
  • 网络fiscal conservatism;Fiscal Conservatives
  1. 各工业国国内的政治两极分化,促使财政保守主义再度抬头。

    Political polarisation in industrialised countries has fuelled a resurgence of fiscal conservatism .

  2. 但在属于伟哥的这些日子里,坦诚讨论阳痿问题就像谈论财政保守主义一样自然。

    But these are the days of Viagra , when frank discussions of impotence can seem as natural as talking about fiscal conservatism .

  3. 这种做法也符合财政保守主义的原则。

    It would also be the fiscally conservative thing to do .

  4. 这是否意味着我们对财政保守主义者提出的削减预算要求不必那么紧张了?

    Does it mean we can be more relaxed about the demands for budget cuts emanating from fiscal conservatives ?

  5. A国是由右翼或中间偏右分子所统治的:财政保守主义、自由贸易和私立养老保险制度漏出了马脚。

    Country A is governed from the right or centre-right : fiscal conservatism , free trade and private pensions give the game away .

  6. 吴振伟问政的核心理念为温和的社会文化立场,以及经济新自由主义与财政保守主义。

    Representative Wu 's core political tenets are characterized by his moderate social and cultural positions as well as neo-economic liberalism and fiscal conservatism .

  7. 打算逐步削减赤字、最终稳定债务与收入比例的国家,如德国和英国,则被诟病为顽固的财政保守主义者。

    Governments that instead propose gradually reducing deficits and ultimately stabilising debt to income levels – such as both Germany and the UK – are accused of pig-headed fiscal conservatism .

  8. 就在不久前,德国对待危机的正统看法还是:其他国家应该多学学德国,奉行财政保守主义,努力工作,保持经常项目盈余。

    Until recently , the orthodox German take on the crisis was simply to argue that other countries should be more like Germany delivering fiscal conservatism , hard work and a current account surplus .

  9. 诚然,黄金信徒在美国始终都是存在的,正如茶叶党也始终未曾消失一样(奉行财政保守主义、反政府的右翼分子不就是茶叶党?)。

    To be sure , gold devotees have always existed in America , just as a version of the Tea Party has always been around ( that is , fiscally conservative , anti-government right-wingers ) .

  10. 从另一方面来说,如果你是美国人所谓的“财政保守主义者”,赞成预算平衡和量入为出,那么你的选择要容易得多:希拉里是适合你的候选人。

    If , on the other hand , you are what Americans call a " fiscal conservative , " a person who believes in balanced budgets and careful spending , then the choice is much easier : Mrs Clinton is your candidate .

  11. 20世纪70年代以来,随着公共财政危机和保守主义的崛起,新公共管理运动掀起了公共行政的后现代转型。

    Since 1970 's , with the rising of the public financial crisis and the conservatism , the movement of " neo-public administration " has made the post-modernism of the public administration change its pattern .

  12. 解决危机的德国方案因为它主要就是德国的解决方案的中心原则是,欧元区其它成员国必须按照德国的正统财政观念和金融保守主义接受改造。

    And a central tenet of the German solution to the crisis for it is primarily a German solution is that other eurozone members must be recast in their mould of fiscal orthodoxy and financial conservatism .