
  • 网络Fiscal Surplus;Budget surplus;primary surplus;Et-εt
  1. 第一个是基本财政盈余的规模,现在普遍认为应该是GDP的4.5%。

    The first is the size of the primary fiscal surplus , now supposed to be 4.5 per cent of GDP .

  2. 受此影响,尽管基本财政盈余数额庞大,却未能抑制住债务比率。

    As a result , even a huge primary fiscal surplus could not constrain the debt ratio .

  3. 因此,意大利要实现债务可持续性,其基本财政盈余与GDP比例要达到6%以上。

    For Italy to achieve debt sustainability thus requires a primary balance of more than 6 per cent .

  4. 据我估算,仅仅要维持目前的债务存量,意大利就需要基本财政盈余与gdp的比例接近5%。

    On my calculations , Italy needs a primary government surplus of almost 5 per cent of GDP simply to maintain the current stock of debt .

  5. 德国永远保持财政盈余,欧元区其他成员国怎么办?几乎没有哪个德国联邦议院(Bundestag)的议员对此提出疑问,更不用说担忧地缘政治方面的影响了。

    There is hardly a soul in the Bundestag who questions how permanent fiscal surpluses would fit in with the rest of the eurozone , let alone worrying about the geopolitical consequences .

  6. 我相信,抗拒浪费财政盈余的诱惑很重要。

    I believe it 's important to resist the temptation to squander our surplus .

  7. 受到金融危机打击的国家几乎总是拥有大量的结构性私营部门财政盈余。

    Countries hit by financial crises almost always have large structural private sector financial surpluses .

  8. ⅹ他形容维持财政盈余ⅸ并非一项良好政策ⅹ。

    He described the maintenance of fiscal surpluses as " not a good policy " .

  9. 香港有巨额财政盈余

    Hong Kong has huge financial surplus

  10. 考虑到这些经济体正在迅速增长,他们应该有财政盈余。

    Given that their economies are booming , all of them should arguably be running a surplus .

  11. 依靠庞大的经常账户盈余和财政盈余,中国拥有资源去缓冲任何经济放缓。

    China has the resources to cushion any growth slowdown , with huge current account and fiscal surpluses .

  12. 如果名义增长率出现任何下降,将需要更高的基本财政盈余作为补偿。

    Any shortfall in the nominal growth rate would require a compensation through an even higher primary balance .

  13. 新兴经济大国拥有财政盈余和经济增长,并在全球稳定中起着举足轻重的作用。

    The rising economic powers have financial surpluses , economic growth , and high stakes in global stability .

  14. 当布什总统就任时,美国有1千2百80亿美元的财政盈余。

    When President Bush entered office , the United States enjoyed a fiscal surplus of $ 128 billion .

  15. 为了偿还债务,它们必须创造能够持续数年的财政盈余。

    To pay down debt , it must generate financial surpluses that need to be sustained over several years .

  16. 由于财政盈余不菲,香港去年将葡萄酒税从80%减半至40%。

    Hong Kong last year halved its wine tax from 80 per cent thanks to a large fiscal surplus .

  17. 但由于北部也加入了紧缩,结果欧元区在衰退中反而实现了基础财政盈余。

    But since the north joined the austerity , the eurozone ended up with a primary fiscal surplus in a recession .

  18. 在去年实现财政盈余70亿美元的情况下,特区政府仅额外拿出了1.15亿美元来舒缓贫困。

    After recording a $ 7bn surplus last year , his administration allocated only an extra $ 115m for poverty relief .

  19. 因此,它必须大幅扩大基本财政盈余、大幅提高经济增速,或者大幅降低利率。

    So the primary surplus has to be far bigger , the growth rate far higher , or the interest rate lower .

  20. 国会议员瑞安的预算方案计划在2023年实现70亿美元的财政盈余,而这很有可能说服众议院。

    Congressman Ryan 's budget projects a $ 7 billion surplus in fiscal year 2023 and is likely to sell to the House .

  21. 但许多政策制定者至今仍搞不清挤出国内财政盈余与外债偿还能力之间的区别。

    But many policymakers remain confused over the distinction between squeezing out a domestic fiscal surplus and the ability to pay foreign debts .

  22. 斯普拉特是国会众议院预算委员会主席。他批评布什把2360亿美元的财政盈余变成为创记录的财政赤字。

    Spratt , who is chairman of the House Budget Committee , criticized the president for turning a $ 236 billion surplus into record deficits .

  23. 昨日宣布的措施中,有许多延续了今年早些时候出台的政府支出计划,当时香港政府披露了150亿美元的财政盈余。

    Many of the measures announced yesterday are an extension to spending programmes outlined earlier this year when the government disclosed a record $ 15bn surplus .

  24. 此外,认为爱尔兰的巨额财政盈余可能足以抵消私人部门繁荣带来的破坏性影响的观点是荒谬的。

    Moreover , the notion that Ireland might have run a fiscal surplus big enough to offset the destabilising impact of the private sector boom is ludicrous .

  25. 澳大利亚连续9年实现财政盈余,导致政府债券供应不足,这也使得投资者除购买非政府债券以外别无选择。

    Lack of government supply , as the country enters it ninth successive year of surplus , has also left investors with little choice but to buy non-government paper .

  26. 如果你们还有印象,那是我们的经济创造了将近2300万个新的工作岗位,以及历史上最多的财政盈余,而百万富翁们也非常成功的时代。

    And if you remember , that was when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs , the biggest budget surplus in history , and millionaires were doing pretty well .

  27. 认为希腊将在一代人的时间内保持巨额财政盈余,来偿还债权人政府为了将私人贷款机构从自身愚行中救出而花的钱,将是一种妄想。

    The idea that the Greeks will run large fiscal surpluses for a generation , to pay back money creditor governments used to rescue private lenders from their folly is a delusion .

  28. 这些金融资产主要来自一国的外汇储备、财政盈余以及商品出口的收入,其特点是政府所有、规模巨大、全球投资。

    These financial assets mainly come from official foreign exchange reserve , financial surplus and export earnings . SWFs have some prominent features : owned by government , huge scale and globe investment .

  29. 他所继承的财政盈余现已成赤字。美国退休项目的财政黑洞比以前更为巨大,税收体系成了一个不稳定而又千疮百孔的一堆乱麻。

    The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit , the fiscal hole in America 's retiree programmes is bigger than ever , the tax system is an unstable , patched-up mess .

  30. 较高的储蓄率、较高的年度财政盈余、较低的利率、共同的货币区等对于降低政府债券到期收益率将起到重要作用。

    The high savings rate , high the annual fiscal surplus , low interest rates , a common currency zone will play an important role in lowering the yield to maturity of government bonds .