
  • 网络Fiscal Responsibility;financial accountability
  1. 当选官员应当听取国家财政责任和改革委员会(nationalcommissiononfiscalresponsibilityandreform)的建议,就像筋疲力尽的游泳者听从救生员的建议一样。

    Elected officials should latch on to the advice of the National Commission on fiscal responsibility and reform , as an exhausted swimmer to a lifebuoy .

  2. 如果德国为了政治投机而放弃长期的财政责任,无论是欧元还是欧盟(eu)都不会长期存在下去。

    Neither the euro nor the European Union would survive for long , should Germany give up long-term fiscal responsibility in favour of political opportunism .

  3. 首先,总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)没有信守“负起财政责任”的承诺。

    First , President George W. Bush did not keep his pledge to be fiscally responsible .

  4. 第二,西方要承担起重要的财政责任,特别是欧盟、美国和国际货币基金组织(IMF)。

    Secondly , there are important financial responsibilities that fall on the west , notably the EU , US and International Monetary Fund .

  5. 因此,问题本身不在于增长还是财政责任。

    So the question isn 't between growth and fiscal responsibility .

  6. 麦凯恩说,政府需要重新负担起财政责任。

    Senator McCain said government needs to restore fiscal responsibility .

  7. 这并不意味着,我们不再信守针对财政责任的承诺。

    This is not the end of our commitment to fiscal responsibility .

  8. 在经济增长和财政责任之间没有选择,我们两项都要兼顾。

    There is no choice between growth and fiscal responsibility-we need both .

  9. 农村医疗保障与政府财政责任原则

    The Principles of Government 's Financing Responsibility in Rural Residents ' Health Security

  10. 印度政府正寻求加速经济增长和坚定遵守财政责任。

    It is seeking to both accelerate growth and steadfastly observe fiscal responsibility .

  11. 增长和财政责任并不相互冲突我们两者都需要。

    The issue is not growth versus fiscal responsibility & we need both .

  12. 农村医疗保障财政责任的制度变迁

    System Change of Government 's Financial Responsibility in Rural Residents ' Health Security

  13. 总统称该法案使美国向财政责任前进了重要的一步。

    The president called the bill an important first step toward fiscal responsibility .

  14. 政府财政责任的缺失严重制约了我国农村社会养老保险制度的发展。

    Fiscal responsibility defect of government restricts the development of rural social endowment insurance .

  15. 财政责任已得到法律规定。

    Fiscal responsibility is enshrined in law .

  16. 论义务教育财政责任

    On the Fiscal Responsibility for Compulsory Education

  17. 我们也必须恢复财政责任。

    And we must restore fiscal responsibility .

  18. 宏观金融风险与政府财政责任

    Macro-financial Risks and Governmental Financial Responsibilities

  19. 由于高等教育产品的准公共性,政府要承担主要的财政责任。

    As the quasi-public higher education products , the government must bear the primary financial responsibility .

  20. 与此同时,他也让人们难以再指责他背弃了自己对于财政责任的承诺。

    And he has avoided the accusation that he is backtracking on his commitment to fiscal responsibility .

  21. 我们必须努力工作,重新承担财政责任,使中产阶级强大。

    We 'll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle class .

  22. 这是一次充满乐观的演说,其中一些有关财政责任的表述也还不错。

    " It was an optimistic speech and there were some good lines about fiscal responsibility ," said Flake .

  23. 他说,这是关于财政责任的问题。其他人则表示,他选择了错误的时间和错误的问题来表明自己的观点。

    He says it 's about responsibility , others say he picked the wrong time and the wrong issue to

  24. 在我看来,专注于推动长期增长和维护财政责任的措施十分必要。

    In my view it is essential to focus on measures that enhance long-term growth and to maintain fiscal responsibility .

  25. 部门是最基本的预算主体,明确部门财政责任至关重要,这是部门预算改革的根本所在。

    The department as the main body of budgeting has the utmost importance to clarify fiscal responsibility of the department .

  26. 当前,世界上多数发展中大国也是由中央和省级政府共同承担农村教育的主要财政责任。

    Currently , central and province governments undertake together the main financial responsibility of rural education in most developing countries .

  27. 美国将采取措施,增强长期财政责任,并采取新措施鼓励私人储蓄。

    The United States will implement measures to increase long run fiscal responsibility and introduce new ways to encourage private saving .

  28. 国有商业银行风险有其特殊性,其与政府财政责任之间也存在着特殊的关系。

    The risk of State-owned commercial bank has its particularity , then the relationship between it and government finance is also particular .

  29. 这将意味着重拾克林顿在财政责任、政府改革和全球参与方面未完成的使命。

    This would mean Picking up where Mr Clinton left off in terms of fiscal responsibility , governmental reform and global engagement .

  30. 通过选择瑞安作为竞选搭档,罗姆尼已将财政责任置于其竞选核心。

    In selecting Mr Ryan as his running mate , Mr Romney has placed fiscal responsibility at the heart of his campaign .