
  • 网络fiscal equalization
  1. 转移支付的财政均等化效果实证分析

    The Experimental Analysis of Fiscal Equalization Effect of Transfers

  2. 在第五部分析了政府转移支付中存在的不足;最后,为进一步规范政府间转移支付、实现财政均等化目标提出一些建议。

    Section 5 argues the existing problems on the intergovernmental transfer payments . Finally , there makes some suggestions .

  3. 有限政府与财政服务均等化

    Limited Government and the Equalization of Public Finance Services

  4. 第三,构建一个较为符合山东西部县乡财政实际的均等化转移支付制度。

    Third , to build an actual transfer payment model in line with the western Shandong county and township fiscal equalization .

  5. 政府间财政竞争与均等化就是其中重要的政府行为。

    Intergovernmental fiscal competition and equalization are important behaviors of governments and their effects on the formation of the intergovernmental fiscal relation are prominent .

  6. 也即,尽管财政支出的均等化对社会保障、基础设施及环境保护方面的公平性效果比较明显,但对医疗卫生、基础教育和科学技术方面的逆向调节作用未得到有效的体现。

    That is , that despite the equal access to the fiscal expenditure for social security , infrastructure and environment protection the fairness of the more obvious effects , but for health care , education and science and technology based on the reverse adjust action not been effectively reflect .

  7. 既得利益与财政转移支付的均等化效应分析

    Analysis of Vested Interests and Equalized Affection of Financial Transfer Payment among Governments in China

  8. 公共财政实现义务教育均等化是农村税费改革的必然要求也是建设社会主义和谐社会的必然趋势。

    Public finance realizing compulsory education equalization is the inevitable demand of rural tax and fee reform the inevitable trend of constructing harmonious socialist society .

  9. 实现财政公共卫生支出均等化的方式有:统筹区域协调发展,健全卫生财政制度,引导资金跨区域流动。

    The way of achieving financial public health expenditure equalization are to arrange regional coordinated development , improve the health financing system , and boot money trans-regional flow .

  10. 管理层收购中的财富转移与中小股东利益保护既得利益与财政转移支付的均等化效应分析

    The Wealth Transfer Effect in MBO and Protection for Benefits of Small Shareholder Analysis of Vested Interests and Equalized Affection of Financial Transfer Payment among Governments in China

  11. 财政转移支付作为政府间财政关系的核心内容,是实现财政均等化的重要工具。

    The fiscal transfer payment is the centre of intergovernmental fiscal relations and a powerful fiscal arrangement that equal distribute the financial resources .

  12. 财政转移支付制度建立的目的首先是为了实现各级政府间财政支付能力的均等化,其次是实现经济均衡发展,最后是实现社会公平。

    Financial transfer payment system is the first purpose of the establishment of the government at all levels in order to achieve the financial capacity to pay equal , followed by the realization of balanced economic development , and finally the realization of social justice .