
  • 网络financial financing
  1. 基于此,本文提出了财政融资政策的概念。

    On the base of this , we have put forward the concept of the financial financing policy .

  2. 彩票业在许多国家被称为软财政、准税收,在筹集资金、财政融资方面发挥着相当重要的作用。

    Lottery industry in many countries , known as " soft financial ", " quasi-taxes " in the fund-raising , financial financing played a very significant role .

  3. 本文主要是运用信息有限性和融资优序理论,根据融资方式中的财政融资、内部融资、债权融资和股票融资分析了F水务公司的融资策略,并且分析了各自的风险,提出风险防范措施。

    This paper mainly uses information limited and pecking order theory , according to the financing mode of financing , internal financing , debt financing and stock financing analysis of F Water Service Company financing strategy , and analyzed their risk , put forward risk prevention measures .

  4. 依靠政府财政融资并不能支撑规模巨大的公租房建设。

    Rely on government financial resources can not support large-scale construction of public rental .

  5. 财政融资、信贷融资和资本市场融资三种融资方式实际上也存在着对市场进行细分和市场定位的问题。

    In addition , there are some problems in market subdivision and market position among these three financing methods .

  6. 可采用的融资模式包括财政融资、债权融资、项目融资和社会捐款。

    At the same time , the possible financing models include fiscal financing , debt financing , and project financing and social donations .

  7. 一方面:它是政府财政融资的重要工具,是政府除税收外的主要资金来源。

    On one hand : it is the important measure of government financing , and government 's main capital source besides tax revenue .

  8. 首先,在融资方式上,对税收的额外负担效应进行比较可知,由于自来水是人们基本生活需要,其需求弹性小,因此,税收融资所产生的负效应要小于财政融资。

    Firstly , the negative effect of tax financing is less than it in the fiscal financing , because the demand elasticity on water was small .

  9. 多年来,政府多通过政府财政融资的渠道来满足大多数公共工程项目对资金的巨大的需求。

    For many years , the main investor of the public engineering projects , whose beneficial target are the public , is the government through fiscal financing and investment .

  10. 其是否追求盈利,决定了其不同的经营方针和经营模式,这是财政融资与市场化融资的分野所在,也是开发性金融与政策性金融的根本区别。

    Pursuing profit or not is the main determinant of its management policy and pattern , the divergence between fiscal and market financing , and the basic difference between development-oriented and policy-oriented financing .

  11. 与财政融资对实体经济的促进作用不断增强相比,无论是金融中介还是金融市场对实体经济的促进都有逐渐弱化的趋势,虚拟经济与实体经济正日渐脱离;

    Compared with the increasingly enhanced promotion impact of fiscal financing upon physical economy , there is increasingly weaker trend in promotion impact of whether financial intermediaries or of financial market . Virtual and physical economies are in gradual departure .

  12. 当时,日本央行(boj)通过印刷钞票为大规模财政扩张融资。

    At the time , the Bank of Japan financed a large fiscal expansion by printing money .

  13. 中国财政投融资体制改革研究

    The Study on System Reformation of Chinese Fiscal Investment and Loan

  14. 我国教育财政投融资的实证研究

    The Positive Research of Financial Investment and Financing of Our Country

  15. 财政投融资制度适用性分析

    The Applicability Analysis for the Fiscal Investment and Financing System

  16. 财政投融资&助推东北经济起飞

    Fiscal Investment and Loan Program & Helping the Economy of Northeast Fly

  17. 关于财政投融资范畴的认识

    Viewpoints on the Concept of Fiscal Investment and Loan Program

  18. 日本财政投融资制度改革刍议

    A Preliminary Review on the Reform of Fiscal Loan System in Japan

  19. 第二部分论述了财政投融资相关的理论基础。

    The second part discusses the related theory of fiscal investment and loan .

  20. 最后介绍中国现行经济运行环境中实施财政投融资的重要意义。

    Finally introduces the necessity and importance in current economic environment in China .

  21. 然而各国政府也可能依靠这样的购买来为财政赤字融资。

    But governments could come to rely on such purchases to finance budget deficits .

  22. 美国财政投融资体制的特点主要是投资来源的多渠道化;

    The system of American Financial investment and circulation mainly has the following features .

  23. 中国国有资本财政投融资体制的缺陷与矫正

    The Defects of the State Financial Capital Investment and Fund-raising System and Its Rectification

  24. 第四部分介绍了我国财政投融资体系现存的问题。

    The fourth part describes the existing problems of financial investment and loan system .

  25. 从现在到明年,意大利和西班牙都会成功为财政赤字融资。

    Italy and Spain will both manage to fund their fiscal deficits until next year .

  26. 完善财政筹融资体系;

    Fouth , consummating the banking system ;

  27. 财政投融资是一个同财政、金融有着密切联系的独特经济范畴。

    Financial investment and circulation is a particular economic category which is closely linked with finance .

  28. 第三部分阐述财政投融资的一般内涵、特征及必要性。

    The third part describes the general content , features and necessity of the financial investment and loan .

  29. 因此,这种架构应建立在明确划分货币、财政和融资政策职责的基础之上。

    Such a structure should therefore be based on clearly delineated responsibilities for monetary , fiscal and funding policy .

  30. 在市场经济中,财政投融资具有动态的内涵界定和独特的功能定位。

    In the market-oriented economy , financial investment and fund-raising system has its dynamic connotation definition and its special function orientation .