
  1. 附录部分根据上述设计的财政支出绩效评价指标、方法对N高中2002年财政支出进行评价。

    The part of the appendix was appraised to the expenditure of 2002 of N high school according to the above-mentioned expenditure performance evaluation index , method that design .

  2. 财政支出绩效评价体系研究及案例分析

    Research on Performance Evaluation System of Fiscal Expenditure and Case Study

  3. 试论财政支出绩效评价指标体系的构建

    The Study on the Financial Expenditure Performance Evaluation System Construction

  4. 福建财政支农绩效评价及政策选择

    Performance Evaluation and Policies Selection of Finance of Supporting Agriculture in Fujian

  5. 我国义务教育财政支出绩效评价研究初探

    The Researches of Chinese Compulsory Education Financial Expenditure Performance Evaluation

  6. 四是构建了文化创意产业财政政策绩效评价体系。

    Four is set up performance assess system of cultural creative industry .

  7. 中国积极财政政策绩效评价及发展研究

    Performance appraisal and development research of Chinese expansionary fiscal policy

  8. 平衡计分卡在义务教育财政支出绩效评价中的应用

    The Application of Balanced Scorecards to Financial Expenditure Performance Evaluation in Compulsory Education

  9. 这就需要建立公共财政支出绩效评价制度。

    This needs to set up the performance evaluation system of public expenditure .

  10. 再次,借鉴平衡计分卡的平衡理念,设计出了地方财政支出绩效评价的指标体系。

    Thirdly , designs the evaluation indexes style following the idea of Balanced Scorecard .

  11. 中小学财政支出绩效评价指标体系的初步建构

    The Index System of the Primary and Junior High School Finance Expenditure Performance Evaluation

  12. 教育财政支出绩效评价的解读与思考

    Discussion about the Performance Evaluation of Education Expenditure

  13. 教育财政支出绩效评价:模型及其通用指标体系构建

    The Performance Evaluation of Education Expenditure : A Construction of Model and General Indicators System

  14. 城市社区公共卫生服务财政补偿绩效评价机制研究

    The Research on Financial Assistance Performance Evaluation Mechanism in the Urban Community Public Health Services

  15. 开展高校财政支出绩效评价是财政管理工作的一项重要工作,对教育改革和发展具有重要意义。

    Expenditure is an important financial management work for educational reform and development is of great significance .

  16. 第二部分,介绍了财政支出绩效评价制度的国际经验以及对我国的启示。

    Second part recommends some international experience and enlightenment of our country of expenditure performance appraisal system .

  17. 公共财政支出绩效评价制度在政府和纳税人之间搭起了一座桥梁。

    The performance evaluation system of the public expenditure sets up a " bridge " between government and taxpayer .

  18. 经济发达地区义务教育财政支出绩效评价的实践及思考

    The Practice and Thinking of Financial Expenditure on Compulsory Education and its Performance Evaluation in Developed Areas of China

  19. 这两种类型的公共财政支出绩效评价制度在评价的内容、范围、评价主体以及评价步骤上具有许多相同点和不同点。

    They have a lot of common characteristics and differences in appraising content , range , subject and step .

  20. 指标体系设计是开展学校财政支出绩效评价的一项关键性工作。

    The index system design is a decisive work of the primary and junior high school finance expenditure performance evaluation .

  21. 准确把握科技事业单位特点进一步完善财政项目绩效评价

    Accurately Grasping the Characters of the Institutions of Science and Technology to Further Perfect the Performance Evaluation of Financial Project

  22. 构建基于逻辑模型的财政支出绩效评价体系&以农业财政支出为例

    Construction on Performance Evaluation System of Financial Expenditure Based on Logic Model : Taking the Agricultural Expenditure as an Example

  23. 本文以《镇江市科技强警项目财政支出绩效评价》课题为依据。

    This writing bases on the issue " Zhenjiang performance evaluation about strengthen police with science and technology project expenditure " .

  24. 建立一套科学合理的财政支出绩效评价体系,能够客观准确地评价和衡量财政支出效益水平。

    To establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system of financial expenditure can accurate evaluation and measure financial expenditure performance evaluation level .

  25. 新行政模式下的分权化管理和责任机制为公共财政支出绩效评价制度的建立奠定了制度基础。

    Decentralizations between management and responsibility mechanism of new administrative mode establish the system foundation for the performance evaluation system of public expenditure .

  26. 正是基于此种考虑,本文尝试性地构建了财政支出绩效评价指标体系,并进行了实证研究。

    Taken this reality into consideration , the article has made an empirical research on establishing a performance evaluation indicator system of financial expenditure .

  27. 推行财政支出绩效评价和绩效预算是公共财政管理改革的必要环节。

    The implementation performance budgeting ( PB ) and performance evaluation ( PE ) of fiscal expenditure is necessary to reform the public finance management .

  28. 本文对高校财政支出绩效评价的难点、评价内容、程序以及评价指标的选取和评价的实际操作进行了分析。

    The expenditure on higher education performance evaluation difficult , evaluate content , process and evaluation of selection and evaluation indicators for the analysis of the actual operation .

  29. 从效果层面来看,具有更长远的研究意义。一套成熟、完整的绩效评价指标体系对于我国开展财政支出绩效评价工作的重要性不言而喻,同样对构建公共财政基本框架极其重要。

    Thirdly , from the effects level , A mature and complete performance evaluation index system is extremely important for carrying out financial expenditure performance evaluation and constructing the basic framework of public finance .

  30. 在对水利项目财政支出绩效评价的现状和存在的具体问题进行研究的过程中,结合了沂沭河流域的情况进行了实证分析。

    In the process of studying the current situation and existing problems of the performance evaluation of water conservancy projects , the author conducts an empirical analysis combined with yi and shu river basin .