chronic Alcoholism and Diffusible Brain Atrophy ( A Clinical and CT Study of 9 Patients )

  11. 多发性硬化性脑萎缩MRI评估及其临床意义

    The MRI evaluation and its clinical significance of brain atrophy in patients with multiple sclerosis

  12. 论文作者们认为,维生素B对巯基丁氨酸的含量产生影响,从而有助于降低脑萎缩的速率。

    The study authors believe it was the B vitamins'effect on levels of homocysteine that helped slow the rate of brain shrinkage .

  13. 结论:AD的语言障碍在各阶段表现为不同形式的流利型失语,其变化与不同程度的脑萎缩有关。

    Conclusion : language disorders of AD shows different forms of fluency aphasia in each stage .

  14. 2例头颅CT示脑萎缩,其中1例程度较重,临床表现为明显的智力发育落后及进行性运动退化;

    Brain CT showed cerebral atrophy in 2 cases , one of whom had remarkable mental retardation and progressive motor disturbances ;

  15. 慢性酒精中毒患者血清IL-6水平与脑萎缩

    Relationship between level of serum IL-6 and brain atrophy in patients with chronic alcoholism

  16. 头颅MRI示2例患者均有脑萎缩,1例患者有脑实质异常信号影,为多发、散在病灶,广泛脑白质纤维变性。

    Head MRI manifested : cerebral atrophy in 2 cases , multiple abnormal signals in cerebral parenchyma in 1 case .

  17. 通过MR和PET的联合应用,医师能够在认知障碍和脑萎缩之间做出一个更合理的决定。

    By combining MR and PET , clinicians may be able to make a more sound determination of both cognitive impairment and atrophy .

  18. IFNβ-1a降低复发型多发性硬化症的脑萎缩比率

    Rate of brain atrophy in relapsing MS decreases during treatment with IFN β - 1a

  19. 结论脑梗死体积及脑萎缩是影响MID患者痴呆程度的重要因素。

    Conclusion The volume and cerebral atrophy were important the factor for determing dementia degree of MID.

  20. 结果MRI平扫可显示患侧脑萎缩及侧脑室内脉络丛球增大。

    Results Non enhanced MR imaging could demonstrate the atrophy of brain and the enlargement of choroid plexus in the affected lateral ventricle .

  21. CNS感染可与脑萎缩有关,伴有小头畸形和脑室扩大的后果。

    CNS infections may be associated with brain atrophy , with resultant microcephaly and ventriculomegaly .

  22. 结论:慢性酒精中毒性脑病、肝病的CT表现特点是不同程度的脑萎缩、脑软化灶、脂肪肝、肝硬化。

    Conclusion : The CT appearances of chronic alcoholic toxic cerebral injuries and liver injuries were cerebral atrophy in different degree , encephalomalacia foci , fatty liver , liver cirrhosis .

  23. 例如,PET能从早期的老年痴呆中区分轻度认知障碍,但不能确定由脑萎缩造成的脑容量减少。

    For example , PET can currently differentiate mild cognitive impairment from early-stage Alzheimer 's , but cannot determine reduced brain volume caused by atrophy .

  24. 一项新的研究指出,大剂量的维生素B可以将正经历老年痴呆症警告症状的老年人的脑萎缩速度降低一半。

    CT scan A new study suggests high doses of B vitamins may halve the rate of brain shrinkage in older people experiencing some of the warning signs of Alzheimer 's disease .

  25. 结果5例HIV脑炎中,3例表现为双侧大脑半球白质区对称性异常信号,2例表现为脑萎缩。

    Results 3 cases showed the symmetry signal abnormal in bilateral whiter matter and 2 cases showed brain atrophy in 5 patients with HIV encephalitis .

  26. 目的评价MRI线性测量脑萎缩程度对阿尔兹海默病(alzheimerdisease,AD)患者的早期诊断价值。

    Objective To assess the sensitivity and specificity of linear measures of brain atrophy in the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) in the early stages .

  27. 结果:69例中CT异常占97%,CT表现为(1)脑萎缩改变,占725%;

    Results : The cases of CT abnormity occupied 97 % in 69 cases , CT representation ( 1 ) Encephalanalosis occupied 72 5 % in 69 cases ( 2 ) Encephalodysplasia .

  28. 老年脑萎缩患者血清hs-CRP水平变化及临床意义

    Clinical significance of level of serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in the elderly with cerebral atrophy

  29. 刀片状、剪刀像和锥柱样或蘑菇状脑萎缩改变可能是Pick病的特点。

    The brain atrophy like " knife ", " scissors " and " coniform " or " mushroom " might be one of the features about Pick 's disease .

  30. 研究人员找到了mci病人脑萎缩的区域,发现白质区的水容量增加。

    In patients with mci , researchers identified regions of brain atrophy and increased water content in white-matter areas .