
  • 网络porencephaly;porencephalic;Porencephalia
  1. 小儿脑穿通畸形的临床表现、CT及病因分析(附33例报告)

    The clinical manifestations , CT and etiology of porencephaly in children ( a report of 33 cases ) .

  2. 本文报告33例小儿脑穿通畸形。

    Cases of porencephaly in children are reported .

  3. 12例脑穿通畸形的脑电图和定量脑电图。

    EEG and qEEG of12 patients with porencephaly .

  4. 脑穿通畸形囊肿2例;

    Canalization cyst in 2 cases ;

  5. 术后主要并发症为迟发性颅内血肿、脑穿通畸形、脑积水、颅骨缺损综合徵等。

    The common complications after operation were delayed intracranial hematoma , cerebral penetrating malformation , hydrocephalus , defect of skull syndrome and so on .

  6. 报告3例胎儿先天性颅脑畸形的CT表现,其中积水性无脑畸形2例,脑穿通畸形1例。

    The CT findings of 3 cases of congenital brain malformation ae reported , which included 2 cases of hydranencephaly and 1 case of porencephaly .

  7. 分离型脑裂畸形与先天性脑穿通畸形囊肿的CT鉴别诊断

    The CT differential diagnosis of open lip schizencephaly and porencephalic cyst

  8. 目的:提高CT对分离型脑裂畸形与先天性脑穿通畸形囊肿的鉴别能力。

    Purpose : To improve the CT diagnostic accuracy of open lip schizencephaly and porencephalic cyst .