
  • 网络fiscal integration
  1. 但这需要更高程度的财政一体化,这必须分阶段逐步实现。

    But that would require greater fiscal integration . It would have to be phased in gradually .

  2. 公平地说,峰会朝着更紧密的财政一体化迈出了温和的步骤,这的确算是好消息。

    To be fair , it is good news that even modest steps were taken towards closer fiscal integration .

  3. 这次的债券为创建欧元区共同债券和推进欧元区财政一体化,做了一次绝好的广告。

    This bond is a great advert for creating a eurozone common bond and pushing ahead with more fiscal integration .

  4. 现在,欧洲需要展现出决心,加强财政一体化,推动避免道德风险和巩固财政责任的治理措施。

    Now it needs to demonstrate commitment to greater fiscal integration and governance arrangements that avoid moral hazard and entrench fiscal responsibility .

  5. 有些方案可能听上去不错,但如果没有真正的财政和货币一体化,这些方案就难以落到实处。

    Some of the solutions expected to be presented have merit , but they cannot realistically be implemented unless there is true fiscal and monetary integration .

  6. 要实现财政和货币一体化,欧元区核心成员德国必须愿意无条件地承担外围国家债务。

    For this to happen , the core eurozone members , namely Germany , must be willing to take on the debts of the periphery nations with no caveats .

  7. 本文力图通过这种学习借坚、对比剖析,发现铁岭市财政管理信息一体化建设中的问题,寻求有利于良性发展的对策和建议。

    This paper tries to this learning reference , comparative analysis , found the city of Tieling financial management information integration problems , seek to benign development countermeasures and suggestions .

  8. 一方面,我们在经济和财政方面的一体化程度将有所提高;另一方面,政府间合作将非常普遍,特别是在外交事务和国防方面。

    On one hand , we will have more economic and fiscal integration ; on the other , intergovernmental co-operation , especially in foreign affairs and defence , will prevail .

  9. 但在如今,经济社会迅猛发展,信息技术日臻完善,与发达城市相比,铁岭市财政管理信息一体化建设显得稚嫩和年轻,有太多的不足。

    But now , the rapid development of economy and society , information technology is becoming perfect , compared with the developed city , Tieling city finance management information integration construction appear fresh and young , not too much .

  10. 马斯特里赫特条约(Maastrichttreaty)限制了欧洲的联邦预算赤字;财政部门未能实现一体化则造成货币政策(特别是量化宽松政策)难以管理。

    The Maastricht Treaty puts limits on federal budget deficits in Europe while the absence of a unified treasury makes monetary policy ( QE policies in particular ) difficult to administer .

  11. 第二部分是对财政政策在城乡一体化中的现状进行分析。

    The second part analysis the current situation fiscal policy in urban-rural integration .

  12. 英国四个地区在公共政策和财政方面的深度一体化,意味着英国议会所做的决策中,只有极少一部分不是影响整个英国的。

    The deep integration of public policy and finances across the nations means there are precious few decisions taken at Westminster that do not have an impact throughout the UK .

  13. 最后,在眼下的危机结束后,整个欧洲将立刻需进行新的影响深远的财政干预和控制,这实际上等同于朝着经济和财政一体化方向迈进一大步。

    Finally , once the immediate crisis has passed , far-reaching new fiscal interventions and controls will be needed across the whole of Europe that , in effect , will amount to a further major step towards economic and fiscal union .

  14. 这个部分是从财政支出与财政收入着手,分析财政支出与财政收入在城乡一体化中的现状,并对这些现状进行分析。

    This part begins as the financial expenditure and revenue , analysis of financial expenditure and revenue in the current situation in the urban-rural integration , and analysis these situation .

  15. 过于注重实行财政紧缩,继续执行不完善的救市计划,拒绝制定财政和银行业一体化的明确方案(单一货币区需要这个方案才能存在下去):这些都是欧元区濒临危机的原因。

    The overwhelming focus on austerity ; the succession of half-baked rescue plans ; the refusal to lay out a clear path for the fiscal and banking integration that is needed for the single currency to survive : these too are reasons why the euro is so close to catastrophe .

  16. 第一部分是对城乡一体化与财政政策的相关理论分析,在这一部分中,主要介绍财政政策与城乡一体化的内涵、它们之间的关系,以及城乡一体化中财政政策的内容和作用。

    The first part is the theoretical analysis about the urban-rural integration and fiscal policy , in this section , it mainly introduces connotation and relationship between fiscal policy , and the content and function of fiscal policy on urban-rural integration .

  17. 财政部门着力在系统内纵向推行财政预算绩效管理,要求各级财政部门在财政管理一体化的前提下,按照干部管理权限加强对财政干部的管理。

    The financial departments focus on the implementation of performance management system within the longitudinal financial budget , financial departments at all levels in the premise requirement of financial management integration , the cadre management authority to strengthen the financial management of cadres in accordance with .

  18. 这位财政大臣还敦促欧元区领导人考虑欧元债券或其它形式的担保等解决方案,并完善经济管治。他提出,货币联盟的无情逻辑是提高财政一体化程度。

    The chancellor also urged leaders in the euro area to consider solutions such as eurobonds or other forms of guarantees as well as improved economic governance , arguing that the remorseless logic of monetary union was greater fiscal integration .