
  • 网络Financial Decision Making
  1. 在艰难的财政决策面前他从没有退缩过。

    He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions .

  2. 汉武帝财政决策与瓠子河决治理

    Han-Wu-Emperor 's Financial Decision-making and Governance of that Huzi River Burst

  3. 民族地区财政决策目标的确立

    The Establishment of the Target of Financial Policy Making in Minority Regions

  4. 我国教育财政决策机制的路径分析

    Analyzing the Path of Mechanism of Decision-Making on Educational Finance In China

  5. 民族地区财政决策的目标直接影响着其财政决策的机制与效率,受民族区域经济发展水平和社会现实的制约。

    The target of financial policy making will directly influence the system of financial policy making and its efficiency .

  6. 地方政府公共财政决策效率的高低,直接影响着我国社会经济的各个方面。

    The rate of the efficiency of local government policy making in public finance directly influences various aspects of China social economies .

  7. 财政决策机制是国家为了有效处理财政事务,对决策权力进行分配并确定决策程序、规则、方式的根本制度。

    The financial decision-making mechanism is the basic system that a country in order to handle the financial business effectively , carry on the assignment and determine the procedure , the rule and the way of decision-making .

  8. 笔者对县级政府或有负债的界定以及实证分析是本文的创新之处,有助于准确清醒地判断和把握目前县级政府的或有负债形势,提高财政决策的科学性。

    The defining and the evidential analyzing of the contingent liabilities of town government contributes to the judging and controlling the present situation of the contingent liabilities precisely and clearly , as to which would improve the fiscal decision scientifically .

  9. 财政政策决策的主体&预算决策同样适宜于前述两种参与类型。

    The main part of fiscal policy decision-making & budgetary decision-making is suitable for the aforementioned two kinds of participation too .

  10. 世界上许多政府或是在考虑、或是在进行财政和决策制定权向次国家政府的分权改革。

    Many governments throughout the world are either contemplating or engaging in decentralization of fiscal and decision making powers to sub-national governments .

  11. 公共教育财政支出决策权配置格局影响着公共教育财政支出的决策行为选择与公共教育财政资金的流向,决定着财政支出公共性能否实现及其实现的程度。

    The new pattern of the decision-making rights to the disposition of public educational financial fund affects people 's choice behavior , influences the finance policy .

  12. 当前的危机局势要求各国财政预算决策必须与欧洲中央银行的货币政策保持步调一致。

    The current crisis illustrates that fiscal decisions made at the state level need to be in harmony with monetary decisions made by the EU central bank .

  13. 今天,我们做出有利于长期财政整顿的决策,政策制定者就能避免一场突发的、可能危及经济复苏的财政紧缩。

    By taking decisions today that lead to fiscal consolidation over a longer horizon , policymakers can avoid a sudden fiscal contraction that could put the recovery at risk .

  14. 运用群决策方法,确定财政风险控制决策的总体目标和任务,提出了基于总任务的群体决策模型,对财政决策成员的群体决策进行一致化处理。

    According to the evaluating result of finance risk , the mission and target of the decision are all made out . A model is proposed to concentrate group members ' decisions into a unify decision .

  15. 第三部分,对于该乡行政成本形成现状的原因进行归纳总结,从人员素质、财政控制、决策体制和监督机制四个方面说明该乡的行政成本偏高的原因。

    The third part , Summed up the reasons of the current situation , from personnel quality , financial control , decision-making system and supervision mechanism of four aspects , find out the reason of higher administrative cost .

  16. 根据欧盟条约的精神就稳定和增长条约而言财政事务上的决策权隶属由各国政府组成的欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)。

    The spirit of the EU treaty suggests that , as for the stability and growth pact , the final say in fiscal matters must belong to the European Council , which groups national governments .

  17. 财政支出的优化决策模型研究

    Model research on the optimize decision of financial payout

  18. 第一个问题的答案是,欧元区财政危机让英国决策者受到震动而变得清醒。

    The answer to the first question is that the British policymaking elite was shocked into sobriety by the eurozone fiscal crisis .

  19. 政府预算不仅是政府财政支出的基本决策工具,而且是市场对政府经济行为进行监督和规范的一个基本手段。

    The government budget is not only a basic decision tool of expenditure of government public finance , but also the basic means by which the market supervises and standardizes the government economic behavior .

  20. 以数理经济学的方法,从宏观经济模型出发,对宏观经济动态系统的平衡增长轨道进行了讨论,推导出最优财政支出的量化决策比率,为政府的决策提供了参考依据。

    This text , based on macroeconomic model , discuss to the balance growth track of the microscopically economic front system with the economics method of mathematics and physics , and derives the quantization decision rate of paying the optimum expenditure .

  21. 宏观经济预测、财政风险评估与财政风险控制决策研究

    Study on Macro Economy Forecast , Public Finance Risk Evaluation and Public Finance Risk Control Decision

  22. 与此相适应,构建规范化的公共财政制度、地方政府财政支农资金科学决策以及管理制度应给予必要的重视。

    Adapting with this , constructs standardized public financial system , the local authority finance supporting agriculture fund macro-scientific policy-making as well as the control system should give the essential value .

  23. 如何把大量财政业务数据信息转化为结构化知识,提高财政决策和管理的效率,财政部门及时响应能力,是一个关键问题。

    So a critical problem is how to translate FOD into structure knowledge to elevate efficiency of financial decision-making and rapid responding capability to financial branch of government .

  24. 在对现实决策权配置格局的理性分析的基础上,构建了适应公共教育财政需要的、新的公共教育财政支出的决策权配置格局;

    Through the analysis of realistic structure of decision disposition rights , the author tries to build a new structure to adapt to public educational financial fund disposition .

  25. 开展公共财政绩效评估是加强财政监督、提高公共财政支出管理决策水平的重要举措。

    Evaluating financial expenditure performance is an important measure to strengthen financial supervision and to promote ability of decision making .

  26. 本文的研究不仅可以丰富财政支持新农村建设效应理论,而且还可以深化对财政影响农村经济社会发展的认识,为扩大财政投入、优化财政支出结构和决策等提供支撑和依据。

    This study can not only enrich the theory of effects of financial support for the new rural construction , but deepen the understanding of financial impact on the rural economic and social development as well .