
  • 网络financial source construction
  1. 阜新市财源建设的关键问题

    Key problems of financial source construction in Fuxin

  2. 对天水市财源建设情况的调查分析

    On Survey and Analysis of Tianshui citys Construction of Financial Resources

  3. 第二部分,财源建设的相关理论。

    Chapter 2 , the theories of fiscal revenue resources construction .

  4. 云南省德宏州财源建设初探

    Probe into Financial Construction in Dehong Prefecture in Yunnan Province

  5. 对定西市乡镇财源建设的思考

    On Financial Resources Construction of Villages and Towns in Dingxi

  6. 第三部分,北京市财源建设的实证分析。

    Chapter 3 , empirically analyzing of Beijing fiscal revenue resources construction .

  7. 延边地方财源建设工程的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Yanbian 's Local Financial Resources Building Project

  8. 在公共财政下加强农村财源建设

    Strengthening the Construction of Rural Finance Source Under Public Finance

  9. 试论市场经济条件下地方财源建设

    On Local Financial Resources Under Conditions of Market-oriented Economy

  10. 小城镇发展与乡镇财源建设&洛阳市乡镇财源建设调查

    Developing Financial Resources for Small Cities and Towns

  11. 振兴东北老工业基地形势下的黑龙江省财源建设

    Promotes under the Northeast Old Industrial Base Situation Heilongjiang Province Source of Wealth Construction

  12. 地方财源建设是地方经济发展战略的重要组成之一。

    Local finance source construction is an important composition of the strategy of local economic development .

  13. 贫困县财源建设初步研究

    Financial Construction of counties in Poverty

  14. 加强贫困县财源建设是实施西部大开发战略的关键之一。

    It is one of the important strategies developing the West to strengthen the financial construction of impoverished counties .

  15. 而在现阶段,县级政府改善财政状况应靠自身加强财源建设。

    In this stage , the county government should strengthen the financial resources on its own building to improve its financial position .

  16. 以德宏州为例,旨在探讨一条边疆少数民族地区地方财源建设之路。

    Taking Dehong prefecture as an example , this paper aims to probe a way into the financial construction in minority border areas .

  17. 财源建设是增加财政收入的根本所在,同时也是促进经济增长的间接推动力。

    Sources of revenue are the root of the increase of financial revenue , but also the indirect driving force for economic growth .

  18. 其次,在此基础上介绍产业选择相关理论,并结合桂林市的实际情况确定桂林市地方财源建设中产业选择的关联分析模型;

    Secondly the theories of industries choosing are introduced , integrating with the reality of Guilin , to determine the model of correlating analysis .

  19. 本文以湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州(以下简称湘西州)为例,研究贫困地区地方财源建设问题,具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    This thesis takes Xiangxi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan Province as an example to explore the building of the local financial resources of the poverty-stricken areas .

  20. 具体而言,可以把完善税制结构、推进费税改革、加强税收征管作为突破口,促进财源建设,增加可支配财力。

    In details , we can promote the exchequer construction and increase dominating financial funds by improving the tax system structure , advancing the tax reform and enforcing the tax management .

  21. 本文主要研究桂林市地方财源建设中产业选择及产业关联分析,重点是桂林市地方财源结构的产业关联分析。

    Industries choosing and industries relationship analysis in the regional fiscal resource construction of Guilin are the main purposes of this article , and the industries relationship analysis is particularly stressed .

  22. 从分税制框架下的财源建设理论以及西方的财政分权理论入手,系统介绍财源与财源建设的理论体系。

    Introduce the theory system of fiscal revenue resources construction systematically starting with the fiscal revenue resources construction theories under the framework of tax distribution system and the Western fiscal decentralization theories .

  23. 随后从深层次上分析造成怀宁县财源建设问题的原因,指出怀宁县财源建设所存在的问题不光有财政体制上的原因,还有自身的原因。

    Then analysed the reason of the question of Huaining county financial resources construction from the deep , the question not only had financial institutional reasons , but also had its own reasons .

  24. 经济增长、财政收入、财源建设之间存在着相互关联的联系,财源建设手段是增加财政收入的根本所在,同时也是促进经济增长的间接推动力。

    There is interrelated links between economic growth , effective means of building financial resources is the fundament to increase fiscal revenue , and also the indirect driving force to promote economic growth .

  25. 重庆市市辖42个区县、969个乡镇,财源建设一直都是一个重要问题,国内生产总值对地方财政收入的贡献也还不够稳定。

    Chongqing Municipality administration has 42 counties , 969 townships , and construction financing has always been an important issue , the gross domestic product of the local revenue contribution is still not stable enough .

  26. 在此理论体系下,具体分析了桂林市十一五期间工业财源建设的基本情况,分别从宏观和微观层面剖析了财源的规模、分级情况以及结构对工业税收的影响。

    In this theoretical system , the paper analyzes the scale and grading of financial resources as well as the structure of industrial tax from the macro and micro level during the " Eleventh . Five-Year " .

  27. 振兴县级财政要树立市场观念,转变用财观念,明确县级方向,强化管理,建立健全县级财政财源建设的项目与资金管理体系。

    The paper puts forward some countermeasures to increase county level finance : establishing the concept of market , stressing main tasks , strengthening management , building and improving the projects of financial sources , and fund controlling system as well .

  28. 贫困地区地方财源建设是确保贫困地区国民经济健康持续发展的基础,也是全面建设小康社会与和谐社会的可靠保证。

    The local financial resource construction of the poverty-stricken areas is the basis to ensure the healthy and enduring development of the local economy of the poverty-stricken areas and also the reliable guarantee of the overall building of a well-to-do and harmonious society .

  29. 此外,本文针对这些问题对其成因进行了深刻的剖析,认为桂林市工业经济规模、生产要素、发展环境、工业结构以及科学技术是制约其工业财源建设的重要因素。

    In addition , the light of these problems causes a deep analysis that the industrial economies of scale , factors of production , development environment , industrial structure , and science and technology constraint the construction of the Guilin industrial sources of income .

  30. 财源建设与经济增长之间存在着相互依存、相互制约的关系,财源建设的根本目的就是发展地方经济,促进财政增收,从而实现经济与财政的良性互动。

    There is interdependence and mutual restrict relationship between the financial resources building and economic growth , the fundamental purpose of financial resources building is to develop the local economy , promote fiscal revenue in order to achieve the positive interaction of economic and financial .