
  1. 我国财政金融动员能力的量化与优化研究

    Research on Meterage and Optimization of the Capacity of Chinese Financial Mobilization

  2. 局部战争需要消耗大量的社会资源,进行财政金融动员是赢得局部战争胜利的客观需要。

    Financial mobilization is needed to win a war for abundant social resources depleted in local war .

  3. 财政金融动员是依据一定的政策、行政手段筹措和分配资金,有效地支援战争的活动。

    Financial mobilization is an activity of financing to support the war by definite policy and administration .

  4. 在本文中,从宏观稳定性的视角提出了财政金融动员能力优化的特有内涵。国家能力与金融功能财政化研究

    In this thesis , the author puts forward a special meaning of optimization from perspective of economic stability . Gradual Reform , State Capacity , Financial and Fiscal Functions in a Reforming China