
  1. 本文从三个方面对我国公共财政法律体系的完善进行了研究。

    In this paper , three aspects of the improvement of the legal system of Public Finance have been studied .

  2. 在内容方面,社会权力的勃兴促进了服务行政制度的确立,主要包括社会公共财政法律体系和社会保障法律体系。

    In terms of content , the flourishing of social power promotes the establishment of service administrative system , mainly including community legal system , public finance and social security legal system .

  3. 第一部分国外公共财政法律体系及其对我国的借鉴。

    The first part is the " Legal System of Public Finance and Foreign Reference to China . " This section focuses on the legal system of Public Finance of the United States and Japan .

  4. 再次,总结了美国转移支付制度、日本的地方交付金制度、澳大利亚的分税制、德国的财政法律体系等国内外经验。

    Thirdly , this paper has summed up the international financial experiences of the transfer payment system in the United States , the local delivery of payment system in Japan , the tax system in Australia , and the legal system in German .

  5. 分析了国外发达国家农业科研、推广和教育财政支持法律体系的优点,对于我国都有很大的借鉴作用。

    First analyzes the legal system of these countries in the agricultural research , extension and education subsidies .

  6. 本文从健全财政监督法律体系、健全财政监督机构、构筑财政监督网络体系等方面提出了加强财政监督的构想。

    To enhance finance monitoring , the paper puts forward some ideas in terms of perfecting the law system of finance monitoring , perfecting the institutions of finance monitoring , establishing the network of finance monitoring and so forth .

  7. 作为新农村建设的基础依托,完善的农村社会保障体系应是非均衡、家庭保障与社会保障相结合、公共财政适度支撑、法律体系完备且与相关涉农政策相配套的新体系。

    An established system of rural social security should be one of unbalancedness , combining social security with household security and moderate support from public finance and featuring self-contained legal system matched with corresponding agriculture policy .

  8. 本文从重塑财政法律主体地位,建立健全财政监督法律法规体系,优化财政监督运行的法律环境等方面,提出对强化财政监督的一些看法。

    According to resetting the legal entity status of finance , establishing and improving the legislation of financial supervising and bettering the legal surrounding of financial operating , the writers review how to strengthen the financial supervising .

  9. 主要涉及与财政转移支付相关的配套制度改革、财政转移支付法律体系、实体内容、专门机构和监督机制。

    The forum mainly related to supporting reform 、 law system 、 specific contents 、 specialized agencies and monitoring and tracking mechanisms on fiscal transfer payment .

  10. 首先,文章旗帜鲜明的树立了完善我国突发公共事件财政法律制度的两大目标:促进我国突发公共事件财政法律制度体系化以及有效控制、减轻和消除突发公共事件引起的社会危害。

    Firstly , the article clearly set up two major goals to improve public emergencies financial legal system : to promote the systematization of public emergencies financial legal system and to effectively control , reduce and eliminate public emergencies caused social harm .

  11. 在我国,围绕公共财政体系建设,近年来颁行了一些财政法律法规,初步形成了与市场经济要求相适应的财政法律体系。这对于实现财政的职能具有十分重要的意义。

    In recent years , our government has issued several fiscal laws and regulations to form initially the legal system of fiscal supervision meeting the demands of market economy , which is vital to realization of the fiscal functions .

  12. 在剖析现行财政监督法律依据建设中存在问题的同时,提出了加强财政监督法治建设,建立完善的走向绿色发展的财政监督法律体系的建议和设想。

    It analyzes the existing problems in the construction of legal basis of fiscal supervision , and put forward the suggestion of establishing improved legal system of fiscal supervision applicable to the green development strategy in our country .