
  • 网络Fiscal Sustainability;financial sustainability
  1. 在2010年的一项研究中,美国战略与国际研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)的理查德杰克逊(RichardJackson)将人口结构和福利承诺纳入财政可持续性指数。

    In a 2010 study , Richard Jackson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies combined demographics and welfare promises into a fiscal sustainability index .

  2. G20的确强调各国有必要根据自身国情量身定制,出台促进增长的可信措施,以实现财政可持续性。

    The G20 did stress the need for our countries to put in place credible , growth-friendly measures , to deliver fiscal sustainability , differentiated for and tailored to national circumstances .

  3. 为了解决养老金的财政可持续性与便携性的“双重问题”,近年来欧盟国家先后致力于改革现有的现收现付DB型养老金制度。

    Recently in order to resolve the double problems , both fiscal sustainability and transportability , European Union countries have been driven to take a more pro-active stance to reform Defined Benefit Pension Plan ( DB ) .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)本月警告称,日本政府债务——目前包括担保在内的债务规模现已超过1000万亿日圆(合12.8万亿美元)——使其面临市场对该国财政可持续性失去信心可能导致的利率上升风险。

    The International Monetary Fund warned this month that government debt - now exceeding Y1000tn ( $ 12.8tn ) including guarantees - leaves Japan exposed to a rise in interest rates caused by lost confidence in fiscal sustainability .

  5. 该声明还增加了旨在确保长期财政可持续性的措施。

    The statement added such actions aimed to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability .

  6. 但现在是恢复财政可持续性的时候了。

    But now is the time to restore fiscal sustainability .

  7. 论地方财政可持续性的分析方法

    Study on Method for Analyzing Fiscal Sustainability of Local Government

  8. 反对者则说,为了恢复财政可持续性,必须实行紧缩政策。

    Their opponents say that austerity is needed to restore fiscal sustainability .

  9. 另一个是关注长期财政可持续性。

    Another is the focus on long-term fiscal sustainability .

  10. 这肯定需要恢复财政可持续性,从而需要可信的中期财政计划。

    This surely requires a return to fiscal sustainability , which demands credible medium-term fiscal plans .

  11. 有关财政可持续性的任何主张,如果无法解释日本的悖论,就毫无说服力可言。

    No assertion about the sustainability of public finances can be convincing unless it accounts for the Japanese paradox .

  12. 结果将很快变成最糟糕的局面:既非短期刺激,也非中期财政可持续性。

    The result will soon be the worst of all worlds : neither short-term stimulus nor medium-term fiscal sustainability .

  13. 第三,为了确保财政可持续性,各成员国应承诺,不以超高利率借款。

    Third , to guarantee sustainability , Member States should commit not to borrow at abnormally high interest rates .

  14. 伯南克警告称,如果目前不能解决财政可持续性问题,可能导致美国面临一种债务陷阱。

    The Fed chief warned that failure to address fiscal sustainability now could result in the US facing a debt trap .

  15. 它们还必须通过创造有意义的初始预算盈余,以一种令人信服的方式,表明自己回归较长期的财政可持续性的意图。

    They must also signal their intention credibly to return to longer-term fiscal sustainability through the generation of meaningful primary budgetary surpluses .

  16. 一旦医改就位,美国就可专注于财政可持续性的其它方面,包括社保改革。

    Once healthcare reform is in place , the US can then focus on other aspects of fiscal sustainability , including social security reform .

  17. 然而,许多欧盟成员国的结构性赤字甚至在经济景气时期也处于高位,因此财政可持续性也是一个问题。

    However , structural deficits in many EU member states were high even in good times , so fiscal sustainability is also a concern .

  18. 希望英方振兴经济、保持财政可持续性的措施尽快见到成效。

    We hope that the steps taken by the UK to revitalize its economy and maintain fiscal sustainability will produce results as soon as possible .

  19. 重要的是,在强调长期财政可持续性的国家,政府可能更容易诱导央行维持高度宽松的货币环境。

    Importantly , governments that emphasise long-term fiscal sustainability are likely to have an easier time inducing their central banks to maintain highly supportive monetary conditions .

  20. 考察可持续的税率水平与实际税率水平之间的差异,是衡量地方财政可持续性的基本方法。

    The major method for analyzing the fiscal sustainability of local government is to consider the difference between the sustainable tax rate and practical tax rate .

  21. 例如,美国缺少一项确保财政可持续性的计划;同时,由于其经济规模过于庞大,人们无法指望出口给它带来多大提振。

    The US , for example , lacks a plan for fiscal sustainability and is too big to expect more than a modest boost from exports .

  22. 希望到了2011年,对希腊财政可持续性的深切担忧将有所缓解倘若如此,或许在一定程度上要归功于欧洲央行的严是爱。

    Hopefully , by 2011 , acute anxiety about Greek fiscal sustainability will have abated ; perhaps , partly due to the ECB 's tough love .

  23. 同时,保持主要储备货币汇率相对稳定和各国财政可持续性,对于实现世界经济强劲、可持续和平衡的增长也十分重要。

    Meanwhile , maintaining relative stability of major reserve currencies and fiscal sustainability are also very important to achieve strong , sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy .

  24. 事实上,尽管这些文章的观点针锋相对,但恢复财政可持续性与保留对复苏的支持之间,实际上不一定就是冲突的。

    Indeed , despite the warring comments that have appeared in these pages , there is actually no necessary conflict between restoring fiscal sustainability and maintaining support for the recovery .

  25. 那么,在一个政策可信性不可或缺的世界,如何应对关于财政可持续性、过度的信用创造,以及经济正常化所需时间的合理担忧?

    How then to respond to valid concerns about fiscal sustainability , excessive credit creation and the time it may take to return to normality in a world where policy credibility is essential ?

  26. 这些条件包括:银行业体系保持稳定;旨在确保财政可持续性的可信计划;结构性改革;投资和出口不断增长;以及住房市场企稳和建筑业复苏。

    The list includes : stability in the banking system ; credible plans for fiscal sustainability ; structural reform ; rising investment and exports ; and stability in the housing market and rebounding construction .

  27. 上述声明还辩称,目前的形势证明,我们有必要加强并完成现有框架,以确保欧元区的财政可持续性,增强其在危机时期采取行动的能力。

    Last week 's statement also argued that the current situation demonstrates the need to strengthen and complement the existing framework to ensure fiscal sustainability in the eurozone and enhance its capacity to act in times of crises .

  28. 为此,必须谨慎地管理多个转变过程,包括增长动态的变化、全球金融条件的正常化、财政可持续性的努力实现、全球需求的再平衡调整,以及向更稳定的全球金融体系的不断迈进。

    This requires carefully managing multiple transitions , including a shift in growth dynamics , normalizing global financial conditions , achieving fiscal sustainability , a rebalancing of global demand , and moving to a more stable global financial system .

  29. 同时,要着眼长远,推动经济结构性改革,逐步消除系统性、结构性风险,提高财政可持续性,增强经济内生增长动力。

    At the same time , it is important to think for the long run . We need to promote economic restructuring , gradually remove the systemic and structural risks , enhance fiscal sustainability , and build internal drivers of economic growth .

  30. 我国赤字财政的可持续性的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Sustainability of Deficit Financing in China