
  • 网络bottom out;bottoming out;Rebound
  1. 股市可望本月末是入触底反弹阶段

    The stock market is expected to bottom out at the end of this month

  2. 在某一时间,全球股价将触底反弹。

    At some point , global stock prices will bottom out and rise .

  3. 企业利润的触底反弹并不能归因于销售增长,因为gdp增长依旧乏力。

    The V-shaped recovery cannot be attributed to sales : GDP growth has been tepid .

  4. 油价下跌刺激航空股触底反弹

    Oil Price Fall Stimulates Aviation Stocks to Rebound from Bottom

  5. 但目前还没有人急着做出钟表行业将会触底反弹的预测。

    Nobody is rushing to predict a rebound , however .

  6. 预期加息周期结束,全球股市触底反弹

    Global Market Rebounds from Bottom in Expectation of the End of Interest Rate Raising Cycle

  7. 2009年头九个月,墨西哥收到的汇款额下降了13.4%,但似乎已经触底反弹。

    Flows to Mexico declined by13.4 percent in the first nine months of2009 , but appear to have bottomed out .

  8. 美国楼市的崩盘曾加速了危机的爆发,而如今楼市似乎已经触底反弹。

    The housing market , whose collapse precipitated the crisis , appears to have hit bottom and begun climbing again .

  9. 纽元兑美元在伦敦市场由此前的0.6710下滑至日内低点0.6535,随后触底反弹至0.6590水平。

    NZD / USD sank from a high of0.6710 in early London to as low as0.6535 , struggling back to0.6590 .

  10. 其实,有些分析师坚持认为,中国股票价格已经被压得很低,现在是触底反弹的时候了。

    Indeed , some analysts argue that Chinese stocks are so beaten down that it 's time for a rally .

  11. 市场原本以为西班牙经济正在从大衰退中触底反弹,由此看来它的实际经济状况可能比市场预期糟糕的多。

    Thought to be bottoming out from a terrible recession , Spain may actually be in far worse shape than the market believed .

  12. 他们在去年错失了改革自己业务和偿付政策的机会,而更倾向于是自己触底反弹并且将那些难以作出决定的选择延后。

    They missed an opportunity to overhaul their operations and pay policies last year , instead preferring to ride the rebound and postpone difficult choices .

  13. 首先就是,对于股票价格触底反弹的时机预判相当不易。

    First of all , it was difficult to make a due judgment on when the price hit the bottom and was about to turn upward .

  14. 自去年10月见顶以来,该指数已经下跌超过40%,令市场人士预计中国股市可能将触底反弹。

    The index has lost more than 40 per cent since its peak in October , prompting hopes in China that the market could be bottoming out .

  15. 房屋建设也触底反弹,给了建筑业比过去三年更多一点儿的希望。

    Housing construction also is coming off rock-bottom levels , giving the construction sector a bit more hope than it has had for the past three years .

  16. 最重要的原则,就是不要傻头巴脑地盲目追捧那些输的一败涂地的球队,以为他们总有一天会触底反弹。

    The rule of thumb is do not be stubborn to confidently place bets on teams that continuously lost and have the thinking that they would make a come back .

  17. 对于建筑工程产业链的前沿,比如大型设计公司等(ENR4/25,第59页),衰退似乎将开始触底反弹。

    For some on the leading edge of the construction process , such as large design firms ( ENR4 / 25 p.59 ), the recession appears to be bottoming out .

  18. 2009年3月,在大萧条最严重的时候,思科又注意到经济即将触底反弹,因为许多客户开始趋于稳定,说明最坏的时候正在过去。

    In March 2009 , in the nadir of the great recession , Cisco again forecast a bottom , reporting that its customers were seeing " stabilization " as the worst was passing .

  19. 另一方面,上世纪40年代是经济增长最快的10年你可能认为,这是市场触底反弹的一个明显案例,同时对于今后10年来说,也是一个令人鼓舞的信号。

    The best decade for growth , on the other hand , was the 1940s a clear case , you might think , of a rebound from the depths and an encouraging signal for the 2010s .

  20. 房地产市场也出现触底反弹迹象:房地产交易量强劲回升;按月比较,房价自去年7月以来首次出现小幅上涨。

    The fall in the real estate market has also shown some indications of having bottomed out , with a strong rebound in property transaction volumes and the first slight rise in month-on-month prices since last July .

  21. 自10月底亚洲股市普遍触底反弹以来,在香港上市的中国内地公司股票上涨了70%,表现强于涵盖范围更广泛的恒生指数和上海综合指数。

    Mainland Chinese shares traded in Hong Kong have climbed 70 per cent since most Asian markets bottomed out at the end of October , beating & # 8201 ; the broader Hang Seng and the Shanghai Composite index .

  22. 通用汽车与克莱斯勒有所上升的破产威胁,导致美股急剧下跌,遏制了本已促使人们讨论股市可能已经触底的反弹,而此次反弹曾经帮助提升了美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)的政治地位。

    The increased threat of bankruptcy at GM and Chrysler contributed to a steep fall in US share prices , choking off a rally that had prompted talk that the stock market might be bottoming out and which had helped lift the political fortunes of Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary .

  23. 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)指数也许距离其在2000年3月的最高位还相距甚远,但它已从全球性的触底中有所反弹;

    The NASDAQ index may be far below the heights of March 2000 , but it has bounced back from the global downturn ;

  24. 但突然之间,在去年10月末,新兴市场触底,开始反弹。

    But suddenly , in late October , they hit a bottom and started to rise .

  25. 欧佩克秘书长本周曾表示,长达七个月的抛本大甩卖之后,油价或已触底并将反弹。

    The OPEC secretary-general said this week the seven-month long sell-off in oil may have run its course and prices could rebound .

  26. 我不以一个人爬得多高来衡量他的成功,而是以他触底后能反弹多高来衡量。

    I don 't measure a man 's success by how high he climbs , but how high he bounce when he hits bottom .

  27. 在美国,房价自2012年初触底以来已有所反弹,但从全国层面来说仍然只是收复了房地产崩盘以来跌幅的一半左右。

    In the US , house prices have recovered since bottoming out in early 2012 , but have still only recovered about half of the decline from the housing crash at a national level .