
  • 网络Financial system;fiscal system
  1. 我国财政制度的完善与贫困落后地区财政的调适&三农问题和农村税费改革的财政制度性制约

    Chinese Fiscal System Perfection and the Adjustment of Poorly - off Areas

  2. 财政制度变迁是由政府主导的供给型的制度变迁。

    Fiscal system transference is a supply-type system transference dominated by government .

  3. 从抗击SARS看我国财政制度建设

    Fight against SARS and financial system building

  4. 建立健全军事财政制度体系是我国军费结构优化的制度保证;

    Establishing and perfecting the system of military public finance ;

  5. 公共财政制度的中心是政府预算制度。

    The institutional center in public finance is a government budget system .

  6. 财政制度创新与城乡一体化

    The Innovation of Financial Systems and the Integration of Urban and Rural

  7. 中美教育财政制度与应对金融危机的政策比较

    Comparative Analysis of Education Financial System and Policy between China and America

  8. 试论民族地区财政制度的完善

    On Improvement of System of Public Finance in Ethnic Areas

  9. 取消农业税后县乡财政制度创新的思考

    On financial system innovation of counties and towns after abolishing agricultural taxes

  10. 义务教育及其财政制度研究

    The Research on Compulsory Education and Its Financial System

  11. 公共选择视角下中国财政制度的演进方向

    Evolution direction of China 's financial institution in the view of public choice

  12. 论文专门对促进城乡基本公共服务均等化的财政制度进行研究。

    Financial regulations of how to promote BPS are investigated with great specialties .

  13. 美国财政制度的变迁与借鉴

    On the Changes of American Fiscal Institution and the Enlightenments from Its Experience

  14. 构建农村公共财政制度

    Constructing a New Financial System in the Countryside

  15. 卫生分级财政制度的国际比较及我国存在的问题

    A international comparative study of health tiered financial system and the problems in China

  16. 促进四川丘陵县域经济发展的财政制度建设研究

    The Innovative Study of Finance System to Improve the Economy of Upland in Sichuan

  17. 资本市场发展与财政制度变革

    Capital Market Development and Fiscal Institutions Change

  18. 中国的财政制度需要进行全面改革。

    Chinas fiscal system needs comprehensive reforms .

  19. 有关国家不发达地区开发的财政制度安排与借鉴

    The Fiscal System Arrangement of Undeveloped Regional Development in Some Countries and Using for Reference

  20. 日本基础设施建设财政制度

    Financial System for Infrastructure Development in Japan

  21. 而如何在欧洲创建一个可行的财政制度,需要继续磋商。

    How to create viable fiscal rules for the euro would be left to negotiations .

  22. 最终通过完善公共财政制度促进我国国家权力的良性运行。

    Promotes our country state power benign movement finally through the consummation public finance system .

  23. 全面小康与民族地区财政制度的完善

    On improvement of regional financial system in minority nationality area and construction of well-off all-round society

  24. 在公共财政制度建设中,应正确认识和评价我国建设性财政的历史作用。

    We should evaluate historic affect of invested finance at construct public finance system of China ;

  25. 不同的财政制度模式下,预算决策与管理制度模式是不同的。

    Under different financial policy models , there are different budgetary decision models and management models .

  26. 清朝钱粮亏空的财政制度根源初探

    A First Inquiry into the Roots of the Fiscal System Causing Deficit Revenue in the Qing Dynasty

  27. 预防腐败的财政制度安排

    Fiscal System Arrangement Against Corruption

  28. 公共财政制度下高等教育经费的筹措与成本分担机制研究

    The Research of Financing Higher Education and the System of Cost Sharing is Under Public Financial System

  29. 促进中部崛起的财政制度创新研究

    The Research on Public Finance System Innovation to Promote the Economy Development of the Central Part in China

  30. 美国竞选财政制度是美国政治制度中争议最多的问题之一。

    The financial system for election campaign has long been a contentious issue in the political system of U.S.A.