
  • 网络cerebral malaria;cerebral malaria, CM
  1. 脑型疟疾引发持久性神经和认知功能障碍的危险因素

    Risk factors for persisting neurological and cognitive impairments following cerebral malaria

  2. 脑型疟疾免疫病理机制的实验研究&肿瘤坏死因子的作用

    The experimental study on the immunopathological mechanism of cerebral malaria

  3. 青蒿琥酯治疗脑型疟疾32例

    Artesunate in the Treatment of 32 Cases of Cerebral Malaria

  4. 扎伊尔脑型疟疾(152例临床分析)

    Cerebral malaria in Zaire ( analysis of 152 cases )

  5. 青蒿琥酯治疗小儿脑型疟疾的临床分析

    A clinical evaluation of administration of artesunate in treatment of cerebral malaria in 65 cases

  6. 直到今天,医生还很难确定哪些患者会出现脑型疟疾。

    Until now it has been difficult to determine which patients would develop cerebral malaria .

  7. 肿瘤坏死因子α与一氧化氮在脑型疟疾发病中的作用

    Role of tumor necrosis factor - α and nitric oxide in pathogenesis of cerebral malaria

  8. 目的探讨青蒿琥酯治疗小儿脑型疟疾的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of artesunate in the treatment of children cerebral malaria .

  9. 脑型疟疾13例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 13 cerebral malaria patients

  10. 在防止脑型疟疾患儿死亡青蒿素衍生物并不次于奎宁。

    Artemisinin derivatives are not inferior to quinine in preventing death in children with cerebral malaria .

  11. 脑型疟疾的生化障碍

    Biochemical Disorders in Cerebral Malaria

  12. “这种测试将让卫生工作者准确发现(患脑型疟疾的)儿童,从而让其住院治疗,”他说。

    " This test will enable health workers to accurately identify kids to hospitalise and treat ," he says .

  13. 专门检索了比较蒿甲醚/蒿乙醚和奎宁在治疗儿童脑型疟疾上的疗效的随机对照试验。

    We searched exclusively for randomized controlled trials ( RCTs ) comparing artemether / arteether with quinine for treating cerebral malaria in children .

  14. 感染疟疾的病原体恶性疟原虫可能导致从轻微到严重的系列症状。脑型疟疾是一种严重的疟疾,它的特征是昏迷和抽搐。

    Infection with the malaria parasite ― Plasmodium falciparum ― can lead to a wide range of symptoms , from mild to severe .

  15. 总结两种青蒿素衍生物&蒿甲醚和蒿乙醚与奎宁在治疗儿童脑型疟疾上的疗效对比研究的现有证据。

    To summarize the existing evidence on the efficacy of artemether and arteether , two artemisinin derivatives , versus quinine for treating cerebral malaria in children .

  16. 科学家说,一种简单的测试可以把脑型疟疾和危险性较小的疟疾区分开来,它可以帮助把有限的资源放在治疗这种疟疾的患者身上。

    A simple test that can distinguish cerebral malaria from less dangerous forms of the disease could help focus limited resources towards treating patients with this form , say researchers .

  17. 本文分析了1983年9月至1985年9月扎伊尔脑型疟疾152例。

    This article reported 152 cases with cerebral malaria in Zaire from September 1983 to September 1985 . It accounted for 9.7 % of hospitalized patients and 22.3 % of all cases of malaria during the study period .