
  • fiscal incentives
  1. (ⅱ)放弃或未征收在其他情况下应征收的政府税收(如税收抵免之类的财政鼓励)1;

    ( ii ) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not collected ( e.g. fiscal incentives such as tax credits ) ;

  2. 税收抵免是以已经交纳的公司税为基础的一种估算制度。(ⅱ)放弃或未征收在其他情况下应征收的政府税收(如税收抵免之类的财政鼓励)1;

    The tax credit is an imputation based on the fact that corporation tax has been paid . ( ii ) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not collected ( e.g. fiscal incentives such as tax credits ) ;

  3. 在不可再生能源价格持续增长、全社会对环境问题关注度提高以及许多国家的财政鼓励政策推动下,可再生能源业务的需求预期将继续保持强劲。

    Demand is expected to remain strong driven mainly by increasing costs of fossil energies , societal sensitivity to environmental concerns and financial incentives in many countries .

  4. 奥巴马总统的8190亿一揽子财政鼓励政策中只有60亿用来扩大宽带入口&比预期投入要小得多,且伴随着太多的附加条件,怨言将会接踵而至。

    Mr Obama 's $ 819 billion stimulus package would make just $ 6 billion available for expanding broadband access & much less than expected , and with too many strings attached , grumble would-be recipients .

  5. 第二,低税国家采取的财政鼓励措施,使资源从生产率较低的部门和行业转移到较高的部门和行业,从而提高了资源利用的总效益,而一些高税国家的情况似乎正好相反。

    Second , the encourage-measures adopted by lower revenue countries can transfer the resource from the departments and the industries with lower productivity to the higher ones , which improves the resources ' total benefits , while the higher revenue countries conduct the other way round .

  6. 七国集团(G7)财政部长鼓励亚洲及其它新兴市场促进国内资本市场的发展,这项举措应该受到赞许。

    The Group of Seven finance ministers ' initiative to encourage development of local capital markets in Asian and other emerging markets should be applauded .

  7. 各国政府还依靠法令和财政措施鼓励从石油向丰富而廉价的燃料转变。

    Governments have also relied on regulations and financial incentives to encourage a switch from oil to less scarce , less costly fuels .

  8. 大会将促使部长使用政策和财政手段鼓励温室气体减排,并为适应气候变化做好准备。

    That meeting will , among other things , encourage ministers to use policies and fiscal means to create incentives for reducing greenhouse gases and preparing for and adapting to climate change .

  9. 安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。

    Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan 's macroeconomic problems . It consists of monetary1 policy , fiscal2 policy , and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment .

  10. 两个月前,由于市场担心结构性投资工具可能被迫折价抛售资产,在美国财政部的鼓励下,三大银行提议成立这只基金,并计划交由BlackRock管理。

    The fund , which was to be managed by BlackRock , was proposed by the banks with the encouragement of the Treasury two months ago amid fears of possible fire sales by SIVs .

  11. 建立林业长效投入保障机制,将林业公共支出纳入公共财政预算,鼓励和引导社会资金投入林业;

    Establishing long term input guarantee mechanism for forestry , bringing forestry public expenditure into public financial budget , encouraging and guiding social funds to be invested on forestry ;

  12. 这样,巴西眼下的道路可能是集中现有体系的财政措施来鼓励保护森林,而不是争论清洁发展机制是否应该包括(森林)保护项目。

    Instead of debating whether or not the CDM should include conservation , the way forward for Brazil may be to focus on the existing system of fiscal measures to encourage forest conservation .

  13. 抵押得不到信任,而政府管理的财政系统也不鼓励工作人员发放贷款,因为他们觉得借钱给非国有企业存在风险。

    Collateral is suspect and the state-controlled financial system does not reward loan officers for assuming the risks that come with non-state-controlled companies .

  14. 与财政政策相比,鼓励央行加入这种联合行动的激励结构产生搭便车问题的可能性更小。

    The incentive structure for central banks to join such concerted action is less likely to create free rider problems than is the case for fiscal policy .

  15. 我们将为金融机构提供税收政策优惠,贷款利率补贴,和其他优惠的财政激励,以鼓励他们为扶贫工作提供更多创意产品。

    Preferential tax policies , loan interest subsidies , and other kinds of favorable financial incentives will be provided to encourage financial institutions to offer more innovative products for poverty alleviation .

  16. 《实施方案》基本思路是,采取财政补贴方式,鼓励汽车、家电等以旧换新,建立有效的激励机制,进一步扩大内需特别是消费需求,促进节能减排,发展循环经济。

    The basic idea of " Plan " is to take financial subsidies to encourage the automotive , appliance and other " trade " to establish an effective incentive mechanism to further expand domestic demand , especially consumer demand , promote energy conservation , development of circular economy .

  17. 简单分析了财政政策的选择问题,做到加大财政投入力度、合理调整政府收购体制以及加大财政补贴以鼓励低碳经济相关产业的崛起与发展。

    It simply analyzes the fiscal policy choice problem to increase financial investment , rationally adjust the government purchase system and increase financial subsidies to encourage a low carbon economy development and rise the relevant industries .