
  1. 它的应用范围从能源和财政预测到图像、文本和语音分析,以及机器人控制和卫星监测等。

    Its applications range from forecast of energy source and finance to analysis of picture , text and voice , and robot control and satellite survey .

  2. 此外,遗传算法以其强大的空间搜索能力,在函数优化、机器人技术、控制、规划、设计、组合优化、图像处理、人工生命、财政预测等方面得到了广泛的应用。

    In addition , Genetic algorithm with its strong space search capacity is applied to optimize function , robot technology , control , programming , design , image disposal aspects and so on widely .

  3. 实验结果证实该方法在地方财政收入预测中是有效可行的。

    Experimental results demonstrated the availability and feasibility of the model in local financial revenue forecasting .

  4. 它在无线通信、图像处理、生物医学、语音处理、雷达、地球物理信号处理、财政金融预测等诸多领域都有广泛的应用前景,具有很高的实用性和研究价值。

    There are many applications of blind source separation such as wireless communications , image processing , biomedicine , speech processing , radar , geophysical signal processing , fiscal and financial forecasts and so on .

  5. 至于IMF对其它国家财政状况的预测是否同样过于乐观,我就不清楚了。

    Whether it is equally over-optimistic about other countries ' fiscal positions I do not know .

  6. 不过,在英国广播公司(BBC)的《今日》(Today)节目上,贾伟德表示“(财政部的预测中)最令人担心的是逾50万个工作岗位的流失”。

    But speaking on the BBC Today programme , Mr Javid said " most worryingly of all [ the Treasury predicts ] a loss of over 500000 jobs . "

  7. 本文试图运用国际经济理论和分析方法,建立一种地方财政收入的预测模型(季节性ARIMA),以期对地方财政收入做出准确、有效的分析和预测。

    This article tries to use international economic theory and analyzing method to build a predicting model ( seasonal ARIMA ), which is expected to analyzing and predict district public revenue precisely and effectively .

  8. 2006~2010年越南财政预算收入预测

    An Estimate of Vietnam 's Revenues in its Fiscal Budget from 2006 to 2010

  9. 财政收支的预测与控制

    Forecast and Control of Regional Revenue and Expenditure

  10. 构建一种地方财政收入的预测模型

    Building a Model of Predicting District Public Revenue

  11. 英国财政部的预测再一次比其它机构都要乐观,因此错的也更离谱。

    At the Treasury , they were again more optimistic than anyone , and thus more wrong than anyone .

  12. 在亚洲危机之后,他想让财政部对预测金融危机做好更充分的准备,从而能够设法阻止它们,她说。

    After the Asian crisis , he wanted the Treasury department to be better prepared for predicting financial crises so that we could work on preventing them , she says .

  13. 但与实践的要求相比,地方政府财政风险的预测与防范制度框架建设现在还处于模糊状态。

    But compared with the practical requirement , the frame construction of the prediction for local government financial risk and the prevention system is still in the fuzzy state now .

  14. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。

    The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending .

  15. AR模型样本插值及其分析&我国2002年财政收入增长速度预测

    Sample Interpolation in AR Model and Its Analysis

  16. 伊恩•邓肯•史密斯(IainDuncanSmith)表示:“过去财政部在其预测上一贯出错。这份财政部文件并不是一份诚实的评估,而是一种对未来有极大偏见的看法,任何人都不该相信它。”

    Iain Duncan Smith said : " The Treasury has consistently got its predictions wrong in the past . This Treasury document is not an honest assessment but a deeply biased view of the future and it should not be believed by anyone . "

  17. 地方财政一般预算收入预测模型及实证分析

    Forecasting Model and Empirical Research on the General Budget Revenue of Regional Finance

  18. 财政收入的组合预测

    Combination Forecasting for Financial Revenue

  19. 财政赤字的核心预测往往会被广泛接受,只是因为这样更方便。

    The central forecast of the budget deficit tends to be universally accepted . It just seems simpler that way .

  20. 一个财政分析研究所预测在今年到未来2012年的的平均收入,经考虑通货膨胀情况调整后,将下降3%。

    An Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis predicted that average incomes , adjusted for inflation , will fall by3 % this year and further in2012 .

  21. 可以说明这一点的是,经合组织对经常账户余额和财政收支余额的预测暗示,私营部门的收支余额已发生巨变。

    This is suggested by the huge shifts in the balance between private sector incomes and spending implied by OECD forecasts for current account and fiscal balances .

  22. 此外,英国的财政规定或程序已不再可信,而与此同时,对于自己领导下的政府所做出的财政预测的含义,英国首相正矢口否认。

    Furthermore , the UK no longer has credible fiscal rules or procedures , while the prime minister is denying the implications of his own government 's fiscal projections .

  23. 针对财政投资的季节性特点,以系统动力学的观点为依据,运用X-11ARIMA季节调整的模型预测技术,建立了季节性财政投资分析和预测模型。

    Aiming to seasonal investment character , basing on theories and methods of system dynamics and applying the model of seasonal dynamic analysis and forecast using X-11 ARIMA technology , the model of seasonal dynamic analysis and forecast of financial investment is established .